The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 689 The Road to Imperial Realm

At this time, Zhao Changhe was also fighting.

No matter how much chaos or bloodshed there was in Taihang, the capital, or on the banks of the Yellow River, Zhao Changhe couldn't see it at this time, and he didn't want to think about it.

What should be done has been done. It is impossible for one person to be responsible for all the major events in the world, nor can he be responsible. Wanzhuang Suzaku has her own tricks. They are originally the top experts in their own right. They have not yet traveled through time when others became powerful in the world.

Well, speaking of it, he is all his boss...

Chichi is not a fool... Anyway, if you don't trust their abilities, then this country will not be established, there is no point.

On the other hand, the secret realm of the Wang family is a very troublesome place. As soon as you enter this place, the overwhelming pressure comes, almost crushing your life in the first place. If it weren't for the dual cultivation with Sanniang, who is also extremely friendly to the power of water element, most people would be squeezed to death if they came in.

The water pressure here is greater than the pressure at the bottom of the deep ocean. All water is still, absolutely pure, and not even a microorganism can exist. It is very different from seawater in nature, but its heavy pressure is so terrifying that you can feel like your whole body is turning into flesh when you are in it.

There is also gain in pressure. In this process, you can clearly understand the power of air pressure and water pressure, and ponder its application. This is where the Wang family's ability to conquer the sky and suppress the sea comes from.

I really don’t know why the ancestors of the Wang family stayed there when they came in. Did Wang Daoning come in before? The water pressure is really too strong, stronger than the power of gods and demons.

When the power of nature reaches a certain level, it is originally the power of gods and demons.

In fact, Zhao Changhe felt that if he could come here to exercise from time to time, he would be able to effectively improve his weak defense and avoid being injured like a dead dog again and again. But it is obviously not the right time now, and the first consideration is how to get rid of this giant thunder.

Looking around, there is no end to this water area. I don’t know how wide the water here is. If it is to be directed and discharged overseas, how will it be discharged? Is the East China Sea big enough to accommodate it?

"Blind blind."

"...Don't interrupt me thinking about poetry."

"Stop thinking about poetry, how should this water be drained away?" Zhao Changhe said: "Piaomiao said, 'Help someone,' and that person is you. You said you would protect this world."

This is the world-destroying flood that pours down as the era collapses, flooding the world. This is part of the legend of the destruction of any civilization, but because Piaomiao suppressed it with the Zhenhai Sword, the flood was aggrievedly confined within a space, compressed into a mass, and unable to pour out.

And the blind man was involved in this matter... This point alone could eliminate Zhao Changhe's dislike for her by eight points.

The blind man didn't answer, so Zhao Changhe continued: "This is your unfinished business. What should you do this time? I'll help you do it?"

"It's no good being your boss, get out."

Zhao Changhe was dumbfounded: "Hey..."

The blind man said: "This place is very big, and the easternmost position overlaps with the seabed to a certain extent. Of course, for the entire ocean, the amount of water here is only a drop in the bucket. As long as it is properly guided and discharged, the water level will not rise even one point. It will not What impact does it have. But you have to guide it out slowly and don't cause it to rush out suddenly, which will be a disaster."

Isn't this a disgrace to one's integrity?

The blind man said: "This is exactly the best thing for you to do. First of all, you can sense the difference between the ocean and this place, and you can find the real outlet to the sea. Secondly, you have the Wang family's skills and can use the energy of the outside world to guide you well." "

During the conversation, Zhao Changhe could no longer hold on any longer, and his muscles had subconsciously begun to tense up. It was obvious that he was about to reach his limit.

But this kind of "save the world" thing made Zhao Changhe feel particularly strong. He held on to his own death and headed east to find a point to go to the sea.

The blind man followed beside him and said: "There is no need to be too forceful. This process is also a process for you to control 'Qi'. The external Qi and the Qi in your body are connected and have different expressions. As long as you can control it, it is also a 'control' part of it.”

Zhao Changhe was stunned: "Why... suddenly taught me how to break the imperial guard?"

The blind man said calmly: "I didn't tell you that you would also realize yourself. Your understanding is too high and you are just following the flow of humanity."

This is true, Zhao Changhe has already understood the connection between internal and external energy, but it is really surprising that a blind man would say this.

It is important to understand the difference between internal and external air, pressure, and offset of gravity... This is the basis of flight.

There are several modes of flying, one is to control the wind like Feng Yin, or melt into the shadow like Oblivion, which relies on their unique attributes; the other is to master the power of flight and compete with air and gravity. Pure violence is called ejection, not flying. You can do it now.

And once you master free flight, it is a typical characteristic of Yujing.

In other words, Zhao Changhe can indeed break through this item...but Zhao Changhe doesn't really want to use this item to break through. His heart is wilder and he wants to control more. I don’t know if the blind man’s sudden kindness was necessary to guide the world-destroying water here, or he had some other hidden intentions. Maybe he was encouraged to take shortcuts and narrow the road...

But the problem is that Zhao Changhe really doesn't have a clear idea of ​​how to break the imperial barrier. What direction should he focus on? Forget it, let’s not think about it for now, I really can’t stand it anymore.

Anyway, he had used his eyes behind his back before, so Zhao Changhe simply refused to hide it and unleashed all five senses unscrupulously.

Just like radar spreading under the deep water, invisible ripples spread in all directions.

You can really feel that the sea water in the outside world is different from this place. It seems that the two sides are combined, but in fact they are distinct. There is a seemingly non-existent, but actually extremely strong air pressure isolation between the two, creating a secret realm.

The Qi in the outside world and the Qi in the body are actually the same thing...

The reason why people will not be crushed to death by air is because there is Qi in the body. I learned it in junior high school physics, and it is actually a concept used here. Zhao Changhe carefully felt the air pressure of the isolated secret realm, stretched out his hand to press on it, and found the common rhythm between his own air and the outside world.

This is also the core of the Wang family's Pai Tian Suppression Kung Fu. As long as it is mastered, it is the foundation of Qi control. Zhao Changhe has the foundation of this skill, and he can easily gain relevant insights this time, and the Qi in his body has also begun to have a highly concentrated meaning. Although his practice has not improved much, Zhao Changhe feels that his strength has taken a step forward. .

Then gradually blend with the energy from the outside world.

The isolated secret realm suddenly had a connecting bridge, as if two different dimensions were glued together.

Zhao Changhe's heart moved, this feeling was interesting.

It happens that both planes are water. As the killer of the old Sea Emperor and the winner of the first blood of the new Sea Emperor, Zhao Changhe once again became the fusion bridge of the water of the two planes, flowing into the sea through his body.

Zhao Changhe gritted his teeth tightly.

This was more difficult than the previous pressure, and his whole body felt like it was being plowed from his skin to his meridians, but he held on without saying a word.

Just carry it through in the early stage. At first, you need to guide yourself, and you cannot release the flood instantly. After slowly expanding the channel, you no longer need yourself.

The blind man held his arms on one side and pursed his lips slightly when he saw Zhao Changhe's body turning into water.

She knew how painful it was, but this man seemed to have been struggling with his own pain since his debut, like iron.

"Actually, no one in the world knows what you are doing. You can only move yourself, so why bother?" The blind man suddenly asked.

Zhao Changhe was in a daze: "Huh?"

The blind man wanted to roll his eyes.

But Zhao Changhe smiled and said in a low voice: "I'm pretending and hope others will see it, but it's not necessary to do good deeds. I just want to be happy."

The blind man complained: "What you said is so pretentious."

"Yes, because you were watching from the side. I said I was pretending and hoped others would see it."

Blind man: "...I'm blind."

"Rumble!" The passage gradually expanded, and the water of destruction surged straight into the sea.

As a bridge, Zhao Changhe could no longer hold on. He was washed away by the flood and was swept into the deep sea like a kite with its string broken.

The blind man subconsciously reached out and grabbed his wrist. No matter how strong the flood was, it could not withstand the strength of the blind man, and it easily pulled him back.

Zhao Changhe's inertia continued and he almost bumped into her. The blind man kicked him aside, turned around and walked into the bottom of the sea, disappearing step by step.

Zhao Changhe rushed to the sea with a crash, gasping for air, feeling the process of the floodwater melting away into the sea, and he was in a good mood. As the blind man said, no one knew what he did this time. Maybe even the Wang family didn't know that there was a huge thunder in their family, but you don't do good deeds just for others to know.

Just do what you think you should do...

What's more, I actually gained a lot this time. My understanding of both air and water control has risen by more than one level. And, the body training that I had stagnated for a long time has also been greatly improved this time. The strong pressure resistance and the back and forth erosion of the power of water have made the most lacking defense power begin to become stronger, which is the same as being beaten ten times by a group of strong men. It's the same year after year, and it takes ten more years to grind it with sandpaper.

There is always a reward for doing good deeds...well, the reward is to be beaten by a strong man and sanded with sandpaper, isn't there something wrong?

And... Zhao Changhe raised his wrist and took a look.

The touch just now was exactly the same as that of a real person... Yes, I seemed to have touched her hand a long time ago.

Isn't she a spirit? Why does she have the touch of a real person and is so delicate and smooth?

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