The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 757 Super Technical Support

Under the enthusiastic explanation of the host, the Long March 5 was ignited and launched into space.

Before Chang'e 5, the people of Xiaguo used the Long March 3 carrier rocket to carry satellites or landers to the moon, because the technology of the 5th was immature.

But today is different. The high-thrust Long March 5 will be the first choice for landing on the moon.

Seeing this, Xu Limin said: "In fact, rockets using chemical substances as propulsion fuel will always be a problem for humans to set foot in space, because its thrust and the speed it brings are limited, and it cannot complete longer-distance travel."

Xiao Ming also very much agrees with Xu Limin's opinion, "So the future of human aerospace still requires your research and development of controllable nuclear fusion thrusters."

Xu Limin laughed, "Boss, don't put too much pressure on me! In fact, in the field of quantum mechanics, there will be another way for mankind to explore space in the future."

Xu Limin pretended to have a deep pause, which really attracted everyone's attention.

Xiao Ming also glanced at Xu Limin. Xu Limin said that the content of advanced technology in the technology catalogue, even Xiao Ming has no way to obtain detailed knowledge.

But technology must be built on the imagination with a logical basis.

Xu Limin said: "On a large particle collider, the speed of the particles can theoretically reach the beam. In the future, we can install particle emitters in space and emit entangled particle beams at the target. After the particle beam reaches our destination, we The entangled particles on the ground will be controlled to synthesize astronauts through particle entanglement synthesizers, and then those entangled particles that arrive on extraterrestrial planets will also synthesize astronauts.”

Sure enough, Xu Limin's words left everyone stunned.

Gao Siqi couldn't help but complained: "As expected, those who do physics are monsters."

However, Xiao Ming understood what Xu Limin was trying to express. Particle travel is one of the ways for humans to explore distant space in the future. Otherwise, according to the current speed of human aircraft, it will take hundreds of years to get out of the solar system, and it will take tens of thousands of years to get out of the Milky Way.

An hour later, the host of the live TV room announced that the first stage of the launch was successful, and the spacecraft will find an opportunity to enter the Earth-Moon orbit and head towards the moon.

Four days later, Chang'e 8 flew to the moon. Under the remote supervision of the Yanjing general control room, Chang'e 8 landed independently.

When the aircraft was close to the ground, there was a burst of cheers from the Yanjing control room.

How many years of silent sacrifice,

Success in this moment, past efforts are all worth it!

The host said: "The control system of Chang'e this time is all independently developed by my country, using the most advanced quantum chip and quantum information transmission of Pangu Technology, which can make any command sent from the ground, and the lunar surface can immediately receive the command. , there is no delay. In addition, the intelligent system of Chang'e 8 is also an intelligent control system using Pangu technology, including lunar satellites and landers, we can achieve real intelligent control without any operation by astronauts.

We also installed a companion camera dragonfly on the lander Yuetu x. The dragonfly camera here is not the same as the dragonfly camera on the ground that relies on air buoyancy. The dragonfly here relies on jet power to ensure flight and balance. After the lander landed, the dragonfly was able to eject first and broadcast a panoramic live broadcast of the Moon Rabbit X. "

An expert from Yenching University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, who was beside the host, said: "The main reason for us to achieve manned moon landing ten years earlier than expected is the technical support of Pangu Technology for our lunar landing equipment. From communication systems to intelligent control systems The lunar ecological module that will be displayed in front of everyone in a while will be inseparable from the technical support of Pangu Technology."

The host said: "Pangu Technology is a private company. Is it worthy of reference for future technology companies to be able to participate in the national aerospace program so thoroughly?"

Expert: "It's true, the task of human exploration of the universe is definitely not a matter of the country, and requires extensive participation of the whole people. A few years ago, the SpaceX company in the United States was able to launch rockets and send satellites into the sky. SpaceX is also a private company. The company, Pangu Technology, and SpaceX are examples of private company and state collaboration."

Half an hour later, Xia Guo's astronauts walked down from the landing module.

Footprints on the lunar surface.

The ecological capsule built by Pangu Technology also slowly slid down from the Yutu x large landing capsule and unfolded slowly in the open space.

Gao Siqi has put on the Qinghe equipment, and monitors the operation of the ecological cabin with the technicians in the control room in virtual time.

The unfolded eco-pod living area has a total of about six square meters, with a size of 2.6 meters long, 2.33 meters wide and 3 meters high.

Although the size is not large, there is a bunk bed rest area, activity area and experiment area.

Behind the ecological cabin is an ecological balance cabin, which is only a quarter of the size of the ecological cabin. The function of the cabin is to maintain the balance of the ecological cabin and provide the astronauts with food and drinking water, which can ensure the survival time of the astronauts for more than two weeks.

An hour after landing on the moon, the eco-pod was fully deployed.

After pinning the flag of Xia on the moon rock, the two astronauts of the Xia country waved to the dragonfly camera.

People all over the Xia Kingdom saw this historic moment and cheered before the live broadcast!

In the 1970s, the Americans landed on the moon for the last time, but no one knows whether the Americans' landing on the moon was true.

Today, more than 50 years later, the Xia people landed on the moon again. Unlike the last time the Americans landed on the moon to take a look and walk, the Xia people will take root here.

Astronauts will live in the ecological module for more than two weeks, and the plan of the ecological module will still work after the astronauts leave the moon.

In the next few years, more ecological modules will be launched to the moon and the current combination of ecological modules will finally form a complete lunar base construction.

Xia Guo Aerospace Center intends to use the moon as the center of the future universe too much, radiating to the solar system and even the entire universe.

Therefore, this time the eco-cabin is very important!

Xia people are very low-key. After coming to the moon, they just do their own research and build their own ecological cabin. They will not publicize too much how awesome this moon landing is.

With the facts in front of them, normal people all over the world would cheer for Xia Guo's landing on the moon.

Washington, NASA headquarters.

NASA didn't know the exact news until the day before Xia Guo launched the lunar module. Xia Guo's secrecy work was indeed very good.

NASA borrowed Toyo's lunar satellite to observe Xia Guo's moon landing activities. The observed situation is that Xia Guo does have a landing module on the moon, and two astronauts are already carrying out a series of exploration activities.

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