The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 195 Chapter 195. Battle of Factions

"A cinematic game."

On the car back, Li Zhen was still muttering to himself the word Xu Rui mentioned just now.

"Indeed, when I was young, I watched movies more than games. I also wanted to be the protagonist in movies and experience various adventures. But after I came into contact with games, I discovered a new world."

Hearing what his colleague said, Shishima smiled and said.

"Li Zhen, I have recently heard that some people in the industry want to integrate the expression of movies into games. To be precise, this is the long-standing desire of many game producers."


Li Zhen finds it unimaginable. Movie-like games first require extremely delicate modeling to create a more realistic environment. Secondly, it is difficult to balance the "playing" of games and watching movies. If there are too many parts, the overall plot and performance will feel fragmented, and if you watch it for too long, it will become a non-gameplay like a text adventure game.

"If it is an internal project of the company, I can understand it, but Xu Rui's first console platform game not only chose a brand new IP, but also made it independently, and even tried to surpass the existing game form, which is crazy. "

Li Zhen said that his third development department is considered to be a pretty good production team inside Suo Ren Interactive Entertainment, and is good at RPG game development. People in the console game circle like to do these miscellaneous things.

"Yes, but, Li Zhen, when Xu Rui was working on the Chuyin Video Network, some people thought he was crazy, and when he was making web games, everyone thought he was crazy. This time, did he Are you really crazy?"

Li Zhen was stunned by Shi Dao's words. Indeed, Xu Rui's previous operations were criticized and ridiculed at the beginning. The theatrical version of Girl Madoka, this animation was initially considered a childish work.

"However, even if what he said is true, the development of this game will take at least two or three years, and it needs a lot of funds. Who knows if his "Bloodborne: Curse" can last until then."

Li Zhen is still a little unconvinced, not because he has any opinions on Xu Rui himself, but because he has worked hard in the game circle for more than ten years, and finally produced several good console games. Now, Xu Rui Rui, a person who doesn't know much about games at all, wants to do things that gamers like them have never even dared to think about for more than ten years, which makes him very unconvinced.

"Indeed, it's not bad for ordinary mobile games to be able to make stable profits for half a year to one year, and most mobile games will enter a period of weakness after two years, but to be honest, there are only a handful of mobile games that can survive for two years. "

Although Shi Dao is the person in charge of the console department, he still knows the relevant industry information.

"That's why I say that "Bloodborne: Curse" has created a myth. It has been in operation for nearly a year. Not only has the game content not been fully digested, but the krypton gold turnover has remained at the level of two to three hundred million. To be honest, even if the Hatsune game is fully If we don’t update the new content, but rely on the existing activities to reproduce, we can maintain this popularity within two years.”

"real or fake?"

Li Zhen exclaimed, he remembered that it took more than half a year for "Bloodborne: Curse" from the beginning of the Hatsune game to recruit people to the opening of the server?

"So, the big bosses are quite concerned about this cooperation. If it wasn't for Xu Rui's animation animation and the music distribution department who cared a lot at the beginning, it would probably be snatched away by the hardcore software."

Shi Dao sighed. Hardcore Software has recently spent a lot of money to buy some game developers who had a good relationship with Suo Ren Mutual Entertainment. Now there are even more exclusive games on the white box host than Suo Ren’s SN. , Players have no loyalty, and they go to play wherever there are many games, which makes Suo Ren Huyu a big headache.

"Li Zhen, your team probably doesn't have any major projects recently. Then you can send a few people to Hatsune Games to assist in the development. By the way, let's see how Xu Rui wants to develop the so-called movie game."


Although he was not convinced, Li Zhen still knew that he was doing business.

Although it was very low-key, the news that Hatsune Games will make a console game leaked out.

For a while, all kinds of true and false news were flying in the sky. Some people said that Hatsune Games was going to make "Bloodborne: Curse" for the motherboard, while others said that it must be the game "Magic Girl Madoka Magica". It was twenty years too early to make a console game.

China's largest host forum, the V9 forum, has a post by Uncle Dangzai.

[Friendly player]: Console games, 3A masterpieces, require a lot of accumulation to produce. Hatsune Games has entered the industry for less than a year, and it is still a web game. I don't believe he can make it.

[Buried Mine]: This Xu Rui, he won a few pheasant awards like the Game of the Year Award, and he will be gone. Do you think he can make console games? Funny or not, he thinks he can rely on money like hardcore software How many industry masterpieces have been smashed out?

[Steamed hairy crabs]: Upstairs, what is "like hardcore software"? People spend money to make games for us, so that everyone can play low-cost games, what's wrong, I think you are Ren Suogou!

[Elite Players]: What are you doing, hardcore software is made with money, it completely destroys the market, and there is still ground for laundering?

[Spicy Sausage]: Stop for a moment, I think it is not a good thing for players to be dominated by a single player. Although the hardcore software approach is a bit rough, it will also help break the original monopoly market, and only competitive players will benefit!

However, within a few floors, the post was completely distorted to the dispute between Rensuo Huyu and Hardcore Software. Although most players have no opinions, some players prefer to play factions rather than games, especially After hardcore software game consoles gained a certain advantage, this situation became more serious. V9 did not object to opposing factions, but this could bring traffic to its forum, and the moderators were happy to see it.

However, before there was any trace of Hatsune Game's host game, Xu Rui announced another news.

That is, the sound synthesis engine will produce the third sound source library in August. At the same time, Hatsune Miku and other virtual idol series will also be registered in a mobile game developed by Hatsune Games at the same time.

This mobile game is a music rhythm game, and the name currently announced is "Hatsune Miku: The Idol Master".

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