The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 759 Seeing Campanulas Again

After staying on the iceberg for a while, Ye Xi went down the mountain.

The big white puppet cat also came down together. It was very playful, turned its belly and put its back on the white ice, and slid down in one breath.

As soon as one person and one cat left the back mountain area, they saw a gorgeous piranha, walking over with brisk, small steps.

Xiao Hua originally came to look for Ye Xi happily, but when she saw the big white cat, the whole flower froze immediately, her roots couldn't move, as if she had been given a body-holding spell.

On the contrary, the big white puppet cat's cat's eyes lit up, and even its big fluffy tail curled up.

The little flower froze for a moment, then retracted its roots calmly, and then the whole flower quietly turned back, and even walked away very timidly!


The puppet big white cat jumped high and chased after it like lightning.

Ye Xi raised his eyebrows.

He didn't go out much these years, but he didn't know that the big white puppet cat liked Xiao Hua so much, and Xiao Hua was so afraid of the big white puppet cat.

A piranha ran ahead, followed by a white cat as huge as a gray elephant.

Although Xiaohua was fast, the speed of the big white puppet cat was even faster. He caught up with Xiaohua three times and two times, and then threw him to the ground with a vigorous vertical leap.


The big white puppet cat let out a happy cry, and fiddled with the little flower under its lower body with its paws.

The little flower kept struggling, stretching the green stem, and the big mouth full of sharp teeth in the center of the stamen kept biting the puppet big white cat, but couldn't bite any of its skin.

The burrs on the vines of the little flower also stood up, and all the vines slammed towards the big white cat, but it didn't hurt and didn't care at all.

The big white puppet cat stretched out its white fist slowly, scratched the petals of the small flower twice, and scratched the leaves of the small flower twice, playing like teasing a mouse.

"Chirp chirp chirp!"


Poor Xiao Hua was already terribly ticklish, she trembled and screamed non-stop when she was scratched, just like a big girl who has been raped.

"Okay, stop teasing it."

Ye Xi comes to rescue Xiaohua.

You must know that there are people in the world who are really scratched to death. It’s okay to scratch a few times occasionally. According to the scratching method of the puppet big white cat, Xiaohua may be scratched to die young.

The big white puppet cat turned its head to look at Ye Xi, and then at Xiao Hua reluctantly, not intending to obey.

Seeing that the big white puppet cat was about to start tickling the little flower again, Ye Xi discussed with it: "How about finding some more interesting plants, the ones that can dance, much more interesting than the little flower?"

He turned around and looked at the crowd in the distance.

With such a large population in Xicheng, there were naturally people around, but they didn't dare to disturb Ye Xi, so they just stood in the corner so far away.


The Ye tribe warrior named Juniper shook his body, and he couldn't believe his ears. After being pushed hard by his companion, he ran over quickly as if awakened.

"Yuan, Master Yuanwu! Do you know my name?!"

Juniper was so flattered that he stuttered with excitement.

Ye Xi smiled and said, "Of course, you were very heroic during the Great Migration."

He basically has a photographic memory now, as long as anyone who has heard the name once will remember it firmly, it is difficult to forget.

"No no!"


Juniper realized that he didn't salute loudly, regretted it so much, he quickly knelt down on one knee, and saluted with his right fist beating his chest.

Ye Xi pulled him up: "Do you have any exotic plants that can move and dance, the kind that resembles dancing grass? Bring me some immediately."

"Yes, I'll go right away!"

After another salute, Juniper ran away.

Soon Juniper came back carrying several different plants of different sizes, the big one was as big as a laurel tree, with black fruits growing in the middle of the leaves, surrounded by soft leaf clips like flytrap, It keeps opening and closing, as if the eyes are opening and closing, winking.

In addition, there are also xenoplants that can flick their tongues, xenoplants that can fart,

A xenograft that wiggles and dances.

The big white puppet cat let go of the little flower, and was first attracted by the winking foreign plant.

After looking at it for a while, I looked at the dancing grass again. This dancing plant was planted in a stone pot, and it looked like a daylily, twisting and twisting like kelp, with a very enchanting posture and a very cute appearance.

The blue and round eyes of the puppet big white cat approached the dancing grass, and after a while it touched it with its paw, and the dancing grass immediately twisted even more vigorously.

Ye Xi: "Isn't it interesting?"


The puppet big white cat kept poking the dancing grass as if playing.

Xiao Hua took the opportunity to get up from the ground, and sneakily hid behind Ye Xi, and then bent her body so that such a big flower shrank behind Ye Xi, hiding behind Ye Xi like a ghost.

The big white puppet cat continued to play with the dancing grass, its paw popped out suddenly, and the nail at the end hooked the little dancing grass out of the soil.

The Dancing Grass was thrown on the ground, and it didn't twist anymore. The two long leaves immediately supported the ground like human arms, trying to prop themselves up and return to their flower pots.

Ye Xi bent down, picked up the poor dancing grass and planted it back into the soil.

The dancing grass that returned to the soil became limp and stopped dancing, as if it had received a huge blow. Even if it was poked, it would only twist weakly and perfunctorily.

Juniper said awkwardly: "This grass probably... um..."

"Master Yuanwu, I still have dancing flowers here!"

"I have it here too!"

The two Ye tribe members summoned up their courage and brought their own alien plants to Ye Xi to see.

Ye Xi: "Thank you, let the white cat have a look."

Seeing that Ye Xi had taken it, the two members of the Ye Tribe were as happy as they were during the festival, and quickly presented the alien plant to the puppet big white cat.

Seeing this, the rest of the people in the distance quickly ran back to their home, brought all kinds of interesting exotic flowers and plants, and gave them to Ye Xi and the puppet big white cat.

The big white puppet cat's attention was diverted, and Xiao Hua was completely safe. She lowered her head and rubbed Ye Xi with the flower plate, humming coquettishly.

Ye Xi pushed its flower head: "Don't drool on me, it will corrode."


The news that Ye Xi likes different plants spread quickly.

More and more people flocked here with the alien plants in their arms. Gradually, people from the clan gave gifts to Ye Xi one by one.

Ye Xi didn't want to accept it, but seeing everyone holding the presents filled with joy and trepidation, he couldn't bear to let them down, so he accepted them all.

But he didn't want this group of lovely clansmen to be disadvantaged, so he wrote down all the gifts they gave, and planned to send someone to give them a gift of higher value in return when he returned.

You must know that he is really rich now, even if he gives back to the whole city, it will be no problem.

Another soldier came over with something in his hands.

Ye Xi remembered that this warrior belonged to the Youshi tribe, and his name was Huibi.

Huibi handed Ye Xi a spherical stone the size of a basketball in his arms, and smiled shyly, "Master Yuanwu, this is a stone that can illuminate the ground I found in the grassland. Don't look at it. It’s not very bright now, but it’s bright at night.”

Ye Xi took the spherical glowing stone.

This spherical stone is very beautiful, it is dark green in color, exudes a colorful luster like Opal, and with the faint fluorescence, it looks really magnificent.

But Ye Xi couldn't like it.

Because the stone seems to be constantly emitting a destructive energy.

This is a natural strong radiation mineral!

Ye Xi looked at Hui Bi. This strong third-level fighter had a sallow complexion and thinning hair. From the grinning mouth, it could be seen that a few teeth had fallen out.

"Well, it's beautiful."

Ye Xi smiled and accepted the spherical radiation.

"come here."

Hui Bi took half a step forward according to his words.

Ye Xi tapped his forehead with his hand.

Hui Bi shook his body, his face slowly turned from sallow to rosy, his body seemed to be lifted a layer of veil, he became much lighter, and his mental state became better than ever. Hui Bi licked his empty gums, and found that new teeth had grown out!


Hui Bi knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and hammered his left chest with his right fist, and said ecstatically,

"Thank you, Lord Xiwu!"

Hui Bi thought happily in his heart, it seems that Master Yuanwu really liked the gift he presented, and even performed witchcraft for him himself! No one else has this honor!

The rest of the Xicheng people looked at the smug and proud expression on the face of the retreating gray wall, feeling sour in their hearts.

More and more Xicheng people came.

Ye Xi simply took Xiaohua and the puppet big white cat to sit on the long stone bench by the lake, and then received gifts one by one.

The clansmen gave various gifts, and the next ones presented were exquisitely woven blankets, stone milk springs that can detoxify insects, and fiery red fruits that can attract fish.

"Master Xiwu, this flower is for you!"

A five-year-old girl with a thick head and a thick head came happily carrying a two-meter-long giant campanula, her chubby face was very cute.

Ye Xi looked at this huge campanula, and then at this little girl as strong as a calf, feeling a little dazed.

Once in Tushan Valley, there was such a little girl who gave him wind chimes. It was a timid, very thin little girl who was taken captive to the enemy tribe as a slave since she was a child. Just a few days after being rescued to Tushan, a meteor shower fell and embarked on a difficult migration road.

But now, she was lying in the cold cemetery in the back mountain.

The little girl was called Ah Xi, and she had never had a few good days in her life.

Ye Xi's heart ached.

And Xiao Mudou, Tao, and Ah Nan... It was he who failed to protect those children.

"...Master Xiwu?"

Seeing that Ye Xi hadn't spoken for a long time, the little girl Xiong Niu became a little timid, and squeezed nervously with her chubby little hands holding the giant campanula.

Ye Xi stretched out his hand, took Xiong Niu's chubby little black paws, and asked her to come over.

Then he raised his hand, and with his slender fingers, he drew a mysterious witch mark on Xiong Niu's forehead. A strong blue light flashed past, and then quickly disappeared.

This is a powerful protective witch pattern, which will be activated whenever danger is encountered, and can protect Xiongniu for decades.

Xiong Niu touched her forehead, her eyes widened stupidly.

Ye Xi's voice was gentle: "Go."

So Xiong Niu, who still didn't understand the situation, turned around and left in a daze.

After returning to the crowd, it took Xiong Niu a long time to react. Looking at the giant wind chime flower in her hand that hadn't been given away, she said dumbly, "Do you like it or not..."

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