The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 156 The Perfect Paper

Wen Xueqing is still concerned about the safety of drinking water for the local villagers, and she helped the villagers make an appeal on Weibo, hoping that the local area could solve their drinking water problem. And @ local relevant departments and media.

Xiao Ming rarely pin his hopes on the media, he prefers to take the initiative in his own hands.

Outside Jiangcheng University, the simple laboratory of the Life Science Division of Pangu Technology.

Gao Siqi has been struggling with her colleagues for a week, and finally wrote the first draft of the paper on the regulation of gene expression by negative charges.

Xiao Ming and Gao Siqi conducted the final review of the paper, and used Xiaochu's active control over the major experimental software to check whether the experimental data were correct.

In late May, when the semester came to an end, when the finance majors began to prepare for their final exams, Xiao Ming and Gao Siqi were preparing to publish their papers.

"It is impossible to find a recommendation from a school." Gao Siqi has already told Xiao Ming that the school's research institute is strongly concerned about the laboratory's gene expression regulation experiments, and asked herself to publicly confess the experimental results and all the data.

Gao Siqi stayed up all night almost every day during this period. She rubbed her temples and said, "The Institute has always believed that we obtained the final research results through laboratory data, which is why this misunderstanding is caused. Now we and the Institute have If there is disagreement, it is impossible for the institute to recommend our paper, so..."

Therefore, it is more difficult to publish papers in relevant domestic journals.

"It's not that it can't be published, it's just that it's more difficult to succeed." Gao Siqi added.

Most of the domestic influential first-class academic journals need to be recommended by subject leaders or colleges. The purpose of this is to reduce the workload of journals to screen papers.

In the academic world of Xia Guo, which is all linked to thesis in terms of title, rating, graduation, etc., the above-mentioned practice gives the school and tutors great rights. If you are offended, then you will never have a chance with a class of academic weekly magazines.

Of course, you can also publish papers in the second or third academic weekly journals, without the recommendation of schools and teachers, and some journals can even be published at your expense, but publishing papers in such inferior journals will have a bonus effect on you. Much smaller can even have negative effects.

"Publish it in the name of an independent laboratory and publish it in the journal "Cell". Xiao Ming made a decision.

"Cell" is a magazine about the latest research findings in the field of life sciences published by the US Cell Press. From the perspective of professional impact factor, it has always been higher than "Nature" and "Science". The journal Cell has a wide reach.

And unlike "Nature" and "Science", which require a short summary statement of research results, "Cell" requires the publisher to express the entire research process and results in the form of a long paper. In recent years, "Cell" has paid special attention to the scientific research progress of molecular biology.

Xiao Mingding has his own academic considerations for publishing papers in Cell.

""Cell"?" As a person in the field of molecular biology, how could Gao Siqi not know the weight of "Cell" in the entire molecular biology world.

Gao Siqi said: "Cell magazine was very proud ten years ago, and would never accept Xia scientists to publish papers, because they believed that the world's most advanced molecular biotechnology was the United States, Europe, the East, and Xia people in the United States. This aspect is quite backward and will not yield any results. It is only in recent years that the Xia people have made major breakthroughs in molecular biology and gene technology, and they have let go of their arrogance. Strict. The last time a scientist from the Xia State appeared in Cell magazine was probably about the cloned monkeys 'Zhongzhong' and 'Huahua'."

"Senior sister." Xiao Ming said, "You should have confidence in our research results."

Gao Siqi nodded and said, "Where is the school research institute?"

Xiao Ming said: "I have been in contact with many teachers in the institute.

There is no problem with their personalities and they are reasonable, and many teachers still have outstanding achievements in academics. These achievements are worthy of our reference. "

"Only a very small number of people, because of their own self-interested rhetoric, don't give general knowledge."

Gao Siqi sat on the seat with a sigh and said, "I'm betting on whether I can graduate in the future to publish my thesis!"

Xiao Ming said with relief: "Does it matter if you have a graduation certificate? Anyway, Pangu Technology will always have your place."

In the end, the two sent the paper by e-mail according to the requirements of "Cell", and signed the Pangu Science and Technology Life Science Research Laboratory. The experimenters included Gao Siqi and others. Of course, Xiao Ming, who proposed an important methodology, was ranked first One.

Publishing the paper in the journal "Cell" is not because Xiao Ming looks down on domestic life science magazines, nor is it because Xiao Ming is obsessed with foreigners. But at present the highest level of life science and technology is in foreign countries. Xiao Ming wanted to let people all over the world know that the basic science and technology of the Xia Kingdom was still not bad.

In the future, when the world's scientific and technological focus shifts to Xia Guo, Xiao Ming can also host the world's most influential scientific and technological academic journals, so that scientists around the world can be proud of publishing their papers here.

After the paper is sent, the reply of "Cell" has been received, please wait for the review within 15 to 30 working days.

The paper is still waiting here, but the Institute of Molecular Biology of Jiangcheng University cannot sit still.

After they repeatedly asked Gao Siqi to persuade the conversation to be invalid, they froze Gao Siqi's qualifications for applying for a straight doctorate at Jiangcheng University. These people are required to explain the problem clearly. In terms of school discipline and regulations of the institute, the use of the institute's data and experimental results without permission will be held criminally responsible.

Gao Siqi doesn't care about the graduation certificate or the chance to study for a doctorate, and how many other people don't care?

The institute does not believe that these students will pin their futures on an unknown laboratory outside the school.

They knew that Xiao Ming was borrowing the molecular laboratory for sewage treatment experiments, but they did not link Xiao Ming with the most advanced regulation of gene expression in the molecular biology world.

After receiving the decision of the institute, Wen Xueqing and others expressed their concerns to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming was a little speechless at the reaction of the research institute. He just said: "Pangu Technology is responsible for the future of every laboratory member!"

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