The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 767: Dead end

"Boss Meester."

   A middle-aged doctor in medical clothing ran towards Mestre with a medicine kit. This is one of the doctors in the Black Duke Pirates group. There are several companions behind him.

   "Too much bleeding, immediately transfusion." The middle-aged doctor immediately ordered.

   After the blood transfusion started, several doctors used equipment to conduct a comprehensive examination of Meister's body, especially his right arm, which had been twisted into a twist, and his bones were almost completely split.

   "Boss of Mestre, you have to return to the Galaxy Stars to perform surgery with more advanced medical equipment."

   The middle-aged doctor frowned and said with some worry.

   Meester shook his head: "The war is not over yet, I can't leave."

   "No, your right arm will be destroyed." The middle-aged doctor shook his head, "I am a doctor. You must listen to me. The captain also gave me permission. Now you can't order me."

   "Take the boss of Mestre back to the ship for the operation immediately." The middle-aged doctor issued an order, and several other doctors began to act.

   "The battle on the boss's side is about to end."

   Meester said suddenly, the middle-aged doctor looked at the position where Reinhardt was fighting and was taken aback.

   A huge slash blocked everyone's sight, and the humming vibration was like nine days of raging thunder, cutting directly on the hive island.

   There was a loud bang, and cliff-like cracks appeared on the island. After that, another terrifying scream broke out.

   "Captain Titch..."

   "Captain Titch was hit."

   "Captain Shiliu was also killed."

   "Does our Blackbeard Pirates really fail today?"

   "It's all dead, Captain Hilliu is dead, Captain Diamond is dead, Captain Moria is also dead."

   "Run, this war cannot be won."

   "All of us will be killed by the Black Duke Pirates if we don’t run away."

   "Now the Blackbeard Pirates is not worth our follow. I don't want to be buried in this sea."

After this shocking slash, the Blackbeard Pirates immediately ushered in an inevitable rout, an important factor in determining the outcome of a war. In addition to strength, will and momentum are equally important. In Diamond, Hiliu died. After Moria's sudden disappearance, the defeat of the Blackbeard Pirates was unstoppable.

Under the momentum of changing, the Black Duke Pirates chased and killed the fleeing members of the Black Beard Pirates with a crushing force, and the core members of the Black Beard Pirates were basically taken by the Black Duke Pirates. [Three Aces] [Six Extremes] members killed a clean.

   "We won." After seeing this scene, Meester laughed. The smile drove the injury on his body, which made him feel a pain and a strong sense of dizziness appeared in his consciousness.

   "Let's go, take me back to the ship for surgery."

   Meester said to the middle-aged doctor, as a musician, he doesn't want to lose his right hand.

   The middle-aged doctor nodded and acted immediately.

   On the noisy battlefield, Blackbeard's body was covered with wounds cut by blades. Although his repair fruit was strong, he could hardly recover from this offensive that hardly stopped.

   Another reason for the single ability to repair the fruit is that the time he obtained was too short to have time to develop it.

   Blackbeard lay on the ground coughing blood, looking at Reinhardt incredulously.

Reinhardt walked towards Blackbeard, and he could see that Blackbeard was already at the end of his crossbow. Under his crazy attack, he had no ability to resist at all, but he did not take it lightly. After all, Blackbeard was physically strong. The secret hasn't been fully figured out yet.

"Am I really going to die here?" Blackbeard couldn't help thinking. He naturally knew that the defeat was set now. Hiliu and Diamond were killed. The **** Moria must have escaped because of the failure. There are other people who estimate that there are more ills than good luck.

   Now Blackbeard’s primary consideration is not how to turn defeat into victory, but how to save his life. With his double fruit ability and the special secret of the body, as long as he can escape smoothly, he will have the opportunity to pull up the team and make a comeback in the future.

   But Blackbeard looked around, where is the chance to escape?

Except for the ships of the Black Duke Pirates, all the sailing boats in the harbour were destroyed. The members of the Black Duke Pirates also blocked all locations of Beehive Island. At this time, it can be said that there is no way to the sky. There is no way to enter the ground, and it may be possible to go to the sea, but it is not an easy task to break through the blockade of Reinhardt and reach the sea.

Blackbeard's eyes were desperate and frustrated. He thought of lurking for many years and forbearing, and finally got the dark fruit he dreamed of. By grasping the firefist Ace, he successfully became the king of Qiwuhai, thus entering the city of advancement and got many powerful men , Ready to complete a very important part of the plan in the war on the top: to seize the fruit of the shock of the white beard.

   As if fate made an extreme joke with him, everything went well from obtaining the dark fruit to the top of the war, but after killing the white beard, everything reversed and changed.

   It seems like destiny has been artificially reversed ~ ~ everything that originally belonged to me has been intercepted by Reinhardt.

Since Marin Vando Reinhardt prevented him from gaining the shocking fruits, his plan seemed to be known in advance by him. Not only did he kill several powerful subordinates, but also made himself the most frustrated in his life. Once.

   is also a guy who has been unknown for many years, why should fate take care of him?

why why why?

   Blackbeard kept asking himself, like a torture of his own soul, but no one could answer him, so he turned his gaze to Reinhardt.

   "Why... Reinhardt!" Blackbeard snarled angrily, "Why are you always against me?"

   "Why?" Reinhardt sneered. "Anyone who fails is not qualified to know the answer."

   "We could have been partners in a boat, why would you do this?" Blackbeard continued to growl, "Originally, we could join forces to create a new era and conquer the world."

   "I'm not interested in being a partner with someone like you." A purple chill flashed on Reinhardt's blade, which made Blackbeard's heart tremble and his face was as gray as death.

   "No, we don't need to be like this at all. I know your goal is the four emperors, and I will never compete with you for the position of the four emperors."

   Reinhardt is unmoved, no one can shake his determination to kill Blackbeard today.

   The blade leaped, and a strange purple air current flashed.

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