The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 747: Newborn World-Worthy Worm

The few people ate until the evening, during which Phil went to the grassland to catch crabs, and asked the public chef to make another big table full of crabs.

It's night.

The chiefs are back with their reserve trial teams.

This reserve trial was not only completed ahead of schedule, but some of the trainees also performed exceptionally well, which made all the chiefs smile.

The success of the reserve trial was not a small joy for the Xicheng people. That night, the happy Xicheng people lit up piles of bonfires and began to dance and revel.

The rain clouds on the prairie floated over Xicheng, and there was a light rain in Xicheng, but the bonfire was so hot that the rain couldn't extinguish the flames at all.

Sparks dance in the night.

"Crack! Crack!"

Men and women in cool clothes gathered around the bonfire with bare feet, stepped on the rainwater on the ground, imitated the dancing posture of animals, and began to flick their hair, roar and dance, wantonly venting the joy in their hearts.

Seeing that everyone was so happy, Ye Xi decided to allow people from the outer city to enter the inner city tonight. Regardless of whether they are from the inner city or the outer city, everyone can revel together tonight.

In a warm atmosphere.

Sitting near the bonfire, Ye Xi noticed that Mao silently walked to the eucalyptus tree on the top of the mountain, looking up at the eucalyptus tree in the continuous cold rain.

This eucalyptus tree was cut from a twig that Yu brought from the Black Ridge Mountains. Over the past few years, under the continuous watering of aphid droppings and different springs, this eucalyptus tree has grown very tall.

Although the height is not as high as that of the eucalyptus tree in the Black Ridge Mountains, but because of the sufficient nutrition and the supplement of vitality from time to time, it seems that the branches and leaves are full of vitality, and every leaf is green and fresh.

Some time ago, after Ye Xi took out all the origin stones, under the influence of the energy of the origin stones, the eucalyptus tree became full of crimson buds the size of a fist in a day.

After dancing with everyone, Tupi, a young witch who peeled off the tribe, came out of the campfire panting and smiling, seeing Ye Xi seemed to be looking into the distance, he asked casually: "Lord Xiwu, what are you looking at? "

Ye Xi raised his chin towards the top of the mountain: "Look."

Tupi looked over.

Just in time, I saw Xie put his hand on the trunk of the eucalyptus tree, injecting vitality into it.

Suddenly, in the eyes of the two witches, Tu Pi and Ye Xi, surging emerald green energy poured into Luan Shu's body along Mao's hand, like lighting a lamp, lighting up the trunk of Luan Shu at once. Then the energy spreads rapidly along the veins of the trunk, until it reaches every branch, every leaf, and every flower bud.

Then the crimson eucalyptus blossoms in full bloom.

The big crimson eucalyptus flowers are more beautiful than epiphyllum, and the appearance of the branches covered is amazing.

At the same time, the rich fragrance of luan flowers floated in the night wind and drizzle.

This fragrance is very special, it is not blocked by the rain, and everyone who smells it with their heart can faintly smell a floating dark fragrance.

However, except for the Ye tribe people, most people dancing and reveling around the bonfire didn't notice it until a few scattered moonlight butterflies flew to the eucalyptus tree on the top of the mountain.

These moonlight butterflies are raised by the Zhe tribe.

"Why did my butterfly get out of the house?"

"Looks like mine got out too."

"Wait, look at the sky!!"

Everyone looked up.

At the end of the sky, a flickering Milky Way flowed towards Xicheng. Those are countless silvery moonlight butterflies. These moonlight butterflies are not afraid of the rain, flapping their delicate wings vigorously, trying to fly in the direction of the eucalyptus tree.

Then, like flowing backwards into the Milky Way, all the moonlight butterflies flew down from the sky, with their wings fluttering around the eucalyptus tree. Those countless dots of silver light illuminated the whole eucalyptus tree, the brilliance was as bright as a miracle.

Chief Ye, Xie, Shan Ye and all other members of the Ye Tribe looked up at this familiar yet unfamiliar scene with tears in their eyes.

how many years.

The old eucalyptus tree from the Black Ridge Mountains fell behind them like a fire giant, and they missed the scene when the eucalyptus tree bloomed countless times.

The old eucalyptus tree was turned into coke in the raging fire in a tragic way,

But a branch of the old eucalyptus tree was rejuvenated here and grew into a vibrant new eucalyptus tree.

The Ye tribe have lived on the eucalyptus tree for generations, and the place where the eucalyptus tree exists is their home. Once they lost their home desperately in a natural disaster, this time, they will definitely try their best to protect it.

Looking at the clusters of bonfires at the foot of the mountain, and the huge crowd reveling around the bonfires, she leaned against the Luan tree and smiled slightly.

Fortunately, Xicheng is very powerful.

Our home is not difficult to protect.


I don't know if it is due to the influence of the source stone's energy, but the eucalyptus flowers never withered, and the moonlight butterfly never left, hovering and flying around the eucalyptus tree, gathering nectar for pollination.

The eucalyptus tree at night becomes a bright scenic spot in Xicheng.

Because of the relationship on the mountain, people from outside the city can also see the eucalyptus from a distance, and enjoy this wonder together.

The only regret is that Luan Niao did not show up.

this day.

Ye Xi found that the corpse of the world-weary insect had changed again.

The corpse of the world-weary bug became limp, and he used a little force to break the thin outer stone shell. Along with the stench, the viscous insect fluid inside dripped out.

The dead world-weary worm has turned into insect pulp.

The petals of the small yellow flower that grew from the corpse of the world-weary bug had completely withered, but the small beige fruit in the middle had grown a bit bigger.

Ye Xi stared at this small fruit.

He saw a faint green light glowing inside the fruit.

This means that there is life in this fruit.

I don't know when it started, but under the inconspicuous peel, a new life was born.

Ye Xi didn't dare to touch the small fruit, but just touched the flower stalk connecting the fruit and the rotten worm skin. Unexpectedly, the thin flower stalk, which had become brittle and yellow, would break away from the worm skin directly, and even the fruit Also dripped off and rolled down.

Ye Xi picked up this small beige fruit.

The round fruit rolled in his palm without any wind.

After a long time, a small hole appeared on the skin of the fruit. Then a very tiny gray worm like an inchworm drilled out from inside.

This little gray worm is growing up.

There are two black drooping eye circles on its head, and its movements are also very slow. It lies in Ye Xi's palm in a daze, and doesn't move much. The whole little bug looks gray and inconspicuous.

But Ye Xi felt as if he had found a treasure, and was extremely happy.

"Perhaps the world-weary worm simply reproduces alone. It turns out that the world-weary worm has reached old age and is approaching the end of its lifespan, so it is driven by instinct to seek death..."

Ye Xi suppressed his excitement, quickly found some common meat, cut the meat into pieces, from small to large, and arranged them in order in front of the world-weary insects.

In the palm, the little world-weary insect bent its body, flicked again, and jumped directly onto the table where the pieces of meat were placed.

It was completely uninterested in those pieces of meat that were only as big as rice grains. It crawled directly to a piece of meat that was as big as two fingernails, opened its mouth, and swallowed the whole piece of meat.

The little world-weary worm just out of its shell is very small, swallowing this piece of meat, its body is completely stretched out of shape, the skin is stretched as if transparent, and even the undigested flesh inside can be clearly seen.

As if dead, the deformed little world-weary bug didn't move.

Ye Xi held his breath, watching the changes of the little world-weary insect on the rock platform.

After a while, a few inconspicuous mini tumors bulged out on the deformed belly of the little world-weary insect. As time passed, the small tumors became more and more clear, shooting up like buds.

At the same time, the belly of the little misanthrope became more and more deflated.

After more than an hour, the belly of the little world-weary insect was completely flattened, and the few buds grew tremblingly to the length of the little finger, and a large bud-shaped tumor grew from the top.

Then with a bang sound, several big earth-colored tumors exploded together, and a puff of goose-yellow smoke filled the air.

Ye Xi heaved a sigh of relief, and happily collected all the goose yellow insect powder. Then he picked up the little world-weary bug that started to move, threw it into the stone jar, and closed the stone lid tightly.

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