"I can do it, I can do it...."

Walking in the black corridor, Molton kept suffocating himself.

But the nervous mood is still with him.

Among the dark passages, Morton felt numbness in his limbs, and the five senses of confusion, the loudest sound, turned out to be his own heartbeat.

In the past two decades, there is probably no moment, and the challenges are even more unsettled.

"You are going to die soon. I have killed your family after 20 seconds!"

"Come on! I bet you stick to it for two minutes!"

The lens of the black channel has just entered the entrance of the arena, and the eye-catching audience has seen him.

But the way of cheering and suffocating is obviously not very friendly. In the eyes of Molton, who is dry in the tongue, walking and walking, the face of the spectator is more and more distorted like a demon.


Suddenly, the scene of the heat was suddenly silenced, and the sound of the cool air could be heard throughout the venue.


In the next second, the laughter of the audience was detonated.

the reason?

Poor Morton, lying on the ground, is surrounded by nothing.

"How did he fall? Did you see it?"

"Oh, it’s too nervous to come in with the same foot. It’s just that you didn’t pay attention to it, was it being concealed?”

"Oh, it really is a dirty elf..."

A loud speaker has attracted the attention of many people.

"I saw that I saw it! He is... he fell to his left foot and fell his left foot! Don't ask me why, I don't know!"

"You are also, nothing else is a conspiracy of the elves, although most of the time they do not have any good intentions."

In a sense, in the face of the developed news media and news channels of this era, the reputation of the elves has long been negative, which is obviously not their pot, but because of too many previous records, the problem is also remote. Up.

But for the parties, clarification does not make sense.

The elf mage in the corner, looking at the scroll in his hand, even if the sound is loud, even lazy to see this... In the eyes of Gabriel, the farce in front of the eyes will soon end. Instead of focusing on a small shrimp that can be pinched to death, it is better to pay attention to the magic scroll that is only in hand.

Elegant to almost clean, indifferent to almost arrogant, Gabriel Rey. J. Claire is a typical upper elf, and the attitude of the upper elf to the lower person is probably not as a kind of intelligent life.

The triviality of the bird worm, what about me?

The ape of the apes is a bit noisy.

The indifferent and elegant elf mage, the thin fingers rolling on the pages of the book, just like living alone in their own world.

The other party in the duel, lying on the ground, couldn’t get up for a long time.

The more noisy venues around, the confusion in Molton's ears, it is clear at noon, the open eyes are the sun, but nothing can be seen.

The eyes were dark and the ears were noisy, and the inside of the head was a mess.

For a long time, lying on the ground, I felt the coldness of the ground, and Morton was really awake.

The dark field of vision was restored, and the sky's cabbage made all his attention instantly, and the sounds and screams around him could no longer affect him.

"......... Oh, anyway, the face is about to be thrown away. I don’t even dare to ask for it, but I’m nervous about it..."

"Morton? Are you still okay, can you fight? Morton?"

The noise in the ear can no longer interfere with yourself, and the determination to abandon everything is much earlier.

Morton slammed his cheeks hard, cheered up and stood up.

"Well, next, it’s a happy time for revenge...."

Passing through the illusory figure in front of him, the young man’s eyes turned to the other side of the arena, where is his deadly enemy! It is he who abandoned the chance of revenge.

"The **** elf, I was so despised at the beginning, nothing can hinder my revenge...."

"Morton?! You ignore me again, I will judge you to despise the referee and directly sentence you!"

Suddenly woke up, Morton only noticed the figure in front of him.... is the trade union mages wearing the Archmage Gown!

As an old referee with more than ten years of experience, as the official magistrate of the trade union, Volt was the first time to be ignored, or was ignored by a two-stage rookie, and burst on the spot.

Next, the audience was just laughing and watching the tall young man, who was about to abandon the brave gladiator who was about to make a duel. He was still glaring at the opponent, but the next moment he kept bowing to the young man of the referee. apologize.......


The corners of the eyes were not swept, and Gabriels felt that such an opponent was already an insult to himself.



"This fool."

At the same time, the same evaluation appeared in a special battle, probably a little different tone.

Luo Xia stunned his face and didn't want to see it. He had already deeply suspected that receiving such a disciple would be the biggest stain in his life.

"Is there really no problem? Rorschach, I believe in you..."

The same is not dare to see, there is also Syed Ayala, she is too big to squander the gamble, a little afraid to see the results.

The girl kept stroking her chest, and it seemed that the performance of Morton’s performance gave her a little psychological pressure. It’s good to have a heart disease at a young age.

Because of the big bet, the girl’s mentality has been very uneasy.

This conversation has been going back and forth many times. Every time she asks "such a fool/apprentice/fool/equipment, is there really no problem?"

Rorschach will subconsciously answer "the big man, no problem."

Although a little bit ignorant, but the affirmative tone of the words in the words of Syracuse can still be heard, so every time Rorschach's answer, can make her heart for a while.

But this time, after waiting for a long time, Rorschach did not give an answer.

"Hey, don't scare me, tell me that Morton will definitely win!!"

But still, there is no answer.

Probably that Rorschach is facing such a fool and can't give a definite answer.

For a long time, Rorschach finally gave an answer, a puzzling answer.

"Absolutely win? In any battle, there is no 100% chance of winning at first, but I can guarantee that Molton will never lose. It should be said that there is no way to lose."

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