The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 597 Katydid

"Quack, you took your breath away."

Dian Zhi immediately obeyed obediently.

In an instant, the terrifying aura that made people feel like they were sitting on pins and needles disappeared, and the swarm of insects around them did not suppress them. They just crawled forward a little distance, and the next moment, another soft and powerful aura rose from Ye Xi.

These swarms of insects that were about to move immediately backed away frantically.

But there were also a few giant worms that crawled slowly over tentatively. They didn't have a trace of malice, they just wanted to get close to this breath, and of course they didn't dare to get too close.

Ye Xi took the ancestral witch's bone stick from his back, unwrapped the animal skin wrapped around it, and finally leaned on the white bone stick to look at the five old people, smiled and said,

"Let me heal you!"

The five old soldiers looked at Ye Xi blankly.

Although Ye Xi's skin was smeared green at the moment, it didn't damage his unique witchy temperament at all.

The aura he exuded made them both close and fearful. It was as tolerant and gentle as the sea, but also as powerful and unfathomable as the sea. It made all the bugs around him afraid to be presumptuous, but it didn't make the veterans have the kind of fear like a thorn in their backs. feel.

Boneclaw beard trembled and asked tremblingly, "You...are you a witch?"

Ye Xi nodded: "Yes, I am a warrior, and I am also a witch."

The five old soldiers were completely stunned by the news, even more shocked than when they knew that the scorpion was Ye Xi's battle pet, they opened their mouths and couldn't speak for a moment.

They never expected that the young warrior they met was so powerful, besides being a strong warrior, he was also a witch.

This is a witch!

Ye Xi knew that it might take a long time for them to digest the news, so he simply put his hand on Huangshi's shoulder and used his witch power to heal them first.

After he became a great witch, he was more comfortable using witch power, and healed others without much difficulty.

The old people accepted Ye Xi's treatment cautiously, not daring to move.

Soon, Ye Xi healed them all, and looked at them with a smile after withdrawing his hand.

After the treatment, all the veterans had smooth skin and rosy complexions. The healthy red color could not be covered by green grass juice, and the whole mental outlook could be said to be completely new.

The changes in their bodies made them temporarily forget the shock of knowing that Ye Xi was the Queen of Witches, and kept touching their chests, arms, legs and feet.

"My leg is healed! No more limp!"

"My chest doesn't hurt anymore!"

Gu Claw touched his shoulder blade with his hands behind his back, and shouted excitedly: "The flesh on my back has grown, it's so itchy haha!"

Huang Shi looked at the bone claw and laughed: "Old man bone, you look ten years younger!"

Bone Claw: "Old man Shi, you too, you don't look like an old man anymore!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


In the middle of laughing, Bone Claw's expression froze suddenly, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and spat out something. Several elderly people nearby took a closer look and found that it was a stinking black tooth decay.

Bone Claw touched his gums with his index finger, and felt something hard from the bare gum: "I seem to have new teeth growing out?"

Witchcraft is truly amazing.

This decayed tooth has tortured him for a long time. Originally, he planned to forcefully pull out this decayed tooth, but he didn't even have to endure the toothache now! He still has new teeth at such an old age!

Bone Claw knelt down to Ye Xi with a plop, "Thank you Wu!"

The other four veterans also knelt down to thank them, and said in unison: "Thank you Wu from the Moshi tribe, Huangshi, Zhu, Dazhi, and Stagbeast!"

Ye Xi helped them up: "There's no need to do this, it's just a matter of convenience."

The veterans stood up.

Ye Xi saw that they were respectful with their hands down, smiled and said, "Be careful what you do, just treat me like before!"

"Yes Yes!"

The five veterans did not dare to respond, and tried their best to do what Ye Xi said was "before", but they were a bit cautious after all, and they dared not treat him like a junior.

Ye Xi was slightly disappointed, but he quickly got rid of this feeling, picked up the fire feather finch on the ground, and prepared to roast the bird meat for the dwarf.

Bone Claw quickly snatched the Fire Feather Sparrow: "Wu, please let us roast it!"

Although the witches in their tribe have passed away for a long time, their respect for witches has been engraved in their bones, and they cannot just watch the witches do chores.

The five veterans divided their duties quickly and moved swiftly. Two were in charge of disembowelling the Fire Feather Sparrow, one was in charge of picking up dead branches, one was in charge of building a fire, and the other was bringing a clean low stone to invite Ye Xi to sit down.

The fire feather sparrow meat was roasted quickly, and the aroma was so enticing that it exploded. Even Ye Xi, who had eaten dozens of fire feather sparrows, swallowed his mouth water.

But he threw all the meat of the fire feather sparrow to the bird without hesitation.

Because these fire-feathered sparrows are all hunted by the raven alone, now Ye Xi generally won't touch the prey it catches by itself.

But Ye Xi noticed that all the old soldiers seemed to be greedy, and they even secretly sniffed the remaining fragrance in the air, so he got up immediately and planned to hunt some fire feather sparrows.

Huang Shi hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

Ye Xi: "I'm going to hunt some fire feather sparrows and invite you to try them."

The five elderly people were both moved and terrified.

Huang Shi calmed down and said with a smile: "Although our tribe has few people, we also hide some delicious food. You came from a long way, so it should be us who invite you to taste delicious food!"

Afraid that Ye Xi was going to leave, Stag Beetle and Dazhi hurried back to the cave and brought out two wooden jars, one large and one small.

Stag beetle opened the small wooden jar in his arms and handed it to Ye Xi: "Come on, drink some water first."

Ye Xi took it and took a sip of water: "Thank you!"

The water in this wooden tank is sweet and sweet. I don't know which stream in the rainforest it came from. Although it should not have been boiled, but with Ye Xi's strength, it doesn't matter if there are parasite eggs or not. .

Big Leech opened the big wooden jar in his arms, and took out a ferocious giant worm the size of a washbasin from inside.

Ye Xi took a closer look and found that it was a horse-faced katydid.

The horse-faced katydid in the previous life was an extremely ferocious carnivorous insect. It was thick and strong, ten centimeters long, with three pairs of spines growing on its back. Its mandibles were well developed and very sharp. It had a ferocious and bloodthirsty temperament. , and will even catch birds and small animals.

This prehistoric version of the katydid is even tougher.

They are terribly fierce and flexible, like fire feather sparrows, they will run away when they see it. What's more annoying, they also become like groups, avoiding all insects wherever they pass, it is like a forest in the rain forest. of a tyrant.

Ye Xi was a little surprised that the old warriors of the Moshi tribe were able to catch a horse-faced katydid.

But when he took a closer look, he found a small black shoot sprouting from the head of this katydid, and he immediately understood that this katydid must have been infected by Cordyceps fungus, and the veterans should be Good luck picking it up.

Seeing that Ye Xi was only staring at it and not eating, Dazhi pulled the insect's leg off with a bang, and stuffed it into his hand enthusiastically.

"Its legs are the best! Try it!"

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