The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 131 Procrastination

Putai yelled and ran down the mountain, where there were still many crossbowmen training.

Ye Xi was shocked, the water was still half a person's height, how could the enemy come over?

He quickly ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down the mountain.

At this time, most of the stagnant water has receded, and the jungle has been exposed again. After several months of immersion in the stagnant water, the leaves of the jungle at this time are somewhat yellowed and the leaves are much rarer. But the dense canopy is still enough to block most of the sight.

Through the gap in the tree cover, Ye Xi saw a strange-looking warrior riding a large salamander-like pet. These salamander-like pets crawl very fast, half of their bodies are underwater, and they run fast in the stagnant water, shaking their heads and tails.

At the same time, through the gaps in the leaves, he also saw a few huge brown bears, dripping with water, clumsily stopping behind the salamanders.

Ye Xi stared and saw that there were more than 200 soldiers under the shade of yellow-green leaves!

You must know that Tu Shan only has more than 30 soldiers. How to fight this?

Ye Xi's heart was cold.

No one expected that the enemy would come to attack so early. The brown bears of the Huangzu tribe are not strong enough to cross water and are more suitable for fighting on the ground, while the salamanders of another tribe, they Tushan didn't listen to them. Said! So I didn't think about it at all.

Originally, when they planned to retreat to their ankles, they sent someone to set up a whistle in a farther place. Once they found the enemy, they quickly raised fireworks to notify the Huosui tribe to come to help.

But are they here now? And being so close to them, can they hold on before the Huosui tribe arrives?

This group of people rushed towards Tushan with murderous aura, and it was only about a kilometer away from Xiaotushan.

The chief looked grim and quickly commanded: "Dali, Mubeng, you are responsible for lighting the fireworks, immediately raise the fireworks and notify the Huosui tribe to come to help!"

The two called Dali and Mu Beng responded in unison: "Yes!"

"Cangpan, go to the back room and bring the centipede venom. Cone, go get a stone basin. Quick, quick!"

Cangpan and Cone: "Yes!" They quickly ran to both sides.

The entire tribe was running, everyone looked nervous and moved quickly. Some elderly people who could not participate in the war picked up the children who were still outside and ran into the house.

Some warriors did not bring their own weapons and hurried to the house to get them.

The crossbow team hurried to the top of the mountain.

Duo, the commander-in-chief of the crossbow team, had been standing on a rock with his chest up and his head held high. When he saw them coming, he immediately gave orders one by one.

"Everyone in the crossbow team, listen, all team members hand over their arrows to their squad leader, and the squad leader collects the arrows in his team! Speed ​​up! The enemy is approaching!"

Duo is worthy of being the chief's partner, and she has a calm posture in the face of danger. Although her mouth is constantly urging, there is no panic on her face. Her voice is clear, steady and powerful: "Kang, Qi, you go to store the arrows immediately. Stone House, get all the arrows in reserve!"

The crossbow team are all ordinary people, who have never participated in the war, and now the enemy can't help but be a little flustered. At this time, under the influence of Duo, he gradually calmed down. Ten teams quickly collected all the arrows.

At this time, the warehouse pan had already run to bring the two sealed jars of water centipede venom, and the cone also arrived with a stone basin. Without further command from the chief and his wife, the warehouse pan and the cone have already taken a jar and poured the venom inside into the stone basin.

There is not much venom, and the stone basin has only a shallow layer.

"Squad leader, from the first team to the tenth team, take the arrows up and apply the venom to the arrows, hurry up!"

"The arrows stained with venom will be distributed to the people of your team immediately!"

Dali and Mu Beng soon started the fire, the flames were burning, and the people responsible for the fire were covering the fire with freshly cut branches to make the smoke thicker.

Ye Xi's face was condensed, and a cloud shrouded his eyebrows.

There are too many enemies. Before the Huosui tribe comes to help, they may not be able to hold it. What should I do?

Thinking of something, Ye Xi said to the chief: "I'll drag them first, don't follow."

The chief raised his eyebrows in disapproval, and was about to say something when Ye Xi looked at him firmly, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Listen to me!" After speaking, he turned and ran down the mountain quickly.

The chief was taken aback by his eyes that did not match his age. When he came back to his senses, Ye Xi had already run down the mountain.

Many people saw Ye Xi running down the mountain alone and wanted to catch up to stop him, but the chief stopped him: "Don't go."

The chief hesitated, found Putai from the crowd, and said to Putai: "Ye Xi is going down the mountain, don't stop him, follow him farther away."

at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Xi stood quietly by the water bank alone.

The enemies are getting closer.

At the head were the tribal warriors riding giant salamanders.

Dozens of salamanders opened their cold yellow-green eyes and ran fast in the water, shaking their heads and tails, the water splashing loudly and splashing everywhere.

At the head was a giant salamander that was almost twice as tall, and the warrior riding on it was also particularly burly, with a sturdy aura from a distance.

Ye Xi narrowed his eyes and looked at the soldier's left chest.

Originally, he planned to look at his totem pattern, but he was immediately attracted by the flame pattern in the center of the totem pattern.

If he read it right, the flame pattern seems to have three?

He is a third-level soldier!

Ye Xi gradually curled his fingers, clenched his fists, and looked carefully at the soldiers behind him. Fortunately, the highest level is only Level 2, and he is the only fighter at Level 3.

After calming down, he recognized the totem pattern on the chest of the third-level soldier.

He once asked the chief about the totems of the tribes near the Black Ridge Mountains in detail. Looking at the totems, it seems to be a tribe called Wupan in the west of the Black Ridge Mountains?

I heard that the people of this Wupan tribe are very aggressive. They use the destruction of small tribes as their main means of development, and they will basically succeed every time they make a move. They are a very aggressive tribe.

When Ye Xi and the others discussed, they also considered whether it would be them.

It's just that they have never heard that they have so many giant salamanders as their pets? So they didn't expect that the enemy would come before the water had gone out. It can be said that this disrupted all plans.

Behind the Wupan tribe, the warriors of the Huangshi tribe, who were riding brown bears, gradually appeared.

It's just that their brown bear was too slow compared to the giant salamander of the Wupan tribe, and was almost pulled down more than 20 meters by the people of Wupan.

The person who saw Wupan was only 100 meters away from Xiaotu Mountain.

Ye Xi raised his hand and made a stop gesture, and shouted: "Warriors of the Wupan tribe, stop for a moment and let me say something!"

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