The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 592: Powerful Whitebeard Pirates

Hearing this, Crane pondered for a moment, and then began to communicate the current situation on the battlefield with the Warring States Period.

"At present, it seems that the Whitebeard Pirates group is retreating steadily, but the leadership level of the Whitebeard Pirates team has not been lost, and it will not be completely defeated in a short time.

After all, it is the White Beard Pirate Group. Although the entire group does not have all the 43 Pirate Groups, it is difficult to be defeated in a short period of time.

"Then wait..." After listening to Crane's report, Zeng Guo said. He didn't want to give up this good opportunity to defeat the White Beard Pirates, so he didn't immediately let the two generals of Huang Yuan and Qing Pheasant retreat. . "Our intelligence system has not yet discovered the traces of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group and the Redhead Pirate Group."

In the phone worm, the voice of Warring States came over.

"But you must be prepared to retreat at any time." The Warring States period thought for a while and said, although there are two admirals and all Qiwuhai members in the reference, there is still the possibility of failure. After all, the opponent is the Whitebeard Pirates.

If the White Beard fights head-on, it is to hold back the navy's encirclement and suppression plan, so that the other three imperial pirate groups will surprise Malin Vandore, then it is unintentionally the most successful and correct plan.

But with the pride of Whitebeard, and even the temperament of the other three sea kings, there is no possibility of joining hands between them. This is also one of the important reasons why the world government dared to plan the plan to encircle and suppress Whitebeard.

"I understand what you mean." Crane nodded. She knew what Sengoku was worried about. In fact, she had been worrying about this issue, worried that the Kaido Pirates and the BIG·MOM Pirates would attack the navy headquarters together.

The two communicated in the phone worm for a long time, and then hung up the phone worm. Crane pondered for a long time, and finally made up his mind, and temporarily transferred all the dozen major generals who had been on the battlefield back to deal with the upcoming changes. After the orderly order was issued, the remaining 12 warships were surrounded by ice. The layers were all shredded, and the warships could be evacuated at any time.

In the fierce battlefield in the distance, Baibeard obviously noticed the situation, but he did not care and continued to command

The pirates under its flag went into war.

The battle is still going on, and it is clear that it has completely entered the white-hot stage.

"Hehehehe...More and more zombie soldiers can be used by me. Let's enjoy Linlin's battle today!"

Moria shook the scissors in his hand, and briefly swallowed the shadows drawn from dozens of pirates. His body instantly grew to nearly ten meters, and then a huge shadow spear appeared in his hand, facing the densest one. Stabbed in the pirate group.

But at this moment, a shining figure rushed towards Moria.

Diamond Joz!

Moria was a little stunned, and quickly turned the shadow around and blocked it on the side.

Shadow angle gun!

The huge gun composed of shadows seems to be illusory, but it is a physical existence.

Shine · Crash!

The huge body burst out with bright light, and then crashed into Moria's shadow horn gun, and with a click, the shadow horn gun shattered like fragile wood.

But after that, Joz's body didn't stop, and he slammed into Moria fiercely.

With a bang, Joz’s shoulders covered with diamonds slammed into Moria’s abdomen, and Moria snorted, his face suddenly distorted, and at the same time opened his mouth wide, swallowing all the hundreds of shadows swallowed in his body. After going out, the body also shrank suddenly, and flew out.

The sky was full of dancing shadows, and Molia wailed, then lay on the ground and coughed violently. The blood in his mouth continued to spit out along with the cough.

He stood up angrily and looked at the diamond-wrapped body of Joz, but he suddenly retreated. Diamond Joz is a master of individual skills, two-color domineering and proficient, just to restrain his fruit ability very much.

So Moria resisted and didn't rush to make a move, but glanced at Doflamingo and Krokdal in the distance.

The two guys were fighting with Joz just now, but Joz suddenly rushed towards him. It seems that these two guys may have been pitted by the two guys.

Two **** guys, Moria shook his head resentfully.

In fact, any physique master restrained Moria, relying too much on fruit ability to waste physical training, and ended up just like Moria, being defeated one after another.

Joz did not continue to pursue Moria, but had been using Shine and Crash to attack the nearby powerful Qiwuhai. In order to reduce the casualties of the pirates, the captains used their full strength to fight Qiwuhai together.

The sound of thumping and thumping vibrations continued to be heard in the air, all of which came from the white beard’s ability to shake fruits. In this battle, the strength of the white beard pirates group was fully manifested, even from the scene, although the navy In a huge advantage, the captains of the White Beard Pirates Group still did not lose their ability to fight back and wounded more than one Qiwuhai.

Known as the most powerful man in the world, Baibeard showed his strength in this battle to the fullest. The two admirals alone still showed no signs of defeat.

However, at this time, a deep whining sound suddenly came from the navy ship behind him, which seemed to be some kind of alarm sounded by the navy.

Huang Yuan and Qing Pheasant were slightly shocked when they heard this warning, which was clearly a signal to retreat immediately.

Why is this happening... This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years to wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates, why did you suddenly retreat?

The green pheasant frowned. Although some did not understand, as a navy and as an admiral, he must absolutely execute the orders of the upper navy on the battlefield.

"Withdraw..." Huang Yuan also shook his head and said to the green pheasant.

Although they didn't understand why the retreat order was suddenly issued, the two still executed the order decisively.

But White Beard didn't seem to have any plans for them to retreat so smoothly.

"Navy kid, I haven't played all the fun yet, do I have to retreat?"

White beard grumbled la la la la while smiling, looking at the yellow ape and the green pheasant.

The two only felt a powerful force vibrating in the air, and then saw Cong Yunqi cut it fiercely again, a white dome appeared on the blade, and the powerful force vibrated.

The two had no time to distract themselves from thinking about other things, and immediately resisted.

At this time, the Qiwuhai also heard this scream at the same time, and they understood that this was a retreat command issued by the navy.

"This is the end of the battle." Hawkeye retracted the black knife and said while looking at the opposite Bista. Bista laughed: "It is an honor for me to be able to fight against the world's number one swordsman."

Hawkeye ignored him, turned and walked towards the navy ship.

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