The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 751: Black Duke Ship Regiment

Soon after, the three were arranged.

   "These three people should have been in prison for too long because they could not get physical exercise, so they degenerate."

   After the three of them retreated, Reinhardt said something.

   "This is very logical. Even a person with outstanding talents, if they don't exercise for a long time, their strength will degenerate a lot, just like the former king Qiwuhai Krokdal."

   Meester said in agreement.

   Reinha nodded, and continued after a moment of indulgence: "These three people will investigate for a period of time. If there is no major problem, they will be added to the Seven Armed Forces."

   "The Seven Armed Forces will be managed by you."

   "Okay." Meister nodded. He naturally knew that the ‘inspection’ that Reinhardt said was not just about strength, but about the loyalty of these three people and the possibility of spying by other organizations.

   At this time, Mosel ran in in a hurry.

   "Brother, something happened."

   "Look at this report."

   Mosel handed over a copy of the Shijingbao newspaper.

   "The latest news from the World Economic News, the world government canceled the qualifications of the King Leiting of the New World Music Island waters and the Kingdom of Polkaria in the waters of the North Sea Katan Island."

   After seeing the news, Reinhardt was obviously not too surprised.

"The unexpected thing, but to my slight surprise, the world government also canceled Polkaria's quota of joining countries." Reinhardt said with a smile, obviously not paying too much attention to it. Sooner or later, this day. Here, he was prepared for this many years ago.

"Although the boss has left the Kingdom of Polkaria a long time ago, after all, many industries are still there. Besides, your imprint in the Kingdom of Polkaria is too deep, and the world government cannot still retain the Kingdom of Polkaria. Qualifications for joining countries.” Meester analyzed briefly.

   Reinhardt nodded in agreement, and then said with a slight worry: "My only worry now is that the world government will let the navy attack the two kingdoms at the same time."

   "Do you mean that the navy will launch a killing order against Redding and Polkalia at the same time?" Meester asked.

   "Maybe not in a short period of time, but in the long run, given the determination of the world government to obliterate me, it is very likely that they will simultaneously issue a killing order to completely obliterate these two countries."

   "It's a bit tricky like launching an order to kill demons against two countries at the same time. After all, the two generals participated in the war separately, and we don't have that much combat power scattered between the two countries." Moser said.

   "So we must eliminate the Blackbeard Pirates as soon as possible, and before the position of the Navy Marshal is determined, we will completely occupy the strength of the Beard Pirates."

   "If we become the four emperors, the navy will have to weigh it if it wants to send troops at the same time."

   "Yes, there is not much time left for us."

   "Mosel." Reinhardt said again, "Are you ready for food, water, weapons, and horses?"

   "All arrangements have been made, and the squad of the Black Duke Pirate Group can go into battle at any time." Moser replied in a deep voice.

   "Has the exact location of the Blackbeard Pirates found?"

   "I found it, it's the Beehive Island that the eldest brother said before, but the Blackbeard Pirates has added a new companion."

   "The new companion...who is it?" Reinhardt asked.

   "It's the blood diamond Diamond Rance that escaped from LV6 of the underwater prison."

  Is this guy...If this is the case, then the current Blackbeard Pirates still can't take it lightly.

Blood Diamond Diamond Lance did not become the "Four Emperors" and the same famous new world big pirate in the red-haired Shanks at the beginning. Although he formed the pirate alliance with evil spirits and ghost cows, he still lost to the red-haired and In the hands of the navy, although he himself was not killed, he was also imprisoned in LV6 undersea prison. He thought he would raise the banner again after seeing the sun in a few years, but he did not expect to join the Blackbeard Pirates.

   The strength of this guy is very strong. Although he is not a giant, his height has reached eight meters, and his swordsmanship and physical skills are extremely outstanding.

   With his joining, the overall combat power of the Blackbeard Pirates will also increase a lot.

   "With this person joining, it's really not easy to deal with." Meester pondered for a while and said, "Even if he has been detained for a few years, his strength should be basically equal to Yu Zhiliu."

   Reinhardt nodded slightly, and then asked, "What is happening with the White Beard Pirates led by Marco?"

   "According to the information we heard, Marco is leading people to maintain the white beard's site."

   "That's it." Reinha nodded and said in a deep thought, "Don't worry about Marco and the others, Blackbeard should now be vigorously recruiting powerful pirates, and now is a good opportunity to defeat them."

   After speaking, Reinhardt immediately issued the order.

   "Preparing to go to Beehive Island, this time we must completely eliminate the Blackbeard Pirates and occupy all the forces under the Whitebeard in one fell swoop."

   A few days later, in the middle of the night, the Black Duke Pirates set out from the Redding Kingdom on the New World Music Island. The 168-meter-long Galaxy Stars drew out of the sea. Behind the Galaxy Stars, there are seven huge ship/sail dual-purpose warships.

Reinhardt has more than 5,000 pirates in the battle this time. In addition to the three aces in the pirate regiment, the six poles, and the seven unfinished arms, there are also important members of the artificial devil fruit legion composed of 100 people. .

In addition to its seven pirate regiments, the Black Duke Pirate regiment formed eight warships with more than 5,000 people to go to Honeycomb The seven pirate regiments under its squad vary in number, but the ship The regiment has been completely formed.

   The first team is the Colosseum Pirates group composed of the pirates who came out of the Colosseum that year, with a total of 200 members, and the captain is the fighter Hereding.

   The second team is the Disco Pirates who entered the New World from the North Sea. The total number is 631. The captain is the Giant Eagle Disco.

   The third team is the New World Pirates, the Kuro Pirates, who have recently defected, with a total number of 807, and the captain is the magician Kuro.

The fourth squad is a trio of pirates that Mosel secretly formed. After screening and disbanding and the consumption of fighting deaths, the total number is maintained at 443. The captain is the trio of Hook, Feci and Jeno S.

   The fifth squad is the recently joined Floating Pirates, with a total of 1,340 people, and the captain is Flying Wing Rom.

   The sixth team is the recently joined Magic Kitchen Pirates, with a total of 1120 people, and the captain is Magic Kitchen Casa.

   The seventh squad is the recently joined Brimstone Pirates, with a total of 980 people, and the captain is Gunpowder Man Fanto.

The core of the Black Duke Pirates [Three Aces], [Six poles] and [Seven Arms] are all on the Galaxy Stars, plus the captain Reinhardt and three trainee crew members, as well as the navigators on the Galaxy Stars , Helmsman, boatman, watchman, etc., a total of forty people, the seven big pirates squad totaled 5,078, plus 100 artificial devil fruit capable people, this time the Black Duke pirates group gathered 5218 pirates, fully open To the New World Beehive Island, defeat the Blackbeard Pirates in one fell swoop.

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