The counterattack system is only available in the Mahayana period

Chapter 339 Forced to the stage of tribulation

"Lingxi calendar year 4281, February 4th, heavy snowfall."

"Everything went smoothly. Yanyan and I told him that this was just an act and that I would save it when the trial is over."

"The trial was held in public and broadcast live around the world. Tiyan admitted his guilt and was sentenced to death."

"Tomorrow is the day of execution, and everything should be over."

"What should I do after retirement? Go to Imperial University and become an honorary professor? Or wander around and see this beautiful world? Or recruit a few disciples who are pleasing to my eyes and teach them... I can still live for a long time, slowly Think, don’t be in a hurry.”

"Lingxi calendar year 4281, February 5th, cloudy."

"When Yanyan learned that he was going to be executed, he still looked at me in confusion. Don't you know that you killed someone and ruined my life?"

"Damn, damn, damn! How could Yanyan not be under my control? The master-servant contract is invalid!"

"Fortunately, the top leader was well prepared. He gathered eight fusion-stage contract beasts and besieged Yanyan under his master's orders."

"Yanyan didn't know what technique he used to break the master-servant contract of these eight contract beasts."

"Yanyan said you were free, but unfortunately, the slave nature of the contracted beasts is deep in the bones. Even if the contract is lost, they will still be obedient. Yanyan made a mistake."

"I don't even think about it. All monsters are kept in captivity by us humans. After they are born, they are brainwashed as contracted beasts, instilling in them the idea of ​​obeying the human race, and telling the monster beasts that the human race treats them as friends."

"In this way, even if the contracted beast reaches the stage of becoming a god and has some sense, it will trust us and treat us as friends according to its previous habits."

"I don't know why Yanyan had an accident and developed a desire to resist. It really embarrasses me, the master."

"In the final analysis, contract beasts are still monsters. Their bestial nature is hard to change, and their fighting methods lack any elegance."

"We fought from the afternoon to midnight. It was difficult to determine the outcome during the combined period. Moreover, Yanyan was too strong. He was only slightly behind against the eight contracted beasts. However, the outcome was destined. This was a fatal situation. Yanyan Can’t survive.”

"I'm destined to have trouble sleeping tonight."

"February 6, Lingxi calendar year 4281, unknown weather."

"Why did Yanyan break through the tribulation stage in battle!"

"If the contract between us is still there, doesn't it mean that I can also transcend the tribulation stage, or even ascend?"

"Yanyan, you must have known that you would break through the tribulation period and deliberately broke the master-servant contract in advance, right?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. It's important to escape. Yanyan is going crazy. It hates servile monsters and humans."

"It started killing on a killing spree. The supreme leader died, and the eight contracted beasts in the Fusion stage also died. Their masters fled in all directions. I will be the next one to be killed by Yanyan."

"Father is right. Monsters are monsters and cannot be trusted. Fortunately, our human race has built air-raid shelters in advance. The No. 93 air-raid shelter built by father is the most concealed and strongest. I hope Yanyan can't find it here."

"Lingxi calendar year 4281, March 15th, unknown weather."

"There are fewer and fewer air-raid shelters that can be contacted, and I don't know how many air-raid shelters were destroyed by Yanyan."

"There are many people in the air-raid shelter whose relatives died at the hands of Yanyan. I must not reveal my identity."

"What a crime! How many people does Yanyan have to kill before it ends? Doesn't it end until Yanyan finds me? I'm really being driven crazy. How could I have such thoughts?"

"Lingxi calendar year 4281, March 29, unknown weather."

"This air-raid shelter was broken by Yanyan. Some people were resisting, but the gunshots were getting smaller and smaller. I felt that Yanyan was approaching. It came to me, it came to me..."

The diary ends here. Jiang Li pieced together the bones scattered everywhere in the room and found that they were a monk in the integration stage.

This should be Xiaodong, the owner of the diary.

After reading the diary, everyone was silent and no one spoke.

Although we can see from the air-raid shelters and murals how prosperous the Lingxi world was before, it was all based on the human race enslaving monsters.

Rather than saying that the human race created the Lingxi world with their wisdom, it is better to say that the human race created the Lingxi world by squeezing the monsters.

They say they regard monsters as friends, but they don't show it in their actions. They buy and sell monsters at will, lock the monsters in cages, and sign a master-servant contract. They educate students to use monsters at will and regard monsters as making money. Tools, and use them to take the blame for themselves...

The master's cultivation is always higher than that of the slave. No matter how strong the monster is, the master will be stronger than the monster.

In this case, the human race has never really believed in the monsters. Instead, they are on guard everywhere. They are worried that the monsters will hurt people. They are not allowed to bring them into the school and build air-raid shelters... All this is enough to explain the problem.

In the end, the humans of Lingxi World reaped the consequences and forced Zhu Yan into the tribulation period.

Perhaps as Xiaodong guessed, Zhu Yan didn't drive all humans away, it just wanted to kill Xiaodong.

If Zhu Yan killed everyone after Xiaodong died, where did the current people come from?

Xiaodong is the epitome of the human race in the Lingxi world. When he was a child, he regarded Zhu Yan as a friend, or as a pet named "friend". When he grew up, he gradually regarded Zhu Yan as a tool and no longer got close to him.

This is due to the general environment.

"Envoy Du Ye, it's him again." Jiang Li noticed that on the eve of Zhu Yan being framed by Xiaodong, Envoy Du Ye found Zhu Yan.

Jiang Li thought that there was no way to break through the tribulation period. The envoy of Duye probably just told Zhu Yan how to terminate the master-servant contract.

It is true that the extraterritorial demons were involved in this matter, but it is difficult to say how much role the extraterritorial demons played.

Maybe Du Ye Shang Envoy was just a trigger.

According to Chang Cun Xian Weng's guess, the extraterrestrial demons attacked various worlds one after another after cutting off the ladder to immortality. Before that, they had nothing to do with the extraterrestrial demons.

In terms of time, the old Lingxi era lasted for 4,300 years, and the new Lingxi era lasted for 2,000 years. The total is 6,300 years, which is 12,600 years when converted to Kyushu time.

In other words, when the old Lingxi era began, the ladder to immortality was still there and the demons from outside the territory had not yet come.

Xia Chao didn't understand: "If the current situation is all Zhu Yan's fault, why would Zhu Yan make the monster mentally retarded? Isn't it itself a monster?"

Jiang Li sighed: "Perhaps it was angry at the servility of the monster and had to obey the orders of the human race after breaking the contract, so it made the monster mentally retarded from the source."

"The monsters are mentally retarded, and humans are the slaves of the monsters. It is disgusting to both humans and monsters."

"Kiuzhou is better." Bai Xueling was glad that even if the ladder to immortality was cut off and the Jiuzhou human race became the dominant one, they would not abuse the demon clan. Even the contract used by the Beast Control Sect was an equal contract.

It should be noted that in the Lingxi world, Zhu Yan can control the world by breaking through the Tribulation Stage, but in Jiuzhou, even if Bai Xueling is extremely talented and reaches the Tribulation Stage or even becomes an immortal, Jiang Li has no capital to resist.

The demon clan can only be manipulated by others.

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