"Do you have alchemy or weapon refining techniques here?" Jiang Li described the alchemy and weapon refining techniques.

"It sounds a lot like forging magic and mixing potion magic." Lance tried his best to match the alchemy and weapon refining skills.

"Forging magic belongs to the God of Fire, and magic for refining potions belongs to the God of Water. Forging magic requires strength, and magic for refining potions requires the blessing of the God of Water. I don't meet the conditions."

"But if it were you, the gods might be happy to give you skills."

Jiang Li cupped his hands towards the God of Fire: "Wei..."

Stars glowed from the statue of the God of Fire, as if to give Jiang Li skills, but before the starlight left the statue, the statue kept trembling.


The statue of the God of Fire exploded.

Jiang Li raised his hands to the God of Water again: "Please..."


The statue of the God of Water exploded directly.

Lance: "..."

Phyllis: "..."

Their small place doesn't have the energy to carve new statues.

And why do you, the old man, arch your hands in front of the statue, and the statue will explode!

Neither brother nor sister could understand the situation.

Jiang Li analyzed rationally: "It's possible that these two gods felt that I was not suitable to master the art of weapon refining and alchemy, and they were too embarrassed to refuse, so they just let the statue explode so that everyone could save face."

Lance felt that Jiang Li's analysis could not be said to be unreasonable, but could only be said to be pure nonsense.

Jiang Li put the two statues together, but still refused to give up and continued to try: "To master space magic, you need the consent of four gods. Which four are they?"

Lance pointed at the four statues carefully: "They are the four gods of earth, fire, and wind and water."

"It turns out to be the four of you."

Jiang Li shook his head and bowed.

The four statues scrambled to explode.

Jiang Li clicked his tongue, "Why don't you give me face? Is it so difficult for me to learn the way of space?"

Don't panic, you haven't tried the method of time yet, there is still a chance.

"How to master the time spell?"

Lance pondered for a moment: "Time magic is the most difficult. In history, only two adventurers have received the gift. These two adventurers are the sons of Heaven and are favored by all the gods. They prayed in front of the statue of the Imperial Capital for blessings from the seven gods. Finally, I got the ultimate skill - Freeze Time. Using 'Freeze Time', you can pause time for five seconds."

"I will try again."

Jiang Li kindly put together the seven statues and bowed.

The seven statues were reduced to powder and cannot be put back together.

Phyllis decided it was time for her to retire.

"Wind God, Earth God, you are here, I am waiting for you." The God of Light, who had closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes, his eyes bright.

The God of Light is as sacred, great, omniscient and omnipotent as the statue carved, and is the backbone of the gods.

Seven gods gathered together to discuss important matters.

"Wind God, why are you trembling all the time?" Vulcan God was concerned. He and Fengshen had a good relationship, and there was a folk word to describe their relationship - fanning the flames.

The God of Fire is dressed in red, and even his hair is filled with flames, which are extremely hot.

Fengshen trembled as he recounted what had just happened, hoping to get answers from the God of Light.

The God of Light has never heard of such a situation. Because the believers are powerful, he dare not let the believers believe in him. He is not worthy of being worshiped by the believers.

is it possible?

They are the most powerful existence in the world and the source of faith. How could there be an existence more powerful than them.

Could it be that he is a visitor from outside the world, just like the man who calls himself the envoy of Honghu Lake?

"This matter will be discussed later. Let's talk about the topic of today's meeting first..."


Before the God of Light finished speaking, the God of Fire suddenly vomited blood, and the blood was like lava, bubbling.

"Vulcan, what are you doing? Pfft -" Just as the Water God was about to step forward to care, he encountered the same situation as the Fire God and vomited blood.

"what's the situation?"

The gods were panicking and caring about their colleagues. How could they be like this?

The God of Fire and the God of Water looked at each other in horror. They probably understood how Feng Shen felt. No, Feng Shen was just frightened and not actually hurt. The two of them actually vomited blood.

"We, we can't resist..."

"There was a believer who wanted me to give him forging magic. Before I had time to react, my body was out of control and I responded automatically. I wanted to give him the forging magic. No, give it to him."

"However, I mobilized all my strength, but I couldn't give him the forging magic. My body continued to forcefully mobilize, causing me to vomit blood."

"Me too, this believer hopes that I can give him the magic potion as a gift." The Water God said.

The God of Light sighed: "We have faith in success and faith in defeat. While we have gained great power, it also allows us to often do some uncontrollable actions."

The God of Light continued to analyze: "Perhaps this situation is caused by the fact that the believers this time have too poor talent in forging magic and mixing potion magic, which is beyond our ability."

Having said that, the God of Light also felt uneasy. Even if the believers' talents were poor and beyond their capabilities, they could just refuse. No matter how much the body was controlled by the power of faith, it would not cause them to vomit blood.

And how to explain the matter of Fengshen?

Unless that person is so powerful that the power of faith cannot resist.

"This is just a sideshow, let's continue discussing..."


Four sounds of vomiting blood sounded simultaneously.

The four gods of Earth, Fire, Feng Shui vomited blood and fell to the ground, then struggled to get up.

"Space magic... That believer forced him to learn space magic. But this is really beyond our capabilities." The four gods groaned.

When will the days of being enveloped by the power of faith end?

The God of Beasts and God of Elves felt their scalps tingle when they saw this, this situation was too weird.

The big brother, the God of Light, cleared his throat and continued: "It is in order not to be controlled by the power of faith that we worked with the demons to formulate this plan to hide it from mortals. This meeting is to discuss the next step..."

Suddenly, the seven gods felt that disaster was coming, and the believer had to learn the most difficult magic secret-freezing time.

But the problem is that they really can't freeze time. There are two people in history who have mastered freezing time. This incident was faked to prove their power.

Of course, they will not tell believers that this is a forgery, but that the skill of freezing time does exist. Using the skill "freeze time" can stop the time of the whole world, including yourself, for five seconds.

He also told believers that the power of the "freeze time" skill is that you don't even notice it within five seconds after using it.

"Find this person quickly and beg him to let us go..." The God of Light shouted, but no one answered.

The six gods fell to the ground.

The God of Light swayed for a moment, finally experiencing the feelings of others, and then fell to the ground.


Seven gods fell into coma.

Before falling into coma, the God of Light had only one thought: this believer was too scary.

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