The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 753: War breaks out on Beehive Island

   At this time, a large number of pirate boats gathered in the port of Honeycomb Island. There were a lot of pirates on the island, and the black beard pirates gathered together. There were more than 20 sailing boats parked around the harbour.

   "Captain Titch." A pirate ran towards a building, shouting as he ran.

"In a hurry, what is it." A pirate leader said sharply towards the pirate, then turned to look at the black beard sitting on the huge chair and said, "Captain Titch, it should be the report to the Black Duke. Intelligence."

   "Yeah." Blackbeard nodded and looked at the pirate. "Have you found the trail of the Black Duke Pirate Group?"

   "Without a trace, the Black Duke Pirate Group seems to have disappeared from the Music Island out of thin air." The pirate replied.

"Captain Titch, I don't think there is any need to worry about it. We now have a pirate team of more than 7,000 people, as well as powerful companions such as Yuzhiru, Moonlight Moria, and Blood Diamond Diamond. There is no need to worry about Lai. Inhart will kill the door." The pirate leader said.

Yu Zhiliu frowned and didn't seem to suspend the words of this subordinate: "We have lost too many powerful companions in Malin Vandor. Now the Black Duke Pirates should not let this opportunity pass us completely. Therefore, we must not take it lightly. Reinhardt is an opponent that must be absolutely valued."

   "If he dares to kill Beehive Island, he will be surprised. Although we have lost a lot of powerful companions in the war on the top, our Blackbeard Pirate Group has newly joined two more powerful companions."

"Hahaha yeah Captain Tic, the former king, Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria, and the Great Pirate Blood Diamond Diamond, who used to compete with the red-haired in the new world, which one is not famous in the world, if he is If you dare to come to the door, you will surely let him come back and forth."

   "What do you know." Moonlight Moria took a bite of the food on the plate, and said solemnly, "You have never faced the guy Reinhardt, and you never know how scary he is."

Moonlight Moriah’s impression of Reinhardt is not unattractive. He was defeated by Reinhardt many years ago, and Reinhardt at that time was far less powerful than it is now, especially at the top. The strength shown by Reinhardt in the war was great, beyond everyone's imagination.

   "Morlia is right, we can't take it lightly." At this time, Blackbeard said, "Reinhardt deserves our attention. The pirates below must be on guard and don't relax their vigilance."

   It seems that because of successive defeats in Reinhardt's hands, Blackbeard became cautious.

   "Little ones, cheer up. All the pirates who went to the Blackbeard Pirates Group will be accepted. The surrounding areas of the island are well guarded. Once a hostile Pirate Group is found, the alarm will be sounded immediately."

   Now is the critical moment, the black duke pirate group disappeared strangely on Music Island, so Tic always had a bad premonition.

At the beginning, all my plans to go to Marin Vandor were completely seen through by the guy Reinhardt. Now that I have recruited two powerful partners and many new world pirates, it’s impossible to know Reinhardt’s intelligence capabilities. Presumably Reinhardt also used this time to replenish a large number of pirate forces, but he did not understand his situation.

   "I see, Captain Titch." The pirates in the distance immediately responded loudly.

   Blackbeard walked out with many of his companions and came to the highest platform of the island. He glanced at the many pirates in the distance, most of whom had recently rushed from other waters in the New World.

   In the distant waters, there are still pirate groups close to the island. Although the Blackbeard Pirate Group is defeated in the war, there are still many pirate groups willing to follow.

After scanning Blackbeard's gaze, he then said loudly: "If you want to follow me to create a new era, please board this island. My goal is the Four Emperors. From now on, we will fight to eliminate the Black Duke Pirates. The war of the regiment!"

   Blackbeard knew very well in his heart that he didn't have any chance to occupy the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group without first destroying the Black Duke Pirate Group.

  Those pirates who rushed in immediately cheered loudly: "Captain Titch, we are willing to follow you."

   "We believe that Captain Titch can lead us to the top of the world."

   At this moment, the sea surface of the harbor suddenly surging, the huge waves undulate suddenly, one layer after another, the waves are surging, like a thousand horses screaming.

"That is……"

"what's going on?"

   "In the sea, there is movement in the sea."

   "There seems to be someone."

   "It's a ship."

   "No, it's a fleet."

   "Black Duke Pirates!"

   Suddenly someone yelled, these six shook everyone, why did the Black Duke Pirate Group suddenly appear in the port of Honeycomb Island?

   There was a crash, the waves burst, and the eight warships led by the Galaxy Stars jumped out of the water like sea beasts, and the majestic sea rose into the sky.

   "The Black Duke Pirates are here."

   "Captain Titch..."

   woo...The alarm on Beehive Island was immediately The Blackbeard and others standing on the high platform were shocked, and finally set their eyes on the overbearing and terrifying giant ship.

   "Asshole Reinhardt, he rushed from the bottom of the sea to the harbor." Blackbeard suddenly grumbled and shouted, "Everyone, fight immediately to prevent the Black Duke Pirates from rushing in."

   After this order, countless pirates immediately gathered near the port, blocking the landing of the Black Duke Pirate Group.

   "Open a new era?"

   At this time, a huge roar rang out, "Go to **** and start a new era, Titch!"

   A white light flashed, with a boom, the electric light exploded among the pirates, and after a wailing sound, nearly a thousand pirates were killed.

   huh... Reinhardt pulled out [Nightmare], pointed at Blackbeard in the distance, and issued a battle order: "Everyone, go to the island and fight the Blackbeard Pirates."

   "Come on..."

On the eight battleships of the Black Duke Pirate Group, more than 5,000 pirates burst into thunderous roars. The sound of killing was mixed with the sound of firearms and artillery. The vibration of the weapons was like the sound of seabirds flapping their wings. , The war broke out immediately.

Headed by the [Three Aces] [Sixth Armed Forces] at the core of the Black Duke Pirate Group and the incomplete [Seven Armed Forces], led the Seven Squad with more than 5,000 pirates to start landing operations. The densely packed Honeycomb Island The artillery flew over, blasting huge holes in the sea.

   "Little ones, go ahead and let them know how powerful the Blackbeard Pirates is." A pirate leader of the Blackbeard Pirates shouted with a weapon.


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