The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 339: Chosen path

Why didn't Roentgen know that it was impossible to refuse things at all, but he just felt a little difficult to accept for a while.

"Give you a few days to prepare."

Pullman's gaze seemed to penetrate the human heart, with a sharp sharpness, scanning from Roentgen and Drake. He rearranged the office desk again, only to remind him a little. He said in a voice like someone who came here: "You two are the best students in this batch of graduates. Even in the history of the naval academy, you have a level that can approach the top ten. I hope that this mission will be yours. A turning point in a career in the Navy."

"The road has been paved for you two. As for the future development of each, it depends on you."

The two nodded in response.

Speaking of this, Pullman paused for a while, then tidyed up the navy uniforms, and his expression relaxed: "If I become yellowish in the future, my face will also have light, maybe it will be your turn to take care of the navy system in the future. It."

After hearing this half-joking statement, Drake saluted again: "Sir Pullman, as a member of the Navy, we will definitely complete the mission with all our strength."

Roentgen also replied respectfully: "I will definitely not let you down!"

"I'm sorry here." Pullman pointed his finger to his chest, and then looked at the two with a gentle gaze. "I'm worthy of the words behind the coat."

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"Then, I wish the two generals in the future naval system... smooth sailing in the North Sea branch." Pullman laughed.

He had a vision, and he didn't know if it was a joke or really looked far away. It seemed that he was certain that Roentgen and Drake would have the rank of general in the naval system in the future.

After a while, Drake and Roentgen walked out of the military building side by side. At this time, in the training ground outside the building, the latest batch of naval recruits were undergoing recruit training. This batch was lower than Ayn and Binz. One time, because the last batch of recruits all lost their lives during the internship, another batch of recruits was recruited in special.

"It's another term." Seeing this scene, Roentgen said to Drake, "Remember how the instructors taught us when we first came?"

"Of course, I will never forget." Drake seemed to be caught in the memory. "They are all harsh to a little cruel, but kindly people who can feel the warmth."

He couldn't help thinking of the unreserved teachings of teacher Zefa. It can be said that for all navy born in the navy school, teacher Zefa has more or less taught himself. He has been committed to the construction of the navy for so many years. I don’t know. How many navy talents have been trained.

But...for such a veteran, why should the world treat him so cruelly?

Thinking of this, Drake was shocked again. He had been working outside these days and came back. He hadn't had time to see Zefa’s injury, so he turned to Roentgen and asked: "Teacher Zefa, go and see Have you passed yet?"


Roentgen nodded, and said sadly, "Teacher, he...broken an arm."

[Black wrist] After a broken arm, can I still call it [black wrist]?

Roentgen is still very sad when he thinks of Zefa personally instructing him in his domineering and physical training. Through the officers of the naval school, he vaguely learned of the tragedy that happened to teacher Zefa. Can't vent.

"This world... shouldn't be like this." Roentgen sighed softly.

The two were silent one after another. After a while, Drake finally asked, "Who is the guy who cut off Teacher Zefa's arm?"

"It's a pirate named Weibull, I heard it's very strong."

"Pirate..." Drake was taken aback for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and said: "The person who can cut off the arm of the former Admiral Zefa teacher should be as powerful as a monster, but no matter how powerful it is, it is Our opposing existence."

After Drake finished speaking, he snorted slightly indifferently: "It seems that this account has to be settled."

Hearing Drake's words, Roentgen showed a smile: "If you take action, then count me. It is natural for our navy to deal with pirates."

"Don't worry, you are indispensable." The two looked at each other and smiled. It is worthwhile to cooperate with each other for so many years, and the tacit understanding is very good.

The two parted ways again. Drake went to the medical building to visit Ze***qin and went to the training base to practice physical skills. The two of them went on the road after a few days and headed to Beihai.

The Seven Islands of Water.

The island of Mizushima was a bit cool at night, with moist sea breeze blowing everywhere, and the bright lights in the port in the distance, accompanied by the busy figure of dozens of guards, seemed to be a big man. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

In the past two days, the news of the defeat of the [Top] Pirate Group has been completely spread in the Seven Islands of However, not many people know the name Reinhardt, because of the World Economic News. Only the name of [Nightmare] bounty hunter was reported on, and within two days, this news gradually became ordinary.

At night, Reinhardt was walking around on the streets of Mizushima, when the phone worm rang from Blueblood.

"Mr. Reinhardt, the world government officials are about to arrive at the port." Mayor Lange’s low voice came from the phone worm. Reinhardt continued to listen to him for a while, and then hung up the phone worm. Turned around and walked towards a building that had been completely surrounded by guards.

The building was brightly lit, and guards with weapons were patrolling everywhere. After entering the door, two guards greeted him inside.

After a while, he was taken to a huge and very luxurious room. After entering the room, Mayor Lange came over.

"Mr. Reinhardt, the other party is approaching the port, and I will go to meet him personally." Lange whispered, "It will be arranged in this room. You will wait here for a while."

Rheinha nodded his head. After waiting for three days on Mizushima, the official of the world government was finally coming. However, this official was obviously very punctual and met three days later without any delay.

He looked around in the room for a while, and then asked Mayor Lange: "There is no problem with safety, right?"

The other party is an official of the world government, and security issues must be put first. In other words, even if this cooperation is not negotiated, the official’s life safety cannot be caused, otherwise many people will not be able to explain, although the identity of the other party is not superior. Tianlong people, but after all, they are the leaders of important departments of the world government.

"Absolutely no problem!" Mayor Lange replied immediately, "I have asked the city defense officer to seal the building so that no bird can fly in."


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