The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 401: Reciprocate

"You can eat the mastiff too! Although it is far worse than the food made for the sky, it is still good to change the taste occasionally."

Wang Musheng smiled and said to the mastiff lying on the seat with a listless expression next to him.

"I'm not interested! I really can't understand your weird thinking. You can already eat these things. You are not afraid that these things will pollute your body."

"No, you forgot. I have a supernatural power level purification curse. No matter what enters my body, as long as it is useless, it will be cleaned up by the purification curse for the first time."

Wang Musheng blinked and said.

Hearing this, Mastiff's dry eyes couldn't help but twitch violently.


"Well, what can we do, Xiao Lanling?"

However, Xiao Lanling didn't say anything, but mysteriously pointed to the place next to him, letting Wang Musheng look at it.

Wang Musheng looked over, and immediately couldn't help his eyes light up. It turned out that the little guy had spotted a pickpocket who was stealing a rich man's purse in brocade clothes.


Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng quickly put his finger between his lips and made a quiet gesture to the little guy.

Immediately, with a light wave of his hand, his soul was transformed into a thread and plunged directly into the thief's mind.

Then the thief who had just succeeded and got the money bag in his hand, his face changed wildly.

"Snake, snake, there is a snake!"

While shouting, the thief kept jumping, his face was nothing but panic, and finally he threw out the wallet in his hands.

And this action of this pickpocket naturally attracted the attention of people around him, including the young son whose purse was stolen.

Looking at the purse which was still not far in front of the pickpocket, and touching his waist, the young man's face suddenly turned dark.

"Damn it, you dare to steal my son's silver, go and follow me to the official."

"No, snake, there is a snake!"

"There are no snakes here. I want to pretend to be crazy and hide away. I tell you, it's impossible. There are no doors."

The young son grabbed the pickpocket by the shirt and said with an angry expression.

Hearing the words of the young man, the pickpocket also looked over, but found that there were no snakes on the ground at this time, and some were just a delicate purse that was caught by the young man.

"How could this happen! Snake, snake?"

"Hmph, wait a minute to go to the prison of the city guard, and then go find your snake!"

"Snake, I really saw it, I really saw it..."


Ignore this unlucky pickpocket who was scared out of a psychological shadow.

On the other side, the father and daughter who completed this feat secretly made a laugh like a little fox.

"Hehe! That person is stupid!"

"Haha! This is retribution!"

"Baba, we will come again."

"Haha, well, let me see it again! Hey, I found another one!"

No matter where it is, there will always be the existence of these three religions and nine liu, but today in Shifang City, the existence of these three sects and nine liu in the area where Wang Musheng and his party are located is **** mildew.

I always encounter all kinds of inexplicable things, such as, I just succeeded, but I just turned around and fell inexplicably to eat shit.

Or maybe, the silver taupe I was holding in the last moment, the next moment it became a viper, a toad, or even a hornet's nest.

As for other things, like stepping on **** and being chased by a dog suddenly, that's more.

As for the instigators of this, Wang Musheng and Xiao Lanling, his father and daughter, were laughing happily there.

Until they got bored, the two of them left here with a relaxed look.

But what Wang Musheng and Xiao Lan Ling didn't know was that because of this incident, the atmosphere of the Shifang City was inexplicably better.

There is also a legend of the **** of day travel.

When leaving, the stall owner, an elderly couple, because Wang Musheng eats a lot of people, and they especially gave a few people a preferential price.

For this reason, Wang Musheng directly used the whirling curse without the old couple's knowledge to help the male owner heal the lameness and absorb the sickness of the old couple.

Although this will not allow old couples to rejuvenate and rejuvenate, there is no problem in allowing them to live a few more years and spend the rest of their lives in good health.

Afterwards, the three Wang Musheng continued to taste the delicious food while walking towards the Qian's house.

Although Wang Musheng had never been to the Qian's family, with the powerful spiritual consciousness brought by Wang Musheng's current cultivation base, there was no problem in finding the Qian's family in this Shifang City.

After all, as one of the four major families in this Shifang City, the Qian family's presence is not low.

But before Wang Musheng and his party came to Qian's house, they met Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing first.

But the situation between Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing at this time was not so good.

"It's Murong Lingyun, and Xiaoqing."

Still a boring mastiff, he just discovered Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing for the first time.

"Sister Lingyun, and sister Xiaoqing?

Hearing the mastiff's words dry, he was eating a kind of cake similar to ice cream, the sorbet Xiao Lan Ling, suddenly asked in surprise.

At the same time, he quickly checked the surrounding environment, and soon discovered Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing's location.

In fact, it’s not okay if you don’t want to find out, because the street in front of you at this time has become empty, and everyone has gathered into a big circle and surrounded.

Although it is impossible to see the situation with the naked eye, this is not a problem for Wang Musheng, Lan Ling and the others.

I immediately noticed Murong Lingyun and Murong Qing who were being surrounded by the crowd.

"Eh, interesting, let's go over and take a look."

Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng couldn't help showing a curious look on his face immediately, leading Lan Ling, and Mastiff, and walked in the direction of the crowd.

"Baba! Hug."

"Okay, dad hug! How about, do you need a hug!"

Wang Musheng picked up Xiao Lan Ling in one hand, looked back at the mastiff behind Wang Musheng raised his brows lightly and said with a smile.

"Go away, your uncle, don't come to disgust me."

Mastiff said with a disgusting expression.

"Huh, bad dog, Baba, we ignore him."

Seeing this, Wang Musheng didn't feel much better, but Xiao Lanling was upset at first.

"Good, bad dog, we ignore him!"

Wang Musheng squinted at the mastiff and said with a smile.


Seeing Wang Musheng's appearance, the mastiff's dry mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The crowd was very tight, but for Wang Musheng and his party, this was not a problem at all. With a little power, they would gently separate these people on the two sides without the onlookers feeling it.

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