The Character I Loved Is Gone

Chapter 53 - The Heart Of A Human-Faced Beast (Please Collect It! Please Give Me Flowers!)

Huang Zuochuan nodded and said that he would definitely keep it in mind.

After the two people left his sight, Huang Zuochuan followed the sign and found the women's toilet that the two people mentioned just now.

Hearing footsteps approaching, the woman in the bathroom let out a heart-rending roar.

"Don't come here! I will never serve that beast!"

Huang Zuochuan first made it clear that he was just a passer-by who came to pick up his friend home, and tried to comfort the woman in the single room of the toilet.

"Aren't you the one who Lou Yukai came to threaten me?"

"No, I just want to take a friend home. If I really came to threaten you, I should be violently kicking your door down at this time."

Huang Zuochuan glanced at the dent in the toilet door and said.


The door opened.

Huang Zuochuan was greatly surprised when he saw the woman in front of him.

"You, you are not in our class..."

"As soon as I heard your voice, I guessed that you must be the Huang Zuochuan who sits in the first row every day."

The girl's eyes were bloodshot, and the corners of her mouth were stained with some green powder.

Almost all the clothes on her body were torn, and her mental state was very haggard.

"Why are you here? What happened?"

Just as Huang Zuochuan was about to ask a question, the girl fell towards him due to lack of physical strength.


The girl fell into Huang Zuochuan's arms, drowsy.

Huang Zuochuan held her wrist.

The heartbeat is extremely irregular.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on."

Huang Zuochuan took off his coat and put it on the girl's body.

After looking around, Huang Zuochuan opened the toilet manager's utility room and temporarily placed the girl inside.

Just after leaving the toilet, Huang Zuochuan met those two people again.

"The boss wants us to get that woman out no matter what. You are big, so you should do this kind of rough work."

"If you ask me, what are you trying to explain to Mr. Lou? Just ask me to remove the toilet door, isn't it done? Well, you haven't left yet?"

Huang Zuochuan stood in front of the two of them, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Where is Tang Ge?"

"Tang Ge?"

The big man raised his head and thought, he seemed to have heard this name somewhere.

The lean man on the side said on behalf of the big man:

"That's the girl who was locked up alone by the boss. The boss didn't seem to be willing to use force, so he asked us to hold her down and gave her two injections of 'heart-destroying agent'. However, this Tang Ge was also strong. The whole night Well, you’re actually still resisting.”

The big guy slapped his forehead.

"Yes, yes, it's that chick. This bitch is quite tender and smooth, and her skin is well maintained. I like it very much. Hey, why are you asking this?"

Huang Zuochuan moved his shoulders and said:

"I want to take her home. Can you two take me there?"


The big man showed a puzzled expression, while the lean man smiled coldly:

"You must be the 'boyfriend' that Tang Ge mentioned. It's such a pity that such a moist girl has not tasted her delicious taste."


Huang Zuochuan's knuckles cracked.

"I ask again, can you take me there?"

"What? Is it possible that you, a skinny monkey, want to fight with me? Give me a punch!"

"Big guy, no!"





Huang Zuochuan almost completed the lock on the big man's arm the moment he punched, and drove his entire body to roll on the ground.

Spin the cradle!

The big man had obviously never experienced such continuous throws, and fell to the ground with just one blow.

Huang Zuochuan was able to learn this trick thanks to Clark's "careful guidance."

In the quantum world, this man who always wears sunglasses, a peaked cap, and green military pants has caused Huang Zuochuan a lot of trouble.

The lean man felt bad when he saw this scene.

When he was looking at Huang Zuochuan earlier, he noticed that the man's arms and cheeks had scars that were different from ordinary people.

That doesn't happen in ordinary fights.

"Wait, wait, wait! If you have something to say, please say it. There is no need to be violent. Are you right?"

"Then take me to find Tang Ge."

"Okay, okay, okay, come with me."

To show his sincerity, the lean man even threw the butterfly knife in his pocket on the ground.

After all, he didn't want to be beaten up because of his work.

Ding dong——

"Huh? The doorbell rang. Are those two guys back? Go and open the door."

Under Lou Yukai's order, a man ran out of the room, walked through the dozens of meters long corridor, came to the door of the room, and opened the heavy oak door.

"Take that woman with you...who is this person?"

"This is Mr. Lou's friend. If we want to see Mr. Lou, please take us there."

But Ma Zai in front of him seemed to have not seen the lean man, and kept looking at Huang Zuochuan with a stern face.

The lean man quickly winked at the horse boy and told him not to make any more trouble for him.

"If you don't bring the woman, don't even think about it..."


Ma Zai fell to the ground.

"Lusuo, you, continue to lead the way."

Huang Zuochuan knocked out Ma Zai in front of him with one punch.

Seeing this, the lean man nodded quickly and led him into the house.


The door to Lou Yukai's room opened.

"That woman brought... you!"

Lou Yukai was a little surprised, but soon his expression returned to calm.

"It seems that the rumors in the school are true. You, a pariah, have really climbed up to the golden flower of Tang Ge."

Lou Yukai winked at his men,


A glass of good whiskey was placed in front of Huang Zuochuan.


Lou Yukai snapped his fingers, and two charming beauties walked out of the room.

They were like clavicle bodhisattvas, wrapped around Huang Zuochuan's body.

"Be casual. Since you can find me in this club, I can't let you be left out. Please, you can play whatever you want."

Huang Zuochuan pushed the girl next to him away with brute force.

"I'm looking for Tang Ge. Where is she?"

“Tsk, tsk, tsk—”

Lou Yukai shook his fingers and took a sip of whiskey.

"In the final analysis, she is just a woman. Why should a powerful pariah like you worry about a rose that is about to wither?"

Bang bang——

Lou Yukai put down his wine glass and clapped his hands.

A huge quantum projection appeared in front of everyone.

In the picture, Tang Ge curled up, huddled in pain on the white sheets.

In the lower right corner of the picture, several used needles were scattered and discarded on the ground.

"Hey, did you get another injection? You guys are really dishonest, come on, come on, each of you will punish yourself with a drink."

The boys hunched over, took the wine bottle handed over by Lou Yukai, and drank it all in one gulp.

"What did you do to her?"

Huang Zuochuan's fists were furious.

But a biting cold wind behind him made his hair stand on end.


Please collect it! Please give me flowers!

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