The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 330 Please! Xia Cangzu Witch!

At the end of the sky, there was a huge meteor, as dazzling and dazzling as the sun, falling straight in their direction!

This huge glowing fireball didn't disintegrate in mid-air, it smashed towards them with a scorching hot breath and the momentum of thunder unstoppable.

Such a huge meteor, even hiding in a cave is useless, this forest will be completely destroyed without any suspense. And no one here can escape.

Everything is silent.

A chill pierced from the top of his head to the soles of his feet in an instant, Ye Xi's heart sank, he jumped off Jiao Jiao's back, and looked up at the big fireball that fell on his face with a pale face.

This wave of meteor showers was so dense, he knew that maybe one of them would hit him, but when death really shrouded his head, he felt so terrifying, it made people want to roar, roar, slack and collapse.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, in the face of such a natural disaster... they are nothing but ordinary people.

When the other fleeing people saw Ye Xi standing there looking at something, they stopped involuntarily and followed his gaze to the sky.

Seeing this, everyone's mind was blank, desperate and frightened.


Someone let out a hoarse, terrified scream.

The instincts of the creatures told them that if this huge ball of light fell, all of them would die. Not even the strongest warrior can escape.

Many people's legs softened in an instant, and they looked at this falling meteor in panic, shivering with fear.

In the vast sky, countless meteors exploded like fireworks, dazzling and beautiful, with a poignant breath, carrying the breath of death, falling to various places.

"Everyone come here, hurry up!"

Ye Xi thought of something, stared at the meteorite in the sky, and shouted loudly. A powerful voice penetrates the forest.

Everyone panicked, their minds were blank, they couldn't think of anything at all, and instinctively followed the sound and stumbled to this side.

The head shines brightly.

The huge fireball with a scorching destructive aura is getting closer and closer, so close that you can almost hear the sound of the air rubbing violently.

Surrounded by a group of people running towards Ye Xi in horror.

And Ye Xi stood in the center of the crowd, like a giant tree still standing in the gust of wind, quietly looking up at the approaching meteor.

Then, he stretched out his hand and took out the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff that had been on his back, shook off the thin animal skin that had been wrapped all the time, straightened his back, and held the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff tightly and tightly in his hand.

The dazzling meteor rumbled down to a few hundred meters above their heads.

The dazzling light shone the snow-white in front of people's eyes, the fiery light burned to the skin, and the breath of death was already pressing in front of the eyes. At this moment, whether it was a powerful fifth-level warrior or a mysterious witch, they all collapsed and fell to the ground, trembling and almost limp.

In this kind of disaster, human beings are ants.

Time seemed to stand still.

The hot wind blew Ye Xi's hair head on, illuminating Ye Xi's fearless pale face.

He slowly raised the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff and pointed the head of the stick at the huge meteor that was shattering the world and obscuring all sight.

Power, unblock.

In an instant, a surging power descended to the extreme,

The Ancestral Witch Bone Staff was full of bright witch patterns, and the head of the staff emitted a dazzling dark green light.

However, this light is so small next to the meteorite that covers the sky, just like the firefly next to the bright moon.

The Ancestral Witch Bone Staff hummed violently, and from the head of the Wand extended a huge dark green mask made of dense witch patterns that even ordinary people could see with the naked eye.

The next moment, the meteor fell.

This huge ball of light with amazing power smashed into the dark green mask woven by the witch pattern.

--boom! ! !

With a terrifying crashing sound, a dazzling white light appeared in front of Ye Xi's eyes.

please! Xia Cangzu Witch! ! !

Ye Xi roared in his heart.

The meteor as huge as a mountain collided fiercely with the mask, and the dark green witch-pattern mask was like a lake smashing into a boulder, and violent ripples rippled on it.

The next moment, the incandescent light ball seemed to hit the hard ground, burst open, and turned into countless pieces of flaming meteorite fragments.

Some of these small fireballs hit the outside of the mask, and the dense giant trees were instantly eroded by the heat. Accompanied by firelight and splashing mud and stones, shocking pits were smashed into the ground. Some of them hit the mask, and with the little water ripples of the witch-pattern mask, they were bounced out and fell outside the mask.

Within a dozen kilometers outside the mask, countless giant trees were destroyed, the forest became mottled, and the ground was full of deep pits that were smashed by meteorite fragments, still steaming hot.

But the inside of the mask is intact, not even a leaf is damaged.

Puff, puff.

With the violent heartbeat, all those who were waiting for death to open their eyes in disbelief.

They saw the witch-pattern mask, the surrounding destruction, and Ye Xi who stood in the center with a straight back and held the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff aloft.

After the catastrophe, and the unimaginable power, their hands and feet were paralyzed and speechless. He could only tremble all over, making a meaningless "ho ho" sound in his throat, or look up at Ye Xi in shock, letting tears run down his cheeks.

Huh, huh.

The tree-human great witch, who fell on the ground, gasped violently, her old hands trembling like withered tree bark, and looked up at Ye Xi who stood upright like a pine tree not far away, and the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff in his hand.

Then he was the first to get up, his lips trembling violently, he knelt down facing Ye Xi, and his forehead was deeply pressed to the soil.

This admirable great witch is now like a humblest believer.

What is the big witch of the tree people thinking? He didn't think about anything, but was shocked by this extremely powerful force, unable to express his inner emotions, and just bowed down with the simplest actions.

——If a normal person sees a miracle, he can’t help but bow down.

The others were also weak in their hands and feet, and one after another, they knelt down toward Ye Xi on the ground.

Even Tu Shanwu, with red eyes, knelt down toward Ye Xi, or rather, toward the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff, and kowtowed from the bottom of his heart.

This scene is like a scene reappearing in an underground cave. Countless generations of chiefs and witches of the Xia tribe bowed down to the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff reverently.

The power of the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff faded, the dark green witch pattern mask disappeared instantly, and the Ancestral Witch Bone Wand returned to its original inconspicuous appearance.

Ye Xi's hands trembled slightly.

In fact, he was not sure just now. The power of Xia Cangzu Wu is undoubtedly very powerful in the human race, but this is a natural disaster, it is the power of nature, such a catastrophe is close to destroying the sky and the earth, Xia Cangzu Wu... Can it be stopped?

However, Xia Cangzu Wu really did it. After thousands of years of mottled years, that powerful force still sheltered the descendants.

No amount of words could describe Ye Xi's excitement at this moment. He stroked the Ancestral Witch Bone Staff with his sweaty hands, put the head of the wand against his forehead, and closed his eyes and murmured, "Amazing, Xia Cangzu Witch..."

Amazing, the primitive humans living in this wild continent.

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