The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 932 Disappointment

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The Xicheng people didn't expect that what they saw was even more terrifying than the super tribe's attack.

Looking at the army of pterosaurs covering the sky, their minds were bewildered and their bodies were as stiff as a stone. Even the most psychologically qualified people lost their composure and completely forgot how to defend their homeland.

Not only humans, but also beasts.

The thorn sparrows, blue-scaled pterosaurs, and stinging insects in the sky that were full of smoke did not rush forward, but stood deadlocked in place, and some of them even flinched back.

Even the giant crossbow team did not move for a long time. The leader and members of the giant crossbow team looked at the terrifying group of pterosaurs with dilated pupils and pale faces. They didn't remember firing the crossbow arrows at all.

Only the bird flew forward with one pair of wings.

"do not go!!"

Someone from Xicheng yelled.

Duan Ling, who was the closest, suppressed the fear in his heart, and ordered the Duan Lingying to charge forward. The Broken Feather Eagle is worthy of being a Broken Feather Eagle, and it charged forward resolutely.

Under the panicked eyes of everyone, the bird flew into the group of pterosaurs in an instant, but it was not attacked, but flew together with the group of pterosaurs.

Among the pterosaurs, an inconspicuous Swift flew to the side of the Dawn.

The crossbow that Phil originally raised was lowered, and all the aura in his body disappeared without a trace.

With his eyesight, he naturally noticed that there were people sitting on the back of each pterosaur.

But because there were too many people, he didn't see Ye Xi at first. It wasn't until just now that he followed the bird and noticed Ye Xi on the back of the old swift, and he confirmed that the sudden appearance of the terrifying team was harmless to Xicheng. .

"Your Yuan Wu is back."

Cool and cold voice.

Before Fei Er could finish his words, a group of magnificent pterosaurs had already flown over the city of Xi. The day was covered by night, and countless pterosaurs were circling staggeredly, not a single ray of light could leak out.

Because of the fear of extinction, the people around didn't notice what Phil said, and all looked up at the sky with pale faces.

Fortunately, the white tortoise witch saw Ye Xi in time.

At this time, Ye Xi had already jumped from the back of the old swift to the head of the bird, and the white tortoise was the first to see it.

"It's Lord Xiwu——!"

This skinny old man, who had always been calm and calm, yelled so loudly that it was a little out of tune.

He really thought that Xicheng was doomed just now, and that such strength was not something Xicheng could resist, but he suddenly found out that there was their Yuan Wu in this team.

From horror and fear to ecstasy, such a psychological transformation is only a short moment, so even the white tortoise and witch lost his head in a daze.

Ye Xi jumped off the top of the bird's head.


With a loud bang, he landed directly on the city wall.

He looked around and saw crowds of people holding weapons, as well as many familiar faces, such as Phil, the puppet big white cat, Xiaohua, Chief Tushan...etc.

"Master Xiwu!!"

"It's really Master Yuan Wu! It's really Master Yuan Wu who is back!!!"

The air was stagnant for a moment, and then a roar like a mountain roar and a tsunami erupted.

"City Lord! It's our City Lord!"

People from the outer city danced and danced, ecstatic. Just now, these low-strength people had been frightened and limp on the ground, but they suddenly found out that their city lord had returned. They were so shocked and excited that their voices were trembling with excitement.

"The one who just jumped down is our city lord, Yuan Wu!"

"Scared me to death!! Scared me to death, my ancestors, Lord Xiwu..."

The outsiders in the trading area hadn't reacted, their brains were numb, and they were shaking and showing off desperately by the ecstatic Xicheng people next to them.

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