The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 627: Nine Town Tribes

The further you go, the fewer trees there are.

The grass on the ground may be the result of repeated trampling, and it is mottled, like the scars on the body of a giant beast. The red soil was exposed in many places, and when the sun blew and the wind blew, choking sand and dust immediately rose one after another.

Before entering the Jiuyi tribe's residential area, there were already more pedestrians on the road.

There were sporadic warriors returning from hunting and dragging their prey, groups of women holding dirty clothes and wooden buckets, and many children running around with bare buttocks.

Ye Xi was a little surprised when he saw it at first glance, because it was still some distance away from the real Jiuyi tribe, but the adults did not drive these children back to the tribe, and there was no one who seemed to be a parent nearby to watch them and make sure they safety.

But on second thought.

"Even the rabbits are eaten all around, so there is no danger. There are very few pterosaurs in this sky. I thought it was wrong."

Ye Xi smiled slightly, looking at the Jiuyi children jumping up and down, he liked their vitality very much.

He continued to walk forward, carefully looking at these Jiuyi tribesmen while walking.

The tribesmen of Jiuyi were all fatter like the slave A're he met just now. This kind of fat was different from obese. It was the kind of fat that was full of strength just like a wild boar. The children were also as strong as calves, and the flesh on their arms was wrinkled.

However, whether it is a soldier or an ordinary woman and child, their image can be called slovenly.

They are also super tribal people, they are not as neat and tidy as the nine workers, and their clothes are exquisite, and they are worse than the chigger tribesmen.

The most exaggerated thing is that more than half of the Jiuyi tribesmen are bald. They may think that the weather is hot, or they may think that their hair is too unkempt and obstructive, so they simply shave all of them, leaving no hair left. Ye Xi also saw many women with bald heads, their heads were shiny by the sun.

Jiuyi people do not wear accessories yet.

You must know that ordinary tribal people also have a heart for beauty. They will string animal teeth, crystal stones and bird feathers into necklaces and bracelets and hang them on their bodies, but Jiuyi people do not. Their necks and wrists are all bare and clean.

If the animal skins on everyone's body were not precious fierce animal skins, Ye Xi would have thought that what he saw were some small tribe people who lived in caves all year round.

"Ping pong pong!"

Those kids were tired from running,

I don't know where to find some wooden sticks, and they are beating each other with wooden sticks.

They didn't play in a playful way, but with fierce faces, as if they wanted to kill each other. After a while, every child was bruised and swollen, and one had a broken arm.

"Here, I'll give you a frightening crane leg!"

At this time, when a middle-aged soldier returning from hunting passed by them, he cut off a Dread Crane leg weighing more than ten kilograms and threw it over.

The soldier left after throwing the crane leg, but the crowd of children was like a pot of boiling water. Good guy, they all exploded at once, and they fought fiercely for the crane leg unprecedentedly, wanting to take it for themselves.

The child who was the fastest and the first to grab the crane leg was crushed under him by the rest of the kids like an arhat, and then all the kids were barefaced, screaming and snatching the crane leg from him.

No matter how the child protected the crane's legs, he couldn't stand the crowd. After a few bites, the crane's legs were snatched away without any suspense.

Seeing the crane's legs being robbed, the child yelled anxiously, "Return me to me!" Meat! Give me back the meat!!"

The voice was full of grief and indignation.

A bald-headed kid finally used brute force to snatch the crane's leg from the group of children, then jumped up, let go of the girl, and ran wildly, holding the thigh while running.

The bald boy was like a human-shaped ferocious beast cub, although he was fat and strong, he ran very fast, his teeth were bright and small like those of a beast, he swallowed a large piece of meat without chewing.

Ye Xi was a little dumbfounded.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that what they were robbing was a supreme delicacy. You must know that the Dread Crane leg had never been roasted, it was still raw meat! The blood is still dripping out!

What about these little fat guys?

"Aww! Give me back my meat!!"

"If you have the guts, stop for me!!"

The other kids chased after him wildly, looking at the gritted teeth and hideous face, needless to say, if he was caught up with the bald kid, he would inevitably get a good beating, and knocking out teeth would be mild.

Ye Xi couldn't help but sweat coldly for the bald boy.

Shang watched the group of overly lively kids run away, the ground suddenly trembled slightly, and there was the sound of heavy footsteps coming from the north.

He turned to look in the direction of the sound.

The sight is the steep green and rolling mountains, the peaks are followed by the blue sky, which is extremely beautiful, but what the other side of the mountain looks like is not clear.

In fact, this mountain range is like the bone plate on the back of the stegosaurus, a raised line on the endless land, as long as you go around, you can see a vast and endless plain. However, although this mountain range is narrow, it is very long and stretches for dozens of kilometers. It is very inconvenient to go to the other side.

But this kind of problem will naturally not be difficult for the super big tribe of Jiuyi tribe.

They directly used brute force to dig a tunnel out!

The cross-sectional area of ​​this tunnel through the mountain is extremely large, large enough to accommodate prehistoric monsters to pass through. It is very spectacular at first glance, and it is hard to believe that it was dug out by man.

Because of the large cross-sectional area, usually standing on the other side of the tunnel, you can clearly see the light and scenery on the other side.

But at this time, the scene was no longer visible, and even the bright light was much dimmed.

Because a huge mammoth was walking towards this side slowly with heavy steps against the light.

The sun is shining brightly.

The mammoth gradually came out of the cave and bathed in the sun.

This is a mammoth with a thick head and a fearsome mammoth. It has gray skin covered with short hair, and curved pale yellow ivory that is more than four meters long.

At this time, there are many bloody prey stuck on these two strong and curved tusks, and the prey is also tied high with vines on its thick back, the number is astounding.

Along the way, the blood flowed onto the mammoth, sticking to the gray hair all over the body, dyeing it a dirty reddish brown, and a barbaric and ferocious aura rushed over.

After the first mammoth came out, the second mammoth came out quickly.

Same as the first one, its tusks and back carried countless prey, and if these prey were taken down and weighed, they might be much heavier than the mammoth that carried them.

Then came the third, the fourth, the fifth...

Nearly a thousand mammoths came out from the other side of the cave one by one, and without exception, they all brought an astonishing amount of prey, enough for a large tribe to spend a winter comfortably.

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