The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 642 Former Shaman


Ye Xi was taken aback.

He searched his memory carefully again, and said with certainty: "But... I heard Bone Horn call him a great witch!"

Fuji Sheng: "Did you meet Mr. Yuan Wu several years ago?"

Ye Xi nodded.

Teng Sheng slapped his hands suddenly: "That's right! Our Yuan Wu was indeed a great witch two years ago!"

The air was silent.

Ye Xi stared at Teng Sheng, and Teng Sheng stared at Ye Xi.

The two looked at each other in silence, trying to digest the news.

After a while, Tengsheng smiled wryly, breaking the silence. He looked at the gray and sweaty stains on Ye Xi's body, and said cautiously: "... After all, I'm going to see Master Yuan Wu, or you should clean it first. Tell my captain, let him notify the Wu disciples on Wushan, and let him lead you. By the way, give me the token first."

Ye Xi hesitated for a moment.

Yuan Wu's status is respected, because he has an excellent memory, Guan Ji will definitely remember him, but I don't know if he is willing to condescend to see this little soldier from a remote place.

He didn't want to alarm the Yuan Wu of a super big tribe.


Ye Xi finally handed over the square piece of pottery to him.

Teng Sheng called his war beast, and asked the big black lizard to take Ye Xi to the river to wash it, and at the same time hurried to find his captain with the token.

The big black lizard carried Ye Xi to a very wide river section.

The water here is relatively shallow and slow, and the dangerous water animals in it are almost caught. Jiuyi people usually like to bathe and wash animal skins in this section of the river. When Ye Xi came, there were still many children swimming in the clear water, their bodies were as vigorous as fish.


Ye Xi quickly got out of the river, shook his wet hair, and walked to the river bank with a refreshed body.

He hasn't come yet,

Sitting on the hot rock, he took off the soaked leather armor, wrung out the water and put it on again.

The weather was hot, and he didn't plan to use witchcraft to dry the leather armor. Anyway, it should evaporate after a while, so it would be cooler to wear.

Just as he was about to put on his leather boots, his eyes froze.

One of his leather boots was damaged when he was fighting Ruby, but the other was intact. Unexpectedly, the colorful feather bird dragon pecked at the other intact leather boot just now when he was going down the river. Rotten.


The Colorful Feather Bird Dragon was tied to a rock, and its slender neck was bent to drink water. When it found Ye Xi staring at it, it let out an innocent cry.

Just when Ye Xi was about to clean it up, a group of bare-bottomed kids came out of the river, staring at the two leather boots curiously, their eyes ready to move, as if they wanted to grab it.

Ye Xi smiled, and simply gave them the pair of damaged leather boots. He stood up barefoot, and then unwrapped the animal skin wrapped around the ancestral witch's bone staff.

Yuanwu, including Dawu, can tell that he is a witch at a glance. If he is secretive, it will make people laugh.

The Wu disciples from the Jiuyi tribe came very quickly.

Riding a white saber-toothed tiger came to Ye Xi like a wind.

Although this witch disciple is said to be a witch disciple, he is actually at the level of a great witch. He is tall and burly, wearing a white robe that seems to be woven from silk. He looks about forty years old, with a thick black beard, More like a warrior than a witch.

He glanced at Ye Xi in amazement, as if he hadn't thought that he was a witch. He jumped off the back of the saber-toothed tiger and saluted unhurriedly: "I am Zeyou, the disciple of Master Yuan Wu, and I follow the orders of Master Yuan Wu." , come to pick up the guests."

Behind Ze Yao was a sixth-level warrior riding a large lizard, probably the captain of the Tengsheng hunting team. He looked at Ye Xi's bone staff in shock, and jumped off the lizard's back in a hurry. A tribal ceremony.

Ye Xi returned the salute to them, and said to Ze Yao, "I'm Ye Xi from Xicheng, and I'm going to trouble the big witch to lead the way."

Ze Yao: "You are also a great witch, so you are welcome."

He looked at Caiyu Niaolong, and said: "Let's leave immediately, lest Mr. Yuan Wu wait for a long time, you sit on my tiger beast, this bird can be handed over to Yan for the time being."

Ye Xi nodded, gave the sixth-level warrior the silk rope tied with the colorful feather bird dragon, and then jumped onto the back of the white saber-toothed tiger.

The white saber-toothed tiger carried the two of them, rushing towards the mountains like the wind.


on the hill.

Huge animal claws stepped on the mountain road, landed and climbed up silently, carrying a little bit of mud between the jumps.

Wushan, where Yuan Wu lives, is the tallest among the many mountains. The vegetation here is verdant, almost all of which are rare trees and grasses. There is a thin mist like a veil, like a fairyland.

The mountain wind blows, cold and fresh.

This is completely different from Yamashita.

Because there are so many beasts at the foot of the mountain, there is also a lot of excrement. The air is mixed with the smell of feces and urine of the beasts, and occasionally the bloody smell of the prey. On the mountain, you can't smell these odors at all, and even the sand and dust can't spread here, like two worlds.

Soon the white saber-toothed tiger carried them to the top of the mountain.

Gray-black rocks stand on the top of the mountain, and a tall gray-blue stone house stands in the center. The door of the house is wide open, and there is no one around. There is a huge clump of silvery blue fescue beside the house, and the corners of the house are dotted with wild flowers. Whispering butterflies flutter around the wildflowers.

The picture is quiet and beautiful.

Ye Xi jumped off the saber-toothed tiger's back.

Ze Yao signaled Ye Xi to go in, and after silently saluting the stone house, he rode a sabre-toothed tiger and turned back to the mountainside - that's where he lived.

Ye Xi tidied up the corners of his clothes, and slowly walked into the stone house holding the bone staff.

The interior space is very large, and when you walk in, you will feel a clear coolness blowing over your face, dispelling the heat of midsummer without a trace.

What surprised Ye Xi most was that the stone house was not dark, but very bright.

It turns out that there is a huge transparent crystal in the center of the roof. Sunlight can pass through this highly transparent spar and sprinkle large pieces into the stone house without any barriers, illuminating every corner of the house.

At the very center of the stone house is a huge rock platform. On the rock platform, there are many sheepskin scrolls and animal bones piled up in a mess. A white-haired old man in a black robe is holding the sheepskin scroll and looking intently at it. , from Ye Xi's perspective, you can only see the wrinkles on his forehead.

But even so, Ye Xi recognized at a glance that it was the Jiuyi witch he met on the grassland a few years ago.

Ye Xi cast his eyes on the old man's black robe.

From his current perspective, he still couldn't recognize what material the black robe was made of.

Not far from the rock platform, the burly and tall bone horn held the stone ax in both arms, silently waiting beside Yuan Wu, and only slightly raised his eyelids when he saw Ye Xi.

His face, including his guarding posture, did not change at all.

At this moment, time seems to travel back to a few years ago.

At that time, Ye Xi was only a fourteen-year-old boy. Because he had successfully broken through to become a third-level warrior, he happily rode a one-horned horse on the grassland and bumped into two mysterious people in the herd by mistake.

It was they who let him, a young man, know the vastness of the world and the insignificance of the Black Ridge Mountains, so he stepped forward.

Yuan Wu raised his face from the sheepskin scroll, cast starry sky-like eyes on Ye Xi, then he put down the sheepskin scroll, smiled kindly like an ordinary old man, and said cordially, "Here we are."

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