The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 587: Slash the iceberg

This extremely lazy guy will inevitably have some other ideas when outsiders see it, but from another perspective, he is worthy of the admiral, the situation is already so dangerous, and he can still be so calm.

"General Kuzan... General Polusalino... All the warships will be destroyed if you don't take action..." The navy yelled in horror nearby, and the navy's horrified shouts came from all around.

"Ah... I'm going to smash here, help..."

"General Kuzan... General Polusalino... Help..." "Leave this attack to their bastards... Polusalino, Kuzan, you two can deal with Whitebeard with peace of mind. "

Crane's words came in time and immediately stopped the panic and panic of the surrounding marines.

The plan this time is very clear. It is to use the combat power of two generals to deal with White Beard. Many of the White Beard’s captains are dealt with by Lieutenant Generals and Qiwuhai. The plan is perfect, but I didn’t expect it to be leaked early. The key is, The White Beard Pirates actually took the initiative to fight. Crane has reason to believe that this time the Navy is facing more than one Whitebeard Pirate Group, but so far, more enemies have not yet appeared.

Thinking of this, Crane had a thought to evacuate, but considering the attitude of the five old stars, this encirclement and suppression plan absolutely cannot return without success, even if it is to sacrifice more navy, he must make progress.

This is the helplessness of the Navy.

Crane thought for a long time before shook his head sadly. After all, the navy is only a part of the power of the world government. In the eyes of politicians, the admiral is a playable existence, not to mention these little soldiers.

"I see, Lieutenant General Crane." Huang Yuan still had a lazy smile, and then his body turned into a golden flash and rushed towards the white beard pirate group, while the green pheasant leaped slightly, leaping several hundred meters, towards the white beard pirate group. The pirate group with the white beard rushed over.

"Little ghosts of Qiwuhai, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group will leave it to you, so you must solve it as soon as possible."

He looked at the seven guys who were as steady as Taishan and said with no anger, and didn't care about the giant iceberg that was about to fall in the sky. Although these seven guys were unreliable, the combat power of these captains would ultimately be solved by these seven guys.

"Your Excellency Mihawk, are you still not going to make a move?" Reinhardt put his gaze on the eagle eye next to him, and looked at the eagle eye's eyes. He didn't seem to have any plans to make a move so far, so he continued to smile and said, "If it is If we don’t do anything, we will all be buried in the bottom of the sea..."

After speaking, Reinhardt's gaze swept across the other five Qi Wuhai, but he slandered in his heart: It was a group of guys who pretended to be overwhelming.

He shook his head helplessly. The iceberg that smashed into was very huge, like a meteorite falling from the sky, but although the iceberg is strong, there is a solution for the Qiwuhai here, especially for the big sword. For the Hawkeyes and Black Duke of Howe status, it is just a matter of solving the problem with a few strokes.

"Since you guys want to see the strength of my rookie Qiwuhai, then I have to satisfy your wishes."

Not only the navy, but Qi Wuhai's colleagues wanted to see the true strength of the Black Duke who had just joined in, so he had been sitting firmly on the mountain and staying still, although the appearance was very plain.

"Now is the time to show your strength to the world. As a newcomer in the Sea of ​​Seven Wus, of course you have to show more sharpness. Otherwise, how can you suppress those messy **** on the sea." Crane said from the side. He seemed to understand the plans of the Qiwuhai group, and deliberately stopped the plans of the peach rabbit, tea dolphin, and flying squirrel.

Taotu's white palms pressed the long sword, and looked at Reinhardt with a gentle smile, seemingly curious about the specific strength of this new guy who joined Qiwuhai.

Reinhardt’s gaze crossed and missed the peach rabbit, and he smiled after seeing her big, round eyes like peach blossoms, and then pressed the blade with her right wrist, and pushed her left wrist with force at the same time, [Maple Cut] and [Ka Luo Chizun] ] He pulled it out with a sneer.

"Good sword!" After seeing these two sharp and shiny weapons, Hawkeye couldn't help but say. He paid special attention to the dark and shiny [Galochzun] flashing over there, slightly surprised. , This knife is very extraordinary, the strong hostility exuding from the blade is extraordinary.

As the world's number one swordsman, Eagle Eye has an extraordinary knowledge of knives. Although the other blade always exudes a strange atmosphere, it is only a demon knife, but this straight-bladed knife is different because of it. It’s not far from the realm of [Black Knife].

After becoming a swordsman for so many years, he has seen many swordsmen and powerful swordsmen, but he has not seen a few swordsmen who can become [Black Sword] but [Black Duke] Reinhardt, it’s only a few months to become a Qiwuhai, and he is only twenty-five years old. I believe that it takes only a few years to learn armed domineering, but he is already close to becoming a swordsman in the realm of [Black Knife]. Up.

It seems that this guy's armed color is extremely extraordinary.

"Thank you for the recognition of the world's No. 1 swordsman. When this matter is over, let's find a place to learn from each other." Reinhardt laughed loudly and suddenly raised his head, looking at the giant falling down in the sky with a chill. The crushing force of destruction mixed in the bones was suppressed.

Suddenly, his long hair fluttered and his black crown was hunting, but his figure was not moving like a mountain, and he did not move.

Thinking of defeating this giant iceberg, it is impossible to achieve it with only one slash, but as a strong person, the shot must show a huge shock, so it is absolutely impossible to slash the second.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt's strength skyrocketed while his hands were lowered, and then he suddenly lifted up, a terrifying air current erupted from the crossed double blades, and then he slashed toward the sky!

Two-sword flow? Cross wave? Silver flow? Ring! ! !

The violent flying slash was like a white cross changhong, which instantly penetrated the giant iceberg.

Everyone only felt a flash of white light in front of them, and after the air flow violently rolled over, the entire iceberg was instantly divided into four.

This kind of swordsmanship... Hawkeye was taken aback, feeling that Reinhardt swung out this slash with just such an understatement. Thinking of what Reinhardt said casually just now, Hawkeye gradually became interested. This guy, with this kind of swordsmanship, is qualified to fight himself.

After seeing this scene, Doflamingo was also very shocked. The strength of this guy has increased to such an incredible level in just six years.

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