The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 773: Winter Island Encounter

Numerous powerhouses all over the world have focused their attention on the Black Duke Pirates, including the Three Emperors of the New World, the powerhouses living in seclusion and retired in the dark, and the supernovae who have escaped from the underwater prison LV6. Criminals, many kings, Qiwuhai, revolutionary army, etc., these people are all talking about this matter.

   At this time, the new world belongs to one of the many territories of the "Four Emperors" Kaido, on a snowy island called Winter Island.

   A man with flowing blond hair and six vertical lines on his forehead came to the island alone. He is the 11th supernova of the Chambord Islands, Basil Hawkins, who has the title of Hawkins.

   Hawkins stood there thinking for a moment, then took a newspaper out of his arms and looked at it.

   "How should the spiral of fate turn?" The man laughed, but the smile on his face still had a melancholy and gloomy feeling, "My old friend... Reinhardt."

   Thinking of this, he continued to scan the newspaper.

   "He should be heading towards the white beard pirate group now."

   The picture shown in the newspaper is the report of the World Economics Daily many days ago, about the Black Duke Pirates defeating the Blackbeard Pirates, and the honeycomb island that was completely sunk into the seabed.

   "This is Kaido's territory..."

   Hawkins seemed to see the wind and snow rolling in the sky, thinking with some surprise in his heart.

   Closed his gaze, he took another look towards the depths of Winter Island. The defense was heavily guarded, with three steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry, and there were guards everywhere.

  Thinking for a moment, he put the newspaper in his arms, and then took out a stack of scarecrow cards. After the cards were reorganized, he drew several cards in succession, propped them in the air with straws, and placed them in sequence.

   This is one of his unique skills, one of the abilities of the Superman Scarecrow fruit, the Scarecrow brand.

   He began to calculate the odds.

  The battle win rate is 100%.

There is no unexpected result. As a supernova, he can kill these guards instantly, but what he wants to measure is not whether he can break in, but he wants to know if he breaks in and survives and successfully joins the Four Emperor Kaido's banners. probability.

   He drew the Scarecrow cards back one by one, and after shuffling the cards in his hand, he drew the cards again to form a new deck array.

   Survival/Join chance 50%.

The chance of breaking into Winter Island to survive and joining Kaido was beyond his imagination, but he instantly understood that the purpose of this trip to Winter Island was to join the Kaido Pirates. Although Kaido was moody and often killed people for no reason, Bai Beast Kai Many still cherish talents very much, so this calculation result is not surprising.

He rushed to Winter Island and joined the Kaido Pirates this time, in order to complete the undercover task assigned by Reinhardt, and undercover the Kaido Pirates in advance, in order to obtain more information on Kaido, and at the critical point. Provide assistance to Reinhardt at all times.

   The plan to break into the island and enter the Kaido Pirates group naturally came from Reinhardt's suggestion. When Hawkins heard Reinhardt's plan, he was very surprised.

   It's just that what he was surprised was not the decision to break into the Kaido Pirates, but to break into Kaido's sphere of influence with such a rude technique. Can this succeed?

   Although he believed in Reinhardt, he still used the Scarecrow card to calculate the odds several times. After getting a chance of survival beyond his imagination, Hawkins did not hesitate to walk towards the depths of Winter Island.

Few people in this world know the relationship between him and Reinhardt. As an old friend for many years, he had a bet with Reinhardt. The price of this bet was for Reinhart. Special effect.

However, Hawkins does not reject it. Even without this bet, as an old friend for many years, and Reinhardt has unlimited potential now, he is likely to become the "Four Emperors" in the future, so joining the Black Duke Pirates is logical. thing.

   After looking at the strict guards around him, he showed an imperceptible smile, immediately put away all the scarecrow cards, and turned into a huge scarecrow.

   At this moment, his eyes suddenly startled, because he saw a familiar man not far away.

   Hawkins immediately exited the scarecrow form and walked towards the man.

   The man wears a swordsman hat on his head, a black mask on his face, a hooked nose, an "X" mark on his chin and chest, a four-bladed axe on his right waist, and a Western sword on his left waist.

   "X Drake..." After seeing this man, Hawkins immediately said, "Why did you appear on Winter Island?"

   Drake also saw Hawkins at the same time, a hint of surprise flashed under his calm eyes, as if he didn't understand Hawkins' appearance on Winter Island.

   "Basil Hawkins, this is Winter Island in Kaido's sphere of influence. Can you come, but I can't come?"

  Drake stared at him, guessing Hawkins' purpose in his heart.

  Drake understands his mission after rebelling against the navy, and it is an important part of this mission to break into Winter Island and enter the Kaido Pirates, but he wonders why Hawkins is also here?

Drake didn’t know the special relationship between Hawkins and Reinhardt, so he didn’t understand Hawkins’ purpose. Hawkins also didn’t know the morals. Lake just pretended to betray the I don’t know that she rebelled against the Navy. The mission he was carrying, also did not think that Drake had the same purpose as himself.

   So two supernovas who seem to be in the same camp, but not in the same camp, and at the same time have the same purpose, met miraculously on Winter Island. Both of them had guessed the purpose of each other's trip in their hearts.

   "Then don't get in the way of me." Hawkins said in a deep voice, with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

   Drake sneered: "This is what I want to say to you."

   said, the two transformed at the same time and rushed towards each other.

   The huge scarecrow opened a pair of scarecrow arms and waved it, and Drake, who had become a dinosaur, bit it.


   The attack that the two collided together shattered the surrounding snow into powder.

   This blow did not tell the outcome, but at this time neither of them had any intention of going on here, so Hawkins said in a deep voice, "Then do your own thing, and no one will hinder the other."

   Drake's ferocious Longyan glanced at Hawkins, then turned and rushed towards the guards on Winter Island.

   Hawkins took his eyes back from Drake, and jumped more than ten meters to another building where the guard was holding.

   The two entered Winter Island at the same time, and the pirates guarding Winter Island were very surprised.

   "Who would dare to break into the territory of the Four Emperors Kaido?" one of the pirates shouted with a weapon.

   "It's him...the eleventh supernova of the Chambord Islands, the magician Basil Hawkins."

   "There is another way."

   "Chiqi X Drake, also the 11th supernova."


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