The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 63 Analyzing the Inner Monologue

"what happened?"

"I heard that the tin workshop exploded! It was so loud!"

"What? My son is also working in the tin workshop!"

All kinds of sounds on the street passed to Qin Jue's ears. He seemed to hear it, but he didn't seem to hear it.

He tried his best to run towards the tin workshop, but his heart was beating extremely slowly, and various images flashed in his mind involuntarily. It felt like he was dreaming...


"Your Highness, will you come with me for the rest of the journey?"

"Okay... I know my position in your heart. You only have hatred in your heart without me."

"...I never thought you would come back to me."

"The Qin Jue I see right now is just a corpse controlled by hatred?"


Xie Linlang's various expressions flashed before his eyes, but in the end it was frozen in yesterday.

Yesterday, affected by the news brought back by Dong Qi, he remembered the past and felt hatred in his heart, so he practiced sword all day long!

She saw it when she came back, and said that it was rare to leave work early, and she wanted to take him to the temple fair with the young people in the city, and make a few more friends along the way.

But he was so depressed that he just said that he didn't want to go to such a crowded place and refused.

At that time, she was not angry, but just said softly, "Don't you ever get in touch with strangers? Why do you need to close yourself like this and keep people away from people thousands of miles away?"

He asked back, "Why contact unnecessary people?"

His words may be taken for granted, which made her a little stunned. Then she walked up to him and asked seriously.

"Then your closed heart, did you accept me?"

This is actually a very easy question to answer. Even if he is indifferent to everyone, even if he is all focused on revenge, but she is Xie Linlang, how could he not accept her?

But the moment she approached, he felt the inexplicable tension and threat again, so that he fell silent and didn't say anything.

He saw that Xie Linlang's expression became a little bit disappointed, and then he left sullenly.

After that, he kept asking himself, why didn't he tell her immediately that she was important?

It's not her fault that he gets nervous when she gets close to him!

So today, he ran more than half of the city to buy her favorite snacks and came back. He wanted to wait for her to come home, to be soft, and the two would get back together.

But unexpectedly, what was waiting was the news of the tin workshop explosion.

When he got close, he could already see the thick smoke rising into the sky and the bursting flames.

Only at this moment did he suddenly understand that even though she had said that she would be with him forever, no one could predict how far away it would be forever.

If there were some words that were not said at that time, it is very likely that I would never have the chance to say them in my life...

"Quick! Move quickly! Mr. Xie is still inside!"

"How many people are there?"

"No, not much, Mr. Xie said that the new fuel might be dangerous, so we all came out, only him and Master Yan were inside..."

Qin Jue walked towards the collapsed direction in a daze when he heard the words. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from under the ruins, and the stone pestle exploded again, injuring everyone who was digging that piece!

For a while, the ground was wailing, and a strong smell of tar came from under the stone platform, with a faint fire, so that everyone dared not approach it, for fear that it would explode again.

At this time, someone was sitting on the edge of the ruins clutching his wound and crying, "Half the kiln has exploded, Mr. Xie can't be alive..."

As soon as he said this, there were more people crying in the crowd!

Xiangcheng finally came to have such a parent officer, seeing that life is getting better day by day, and life is getting more and more exciting... Why is their backbone gone if they say they are gone?

The sky gradually darkened, but the flames in the ruins became brighter and brighter. Everyone wanted to approach but dared not. Only Qin Jue was digging.

After a while, the Anbu of the city who received his order also came. They pushed through the crowd and came to Qin Jue's side, and then carefully moved the stone pestle away with various tools.

Qin Jue's expression was very cold and serious throughout the whole process, obviously everyone around was mourning, and even Anbu who came over had a look of regret, but he was the only one who was not at all unstable, and kept repeating mechanical movements.

One of his subordinates came forward to persuade, "Your Highness, there is fire oil under here, you are a body of gold, so stop digging, let us come!"

Hearing this, Qin Jue remembered to tear off the hem of the robe that got in the way, and then tied up his sleeves to continue.

Seeing that they couldn't be persuaded, everyone stopped persuading and just focused on cleaning up.

Elder Huang, who rushed over after hearing the wind, saw Qin Jue's appearance at this time, and after being stunned, he couldn't help but burst into tears!

When the empress suddenly committed suicide, Qin Jue did the same. He didn't cry or vent. He was as calm as a puppet, and sat by the river all night holding the corpse.

After finally meeting Xie Linlang, he had a smile on his face again, and became gentle again. Why did he have to do this again all of a sudden? How can he bear it? !

Qin Jue digs calmly, his thoughts are extremely clear, the appearance of the whole tin workshop is in his mind, he is thinking, if the kiln explodes and the kerosene is ignited, where will Xie Linlang hide?

As he was thinking, he consciously dug towards the east. Gradually, blood dripped from his fingertips, but he didn't seem to realize that the movement of moving the stones didn't stop for a moment.

Seeing him like this, the ordinary people who were depressed and sobbing gradually stopped crying. Although they were still afraid of the ruins exploding, more and more people came out of the crowd and came to help Qin Jue dig together.

As more and more people cleaned up the ruins, the collapsed workshop was quickly cleared out bit by bit.

Looking at the blasted kiln stones and the crumbling boiler, everyone became more and more desperate. With such a powerful explosion, it is impossible for Mr. Xie to be alive...

If she was too close, she might have been burnt to charcoal under the influence of fire oil!

Everyone was saying that Xie Linlang was dead, and they were digging so hard just to find her body and give her a decent funeral.

These voices got into Qin Jue's ears, and then quickly dissipated.

How could she die? She is much stronger than his mother, and she is also much stronger than him. She always said that nothing in the world can defeat her. She always proudly said that she is the number one talented person in Daqin. How could she die?

While moving the stone carefully, he muttered to himself.

"Xie Linlang... Didn't you always want me to be a teacher? As long as you appear in front of me in the next second, I will let you be my teacher..."

He said, moving a boulder.

"...Xie Linlang, don't you always say that I only have hatred in my heart, only revenge? As long as you come out, I won't take hatred so seriously, okay?"

"Xie Linlang...!" He pressed his hands on a stone slab, his arms trembling uncontrollably because of the loss of strength, "...Didn't you ask if I have you in my heart?

...As long as you appear in front of me next second, I will tell you...

You have long been in my heart... I dare not say, because I only have you in my heart! "

After he finished speaking, he tried his best to lift the stone slab in front of him, only to find that it was empty under the slate. Xie Linlang curled up in this small space protecting Master Yan, looking as quiet as if he was asleep.

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