The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 698: Sea trial

That night, the entire Clock Harbor could hear the rumbling noise, which resembled the snoring sound of an ancient giant beast in deep sleep, bursts of sound like thunder.

This is the first launch of the Milky Way Stars. When the massively heavy ship sank into the sea, there was a faint tremor on the ship’s hull, and then the vibration increased... with a bang, standing on the deck. Everyone felt this strong vibration. At this moment, even the videophone worm imaging screen used by other members of the family had a ripple-like distortion due to this vibration. From this we can see how much this vibration is. strong.

However, the vibration only lasted for a few seconds before it completely disappeared. After that, most of the hull of the ship sank into the water, and the sea suddenly undulated, and huge waves rolled in all directions.

This huge ship is too heavy, so its draught is also extremely terrifying. Although it can sink safely on the water, no one can believe that such a huge, heavy, and terrifying draught can actually be Sailing on the water.

Seeing the huge waves gradually set off on the sea, Reinhardt pondered for a moment, and then he said: "Start, try this huge ship that took several years to build."

This is the first trial voyage of the Galaxy Stars, which is of great commemorative value.

Standing on the deck, Wood nodded, holding the microphone that had been connected to the control cabin, and said: "My Lord Duke authorizes the order, the authority of the Galaxy Stars is on, and it is on standby."

"Yes, Director Wood." A respectful answer came from Wood's voice mail, the helmsman in the control cabin, the correspondent, the IDE watchman in the observation cabin, the navigator on the deck, the sailor, as well as the mechanic, boatman, etc. Is ready, waiting for orders at any time.

After this, Wood's voice microphone heard the answer that the control cabin was ready, and an orderly vocal command began to be issued.

"let's start."

After hearing Reinhardt's words, Wood nodded and gave the final sailing order.

On the main console in the control cabin, a burst of electronic audio sounded.

"The whole system of the Galaxy Stars has started...beep, the system has started successfully, please enter the authorization command..."

"The command input is complete, the test begins... the test is over, the command is correct."

"Beep, because the Galaxy Stars launches for the first time, please enter the following instructions to start sailing."

"The command input is correct, the self-check starts... the self-check ends, the system is normal!"

"The reorganization of the giant ship program system is complete."

"The flying sound wave detection signal is activated."

"The weapon system is activated."

"The energy system is activated."

"The energy transmission detection is normal."

"Power loading..."

"The shock absorption system is activated."

"Sub-authorization is completed, enter the navigation track selection interface."

"1, sea surface, 2, sea bottom, 3 sky."

"Beep beep...Please select a sequence."

"Beep, the sequence selection is complete, enter the sea surface navigation system, the sea surface navigation permission is successfully obtained, and the ocean orbit is searched."

"The search is complete, the Galaxy Stars is preparing to sail, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,..."


At this moment, a depressed low sound erupted from the boat. This low sound was like a shock formed by the sound being compressed to the extreme. Although everyone felt that the sound was not loud, it could sting the eardrum, especially On the sea on both sides of the hull, there was a strange wave in the sea, which seemed to be caused by the sound of the ground.

The buzzing sound immediately revolved. The moment the Milky Way Stars was completely activated, the roaring noise erupted. This noise was a mixture of multiple sounds, but more of it was caused by the roar of the engine. The sound waves are far stronger than the low buzzing before. If the low buzzing just now is a faint pain that is so subtle that it penetrates into the flesh, the thunderous noise now is a strong blow to the brain with a hammer.

At this moment, most people's brains were blank for a moment, as if they were staggered without the slightest mental preparation, but fortunately, after the initial sound wave, everyone adjusted to it. This roar Although the noise is still strong, it is not as strong as before to the point where it can hurt people.

However, no matter how strong the noise was, there was no vibration on the giant ship, because a large number of shock absorbers were installed on the Galaxy Stars, and there was also a shock absorption system, which reduced the vibration of the giant ship to a minimum.

However, although the vibration is gone, the noise has not stopped at all. Although it does not affect the navigation of the giant ship, it is always impossible to carry this noise.

It is necessary to find a way to eliminate these noises, especially the strongest engine roaring noise from Ankahet.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt followed Wood, Daphis Long, and Tom the Murloc for a while. When the giant ship was launched, the three of them were naturally aware of this problem. Therefore, for Reinhardt I agree with the problem of noise elimination.

The huge ship roared again, and Reinhardt immediately felt that the huge ship was like a running wild horse, and it rushed out at an unimaginable speed.

"So fast!"

"It's totally different from just now."

"Most of the hull of the ship sank into the sea before, but now it seems that only the bottom of the ship floats on the surface."

"The draught is very small."

"The feeling of floating on the sea like a feather."

After the fast voyage of the giant ship, everyone had very different feelings, but the other family members who participated in this first trial voyage through the video phone worm did not have any other feelings about this, but thought that the voyage was extremely fast.

Fast and steady, the two words are the biggest features of the Galaxy Stars currently in navigation.

Seeing the seas on both sides of the sea constantly drifting across, Reinhardt was shocked that the Galaxy Stars could reach such a fast speed, which was beyond his previous assumptions.

Although it has only just entered the sea trial stage, Reinhardt is very satisfied with it.

After feeling the sound of the whirring wind, Long immediately said: "This is the extreme navigation mode of the Galaxy Stars, so it is very fast, but this mode is also very energy intensive and cannot be maintained for a long time."

"So, is it to detect the various data limits of this ship?"

"Not bad." Tom also said, "After all, it is the first test sailing, and a full range of sailing tests are required."

After about fifteen minutes, the sailing speed of the giant ship finally slowed down, but even if the Galaxy Stars, which resumed its normal sailing speed, the speed is still extraordinary, at least 3-5 times the speed of other sailing ships.

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