The Bumpy Road of Marriage: The Ex-Wife Is Expecting

Chapter 338: Don't use one person's words to judge another

Chu Cuiyi shook an extremely cold look to her, and then held the baby and opened the door.

Shui Anluo made a grimace at his back, then watched Chu Niyi open the door. Standing outside was a waiter downstairs in the mall. He pushed a cart full of things behind him.

"Mr. Chu, what you want."

Shui Anluo stretched his neck and looked out, wanting to see what Chu Niyi wanted.

The waiter pushed the trolley and put the contents inside one by one on the table.

Shui Anluo came out of the kitchen and looked at the things that were put down. Some of them were food, chicken, duck, and fish; some were drinking, milk, milk, or milk; useful, such as the breast pump she needed.

Shui Anluo drew the corner of his mouth to watch the waiter take out everything, and then bowed slightly and turned away.

"Mr. Chu, what are you doing?" Shui Anluo said, walking to the table and looking at the pile of things above.

Chu Lingfeng once again gave her a look of her own experience, holding the baby and going upstairs.

"It is reported that this heavy rain will last for three days, and just from yesterday evening to early morning, the rainfall has reached more than the total amount of rainfall this year. This rainfall caused many landslides and the villages were flooded. Officers and soldiers of the Armed Police are currently rescued. "

The news host speaks faster than usual when broadcasting news. The video images behind her are all videos of landslides or flooded villages.

Chu Cuiyi stood on the steps and looked back, but just saw the picture of Chu's Hospital.

Shui Anluo was also watching. Several doctors knew her and watched them get on the train. Shui Anluo knew that they were going to the affected area.

The person headed by him is not others, but Qiao Huihe.

In the past, Shui Anluo knew that Qiao Huihe would participate in this kind of event every year, and she almost didn't care about her age. She admired Qiao Huihe, but after Mo Luyi said, she felt that these might just be She was just atonement for her daughter's death.

"This time Chu's Hospital is still the first rescue team rushed to the disaster area, and the team is led by Qiao Hui and the old president who are over 70. This spirit is worth learning for all of us."

The host's words continued, but Shui Anluo evoked the spirit of his own mouth, worthy of learning. Qiao Huihe's every move was indeed worth learning, but no one went back to see thirty years ago, she did What?

Chu Cuiyi looked at the taunt of Shui Anluo's mouth, his eyebrows tightened, and Shui Anluo's response told him one thing: she believed in Mo Luyu!

Believe Mo Luyu?

Chu Cuiyi sneered and her eyes became colder. She never believed in herself, but never doubted Mo Luyi's words.

Shui Anluo reached for the remote control and turned off the TV. She didn't want to listen to Qiao Huihe's past, especially those glorious pasts.

"Don't judge another person by one's words." Chu Cuiyi said coldly, turning and holding the baby upstairs.

Shui Anluo clenched his hands slightly, but was stimulated by his words.

"Isn't it difficult? Even you admit it, brother's mother, your relatives and aunts, were forced to die by yourself." Shui Anluo said coldly.

Shui Anluo knew that she was so focused on this because Mo Lu said that she and Chu Cuiyi would face them in the future, because she would be afraid that a person who could even start with her daughter would treat her. To her child, can she be soft?

After all, Qiao Huihe doesn't like herself, or even hates it.

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