The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 412: Weird soldier

   Reinhardt smiled and did not speak, but he kept looking around in the room. The Mafia members in the room seemed to behave differently today.

   Thinking of this, Reinhardt smiled coldly in his heart, and some understood this guy's plan.

   But he still doesn't quite believe it, does this guy really have such guts?

"Congratulations first." Reinhardt picked up the glass and said after having a drink with Elonkova. After he finished drinking, he continued: "The Mafia in the North Sea is now completely under your control. "

   With Elonkova's ambitions, now that the Mafia in the North Sea has completely fallen into his control, there is no reason not to make the next step. The fastest computer terminal for the first update of the new 81 Chinese network: https://

   People's ambitions will continue to collide with the development of strength and influence, so Elonkova's ambitions to further expand must be to seize more and larger territory in the dark world of the North Sea.

Although Reinhardt has not completely controlled the dark world of the North Sea, he is not far away from complete control, especially after he killed several people who dared to oppose with his powerful strength, basically no one dared to oppose anymore. .

   But there are still many undercurrents in private, which makes Reinhardt's progress in the dark world very slow.

One of the main reasons for his slow progress in the dark world is that he does not have his own power in the dark world, such as the Mafia. Although there are people in Mailin, he can’t help himself. So he took the first step to rule the North Sea, which was to completely control the Mafia Merlin.

And after entering this island, through the dialogues of the Mafia members and the abnormalities they showed, Reinhardt knew very well that this was a feast for the family, but what made her more puzzled was that Merlin Elonko Wa's understanding of himself, what kind of confidence it was that made him feel this way.

   Reinhardt kept quiet and continued to drink.

   "My friend, I hope I can go further in the dark world." Elonkova said in silence for a while. The so-called further step in his words, Reinhardt naturally understood that he just wanted to become the king of the dark world of the North Sea.

   Hearing this, Reinhardt smiled secretly and glanced at Elonkova: "Are you serious?"

   Elonkova's heart beats, and there seems to be a deep chill on this smiling face.

It’s not that he doesn’t know the changes Reinhardt has brought about in the North Sea, and he doesn’t know Reinhardt’s thoughts on the rule of the dark world in the North Sea, but Elonkova still speaks out, which proves that Elonco Wa's attitude and confidence.

"Yes, I want to be the trump card in the dark world of the North Sea." Elonkova said slowly. In the past few years of eradicating decibels and reefs, his ambitions have continued to expand. Can't satisfy him anymore.

   "Then what do you want me to do?" Reinhardt didn't have any anger, but smiled and asked Elonkova. This made Elonkova unresponsive for a while.

   "I... want you to give up control of the dark world." Elonkova suddenly stood up, and the mafia leaders behind Elonkova also turned their eyes to Reinhardt.

   "Is that why you invited me to the celebration party this time?"

   Reinhardt didn't care about Elonkova's mafia leader, and after taking a sip of his own drink, he said slowly.

  Elonkova made a perfect preparation to kill Reinhardt at this celebration banquet, but as the boss of the mafia, he was still so naive.

   Wow, la la la...

Suddenly, the mafia leaders directly took out their weapons and aimed at Reinhardt. Anubi, who had been standing next to Reinhardt, saw this scene without any nervousness. He just moved towards He took a step to the side, blocking the muzzle of the Mafia leader.

"Boss, it seems that this group of mafia wants to resist." Anubi said with a smile. From its point of view, all this group of mafia is rubbish, even if Reinhardt doesn't make a move and only relies on himself, You can solve everyone here effortlessly.

   "It seems that this group of people have not yet understood that the real power is not these ridiculous firearms and toys."

   "It seems to be." Reinha nodded, and then stood up, "Anubi, you get out of the way."

   Anubi nodded and walked straight back.

   Reinhardt looked at Elonkova with a plain gaze: "Are you planning to kill me here?"

   "Yes." Elonkova said in a deep voice, "As long as you are in one day, I can't really control the dark world of the North Sea."

"I do not understand."

   Elonkova was taken aback for a moment: "What don't you understand?"

   "Who gave you the courage to make you dare to try to attack me, have you forgotten how powerful I am!"

Reinhardt stepped forward, and the whole room suddenly gave birth to a powerful aura. After that, Elonkova's heart seemed to be hit hard, and a huge tremor gradually appeared on his body, which was a direct blow to the soul. The oppressive force.

Under this strong oppressive atmosphere, the mafia leaders behind Elonkova immediately fainted, but what makes Reinhardt very strange is that the twenty-odd Mafia members standing around did not have any Change, this domineering look, doesn't seem to work at all.

   But judging from the performance of Elonkova and the mafia leaders behind there is no reason why the mafia group should not be affected by the overlord's domineering.

   Seeing Elonkova panting tremblingly, Reinhardt recast his gaze on the surrounding Mafia. He was taken aback and found that these Mafia members were dull eyes and showed a fierce temperament.

   These people are not mafia, they are like powerful creatures, and they don’t seem to belong to humans at all.

   Elonkova was very shocked, the invisible pressure just now seemed to be irresistible.

   bang bang bang!

   He subconsciously took out the pistol on his body and fired at Reinhardt. The clear gunfire sounded like a bell hitting, but Reinhardt easily avoided it.

   "Don't you understand?" Reinhardt smiled coldly, "The toy-like thing in your hand is just a joke."

   Elonkova gasped in surprise, and immediately yelled at the surrounding Mafia: "Kill him."

As soon as the voice fell, those mafia, no, the soldiers changed immediately, their bodies nearly doubled, the black suits on their bodies turned into some kind of transparent devices, and the muscles on their bodies were violently swollen. stand up.

   Someone rushed towards Reinhardt with a spear as a weapon in their hands.

Anubi did not know what happened to the mafia, so he rushed forward and hit one of the soldiers with a punch. At this moment, Anubi felt as if his fist was hitting a thick stone slab. Extremely hard.


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