The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 763 Family Banquet

Zhao Changhe had not been playing the piano for long, and he only had a few pieces of music in his stomach. Most of them were etudes he had learned in Suzhou. Feng Qiuhuang had learned them specially for Tang Wanzhuang...

But he still played all the practice pieces he knew and played them to the little girl. She liked listening to them and liked music even more than Wanzhuang.

After all, her name is Baoqin, and she stands there holding her beloved qin every day. If a string breaks, it feels like her life is about to end.

Even though I didn’t play a few songs and most of them were simple exercises like this, Baoqin still enjoyed listening to it.

What is the fate of the maid in the first house? It means that when the young lady is inconvenient, she will satisfy the uncle's desires on the young lady's behalf. Baoqin had already been mentally prepared for this since she first learned about human affairs, so she chose someone... At first, she was much more anxious than the young lady because she didn't like the stinky bear, because it meant that she also had to accompany someone. A rude and unattractive man.

Later, later on, I fell in love... But even though I fell in love, I never thought about how much love I would get. It was probably because one day the young lady was tired and offered to let Bao Qin do it. He didn't refuse, and then Bao Qin closed his eyes and shyly accepted Huan. ...I have imagined that scene countless times.

She never dreamed that he would hold her in his arms and play his favorite tunes one by one, just because she liked it.

He is busy with so many things, there is no need to do these things, and whether he does them or not will not affect any results.

Baoqin felt that dreams were not so beautiful. Even if he only meant to do it.

Zhao Changhe did mean it. Although it is natural for a maid to be a maid in this world, and even the client himself feels that it is a source of resentment if you don't want me, he really can't treat a person like a tool and let others sleep with him. But if you say let's ignore the cannibalistic feudalism and just go find the one you love... then no one is so hypocritical.

All she can do is make the little girl happy and enjoy the tenderness that a young lady feels.

"Uncle..." The sound of the piano stopped, and she hugged the piano and leaned against him softly, her eyes full of shame and joy: "How long can you stay in Beijing this time?"

From the moment they met, from "Your Highness" to "Master", they all said something wrong. This "Sister-in-law" was the real meaning of the little maid. When asked how long he would stay, the meaning becomes even more obvious.

Zhao Changhe said: "It depends on the current combat readiness situation. I don't know much about it yet. Most of you know better than me."

Bao Qin was even happier when he heard it.

She handles official documents beside Tang Wanzhuang every day, and she indeed understands the situation better than Zhao Changhe. Not to mention the issues of food, grass, soldiers and armor, the army training alone has not been completed. Of course, if Hu Qi goes south at this time, he can barely pull him out first. The specific time to move will have to be discussed together when Zhao Changhe comes back.

Theoretically speaking, as long as there is no immediate border emergency report, it is really not that urgent. It is normal to prepare for ten and a half months. The research and mass production of storage rings also take time.

Does that mean...

Baoqin stole a glance at Zhao Changhe, only to see that he began to lose focus. It seemed that his mind was diverted as soon as business was mentioned. Baoqin sighed secretly in his heart. He was exactly the same as the young lady. Once the important matters of family and country came before him, he forgot about everything he held in his arms. I just hope that everyone has a good morning, that they can let their horses roam the Nanshan Mountains and take a good rest in the forest for a few years.


"Ah?" Zhao Changhe came to his senses, and the little maid in his arms bit her lower lip: "Do you want... to kiss me?"

Who was the person who just said that this is the main hall of the Demon-Suppressing Division? This girl is much more proactive than doing evening makeup. Zhao Changhe knew that the little maid wanted to relax herself, so he didn't think about those troublesome things. He leaned over and kissed her, and asked with a smile: "To tell you the truth, I have never asked where Baoqin's family is from. Is it because he was beaten when he was a child?" Did the Tang family buy it?"

"I am a son of the Tang family!" Baoqin was very proud: "My father has been protecting the young lady in his early years. When the young lady traveled to the capital to study, my father was the leader of the guard. I heard that he often blocked the young lady to death."

"It comes from family background, right?"

"Humph, anyway, I was raised by the young lady. He taught me to read and play the piano since I was a child. Just like my biological sisters, my uncle is not allowed to treat the young lady badly."

"Okay, okay, I understand. What's good for Baoqin is good for Wanzhuang." Zhao Changhe kissed the little girl's crackling mouth again.

The hand that was playing the piano just now naturally turned into playing the piano.


"Your Highness." There was a sound of dry coughing outside the door, and someone knocked on the door gently: "Your Majesty has issued an order to let Your Highness and Miss Baoqin come to the palace to have dinner together."

Baoqin was startled, quickly pushed his uncle away and jumped to the ground. He panted for a long time before he realized what was happening. He pointed at his nose in surprise: "Me? That monster... Your Majesty invited me to dinner?"

Zhao Changhe rubbed her head: "Let's go, my family, Chichi is really not as independent as you think."

If it hadn't been for my late indulgence, I wouldn't have dared to pursue your lady in the first place, let alone you... Although I can't help but be jealous sometimes, that's just a living person.


When entering the palace, Zhao Changhe held the hand holding Qin.

The little maid shrank a little and struggled to break free, so she had to follow Zhao Changhe with her head shrunken, looking around for fear of being laughed at.

As a result, many people along the way saw that they were indeed laughing, but it was my aunt who was laughing.

Baoqin is old enough, but she has never grown very tall. She usually looks like a little girl who has not grown up. In front of Zhao Changhe's nine-foot tall man, she even has small arms and legs. No matter how she looks, she is being held by a big brother. When the little sister comes out to play, no one can think about other things.

Bao Qin was laughed at for no apparent reason. It felt like everyone was not laughing at me. What did that expression mean... Is there a flower on my face?

She subconsciously reached out and touched her face, but she forgot that she still had the oil she had just tuned on her hand, and with one touch, three streaks of flowers appeared.

So people smiled even more.

Baoqin didn't understand, so he stopped hiding angrily. He simply took two steps faster and followed Zhao Changhe openly, holding his arm as he walked.

Let’s see you laugh again.

After walking like this, they walked outside the palace gate. Two figures, one red and one white, walked towards her. They both tilted their necks in sync to look at the way she was holding her uncle's arm.

Late Tang Dynasty makeup, Yue Hongling.

Baoqin felt like a little vixen who had been caught and raped by an old lady. Her little face suddenly turned red to the roots of her ears. She quickly threw away her arms and jumped back: "Little, Miss..."

As a result, the arm fell away, and the hand that was being held could not let go. As soon as he jumped back, he was brought back, like an ornament.

Tang Wan and Zhuang Yue Hongling laughed out loud at the same time.

Tang Wanzhuang walked to the other side of Baoqin with a smile, took her other hand, and walked towards the palace shaking her hand: "Little cat, did you eat it secretly?"

Baoqin: "Huh?"

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: "No. How is the research on the ring?"

Tang Wanzhuang smiled and said: "It's easier than expected. Originally, our thinking was still limited and we always wanted to make a ring. However, the ring is small. Carving a space formation on such a small object is a bit too demanding. I couldn't do it in a hurry. Hong Ling said, why do you need a ring? The ring is for personal convenience. If you want to transport it, you can make it into a small box... It was solved in one go, and there were no material requirements. It needs to be as strict as a ring, and our foundation can easily achieve it.”

Zhao Changhe gave Yue Hongling a thumbs up: "Be flexible!"

Yue Hongling smiled and shook her head: "Compared with some of your ideas, it's still far behind."

"How long will it take for mass production?"

"Now Master Yuanxing is organizing the carving formation. As long as the mold is cast, mass production is not difficult. will take about three days to see the first batch of samples coming out. Let's see then. Sha Qi's side has also been It’s here, and we can arrange to use it in some areas today.”

Baoqin found that no one paid any attention to her secretly eating her uncle. While talking about it, he pulled her into the palace gate from left to right, just like a couple bringing a child to a banquet.

And this banquet... seems to be really a family banquet.

For some reason, a thought came to Baoqin's mind: If we want to divide the tables, how come it feels like His Majesty and Baoqin are sharing the same table?

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