The Black Card

Chapter 763: Awkward sound insulation

When he got up in the morning, Shi Lei went to the yard to wash and saw Wu Rou softly Zhang Xin. Shi Lei naturally greeted them.

However, Wu Rou and Zhang Xin's complexions were a little weird, with their heads lowered and blushing, as if hiding from Shi Lei.

Xun Shilei was unknown, brushing his teeth and washing his face, was about to enter the house, but saw Chen Yang yawning out from behind.

Seeing Shi Lei, Chen Yang said, "Senior, your voice was too loud last night. I was awakened by drinking too much."

Shi Lei stunned, immediately came to his senses, and suddenly felt embarrassed.

This is not a hotel or his apartment, it is a adobe house in the countryside, there is no such thing as sound insulation.

When Sun Yiyi passed through the personnel affairs at the beginning, some sounds would inevitably be made, and even the sound of Shi Lei suspecting that their bodies collided while doing things could be heard clearly in this quiet mountain village adobe house.

"Uh ..." Shi Lei scratched his head, saying that he was okay, and Sun Yiyi should not be embarrassed to die?

I thought for a while, and said, "It won't take three days, so you and Zhang Xin must be the same."

He said, Shi Lei entered the room, leaving Chen Yang in the hall, and he was embarrassed.

He has always been thinking about Zhang Xin, and can see that Zhang Xin actually has a good opinion of him, but I do n’t know why, as long as the two of them meet, they ca n’t help each other, which directly leads to him never having the opportunity Zhang Xin confessed.

Actually, he didn't want Wu Rourou and Sun Yiyi to come here this time, but when he heard that Zhang Xin came, he ignored the opposition of his family and insisted on coming. The family finally let go.

Only he understood it, and he did not mean that he was unwilling to help those children. However, the more important reason was that he could spend nearly one month with Zhang Xin alone this time-he had automatically ignored Wu Rou and Gen Yi and Sun Yiyi.

I thought that no one could see through that careful thought, but I did not expect Shi Lei to pick him up.

It's a little awkward.

However, Chen Yang thought for a while, Shi Lei just said that they would do the same within three days, wouldn't it mean that Shi Lei thought Zhang Xin also wanted to be with himself?

The embarrassment was swept away, replaced by a thrilling excitement.

After washing, the village chief sent breakfast. There is nothing good about it, that is, porridge and a few pancakes. The four of them had such mental preparations, knowing that it was not easy to get these out in the village.

I had breakfast, Shi Lei drove the three girls to that school, and then took Chen Yang to the county seat.

On the road, Ai Ai's hesitation for a long time, he finally asked, "Senior, how do you see that I like Zhang Xin?"

Shi Lei laughed and said, "It's not that you like him, just because you think your status is a pair of little enemies. I just said that three days may be a bit exaggerated, but I believe you will soon be together. ? "

"You mean Zhang Xin likes me too?"

"Zhang Xin usually talks to other boys as well as you?"

"That's not true."

"No, that's all. She just wants to talk to you more. Just like you, I can't find a good talk, I can only use 怼!"

真的 "Really?" Chen Yang obviously had little experience and was a relatively simple child.

Shi Lei smiled slightly and said: "You can try not to be so tit-for-tat with her, be gentle and take care of her actively. After two days of contact, I had dinner at night and asked her to take a walk alone. She was I do n’t really like you, you can see it soon. "

"Just like you did to one by one, right?"

Shi Shilei nodded.

I was in the county seat and actually saw that kind of bath barrel. Girls might use this more conveniently, and Shi Lei bought one.

吭哧吭哧 Chen Yangzheng got the bath tub into the car, Shi Lei's phone just rang.

先生 "Sir, fifty bikes have been loaded for you. From the manufacturer, it will probably be tomorrow morning."

Bian Shilei went to the phone before eating dinner yesterday and told him what happened here.

I said at the time that there were five cars in each village, but then I thought about it and donated fifty cars at a time. The old village chief was very good and would definitely allocate it as needed. The rest, let the old village chief stay in the village for custody. If there is something damaged, it is better to have a new car.

"Okay, I know. Then I'll stay another day, I will take the car tomorrow and go back."

"Is the fifty cars in the company's account, or ...?"

Shi Shilei said, "Forget it, just don't leave the company. I will return to you how much money is, and leave me personally. Although the money is not much, it is not nameless, and the company account is not very good."

Shaoyao II agreed, and soon sent the number of WeChat messages to Shi Lei, and Shi Lei passed him the money.

With a total of more than 7,000 yuan, Shi Lei wanted to try again.

The last time I donated money, the scepter said that it was not a non-profit-making investment. I tried the donation in kind this time. The success was the best, and if it was not successful, it was less than 10,000 yuan.

Speaking to Yao Er that day about non-revenue investment, Shi Lei pondered about half-boarding. He always felt that in addition to gifts of gifts such as gifts, charity could only be regarded as a non-returnable investment. There is really no other way, let's try it.

Chen Yang shouted at the car: "Senior, the barrel is stuck in the car, do you want to buy anything else?"

Shi Lei thought for a while and said, "It's hot, I looked in this village, the village chief doesn't have a refrigerator, and it's not easy to boil for twenty or thirty days. And the conditions in the village are limited. They slaughtered a pig yesterday. It is estimated that today I ’m done. I ’m afraid you can only eat vegetarian food, and you ca n’t stand it. So, buy a small refrigerator and meat dishes by the way. I do n’t want to wait half a month and one month to pick you up. Like the weasel, the laying hens raised in the village are finished. "

阳 Chen Yang grinned and said, "How can there be such an exaggeration from the senior, but I am really meatless. If I were a vegetarian every day, I would be sad."

Shi Shilei nodded and said: "Then buy a refrigerator, buy more meat and keep it. Don't expect to be able to supply people in the village ~ ~ You eat at least a little meat for your own meals."

"I ask them, a refrigerator will cost 2,000 yuan ..."

"You don't care about this money, I'll give it to you." Shi Lei waved his hand and let Chen Yang get in the car.

"It's so embarrassing. In fact, everyone also has a share of three or four hundred. There should be no problem. You can help one by one."

"Where is that? So quickly get in the car." Shi Lei started the car, asked for directions as he drove, and quickly found a shop selling electrical appliances.

I chose a refrigerator, but the clerk said that the village was too far to deliver, and the truck couldn't get in, so Shi Lei put away the back seat of Grand Cherokee and let the clerk put the refrigerator in.

Then I bought a lot of meat, and I just bought some messy fruits and vegetables. Right now, we can improve the food for the elderly and children in the village.

On the way, Shi Lei and Chen Yang said, "I will return to Wu Dong tomorrow. In the days to come, you will be the only man. Work hard. The village is not too far away from the village, less than 20 kilometers. It ’s about three or four hours. After the meat is eaten, you can buy something in the village and come back, try not to add any burden to the village. Leave the vegetables alone and eat them from the village chief and leave them some money when you leave. Just fine. "

"It's okay, you can complete the task!" Chen Yang promised.

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