The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 9 Dark Knight (3)

[Knight in white coat, defeated by an unknown enemy


Although the government kept it strictly a secret, too many people witnessed it at the scene.

It was the day after Soon-won left with Han Ji-hee that the information was released to the press.

[A knight in a white coat is kidnapped?]

[The Dark Knight. who is he!]

It was specially written with a provocative title.

While Han Ji-hee was nicknamed a knight in a white coat because she covered her body with a white hood, Soon-won got the nickname "The Dark Knight" because she covered her body with a black hood.

“Hey! did you see the video The Dark Knight climbed up the tree like lightning, avoiding the attack fired by the knight in white.”

“Is this a magician’s move? the wizard wants

Aren't you weaker than the average person?"

“My friend’s father’s younger brother is a magician, but he couldn’t run well because his heart was sending mana to his entire body. He said he had a lot of bottlenecks.”

Because it uses the 7th generation mana circuit.

am. It was a defect in the mana circuit before the 10th generation.

‘Once a nickname, childish.’

It's not Batman, but what kind of Dark Knight is it?

‘By the way, you don’t call.’

I thought I'd call you right away when I wake up

The phone didn't come. Just in case, I went to the safe house the next day, and there were traces of using the shower room to make sure I had a good rest.

‘Well, for now, two Magic Stones aren’t enough because it’s overflowing.’

The problem is that you have to find a craftsman to process this.

There were a few skilled artisans, but what Soon-won wanted was the best.

There, he needed someone to belong to the workshop he was building.

‘As a magical stone whose source cannot be revealed

To create artifacts, I have no choice but to establish a workshop.’

Huge amounts of capital are pouring into the company his uncle built.

The investment was so great that it entered the top 10 Korean companies with only four magic tricks.

It was natural.

In the past, it was only natural that the world was excited because it showed four achievements in an instant that large corporations in the United States had created through decades of immersion.

'By the way.'

Doodle it dusty on a rainy day yesterday

In the end, the ill-fated ones told me who was behind it.

The culprit was Kwon Se-han, who clings to Kang Kyung-moon and denies all kinds of flattery.

'how will we do it.'

If you beat them openly, you will be expelled. However, when it comes to using magic to take revenge, I wanted to hear him tell the truth about what he had done.

‘Because I can’t rule out the possibility that they told me a lie.’

A good idea came to mind.

There was definitely a way to ascertain the background.

* * *

Kwon Se-han made the excuse that he was not feeling well and left the palm.

That's because yesterday he contacted his schoolmates while he was sending Soon-won to step on him and found out that they were all hospitalized.

'You monstrous bastard. I'm good at studying, but I'm sure I'll be good at fighting as well.'

In case Soon-won will come to visit you

He was scared, so every break he hid in the bathroom and returned to the classroom when the class bell rang.

'What do we do. I don't think Kyung-mun will give me a shield.'

Kyung-moon's expression came to mind when he saw Soon-won go to school this morning.

As he received the gaze of Kyung-mun, who was looking at him with a distorted face, he was gripped by the fear that if he did something wrong, it might not be Soon-won but him who ended his school life.

'Damn it. His father told me to be friendly with Kyung-moon.’

Kyung-moon's father was the chairman of the Hanho Group, and Se-han's father was the head of the company.

He probably wouldn't do that, but if Kyung-mun asked his father, his father's position could be in jeopardy.

No, he didn't know that living in Korea would become difficult.

'a. Adults can’t get involved in children’s affairs.’

no.If it's a tough one, there's a good chance.

He is Chairman Kang's most cherished child.

because it was

When I was in middle school, I had personally seen the Iljins who bullied Kyung-mun were dragged away by his bodyguards, beaten, and transferred to school the next day.

"Hey! Authority!”

Kyung-moon went through the main gate and found a middle school classmate who was waiting for him.

It was one of the Iljin beaten up by Soon-won yesterday.

"Hey! Why are you here?”

“You waited.”

Kwon Se-han was startled and looked around

I looked

The other friends were nowhere to be seen because he had skipped the palm.

He hurriedly led his friend into the alley.

“Come on here! What are you going to do when someone sees you?”

“Did you come to a place I couldn’t come? You came yesterday.”

“It is because of that. baby What if I sell my name!”

Sehan Kwon suddenly felt a strange sense of incongruity.

Something was strange.

"Wait a minute. I heard from Changhyun that you broke all of my fingers yesterday and got a cast... .”

"Oh yeah? I broke it, but I didn't know it even had a cast on it."

The face of his gritty friend changed to that of Soon-won in an instant.

Sehan's mouth widened in surprise.

“Ma, magic?”

“I borrowed some of the power of an artifact.” Sehan's pupils shook violently.

This is because an artifact that changes its appearance costs hundreds of millions of dollars no matter how hard it is to do.

I remember when I was young, I wanted to have artifacts so much that I scolded my father, but eventually gave up because the cheapest ones cost tens of thousands of won.

“You, what are you doing? How a high school student can create artifacts… .”

Obviously he wasn't rich.

Kwon Se-han felt that something was seriously wrong.

“Listen. 'Cause I'm only going to say it once I just knew very well that you were the one who ordered the assault. But I mean, I didn't do anything wrong with you. If you were also asked by someone... .”

“No, no. I did it alone.”

As it turns out, there was a saying that desperate negation is positive.

“It makes more sense to say that.”

Soon-won thought deeply and opened his mouth.

“Are you Kyungmoon Kang?”

"no! Because I did it alone!”

"Hmm. Let’s get you right for a while.”

The time of threshing has returned.

Even if she screamed, no one nearby could report it.

The surroundings have already been destroyed by silence magic.

The bridge was blocked so no sound could be heard.


“I just received the email from the boss.”

Kim Jong-Wang started calling Soon-Won the CEO after he founded the company.

He did not simply call Soon-won the president, but also left the president's position in the company and stayed in the position of vice president.

Because of that, there were a lot of rumors about the vacant position of the president.

“But there are only blueprints and no explanations.”.

“Ah, I only sent the blueprint to explain it directly by communication.”

“What is this? I think it has something to do with the mana circuit.”

got it right

The email Soon-won sent to him was a cure for the mana cold two years later.

“The 7th generation mana circuit has a fatal flaw. This is a blueprint to prevent that.”

“A flaw?”

“Yeah, because of that, in a few years the virus will spread around the world and kill a lot of wizards.”

“Huh, that’s a big deal.”

There was no question of how he knew that.

For Kim Jong-wang, Soon-won was beyond the realm of common sense.

“But if there is a flaw in the 7th generation, isn’t it possible to escape the danger by learning the 8th generation mana circuit?”

The 8th generation mana circuit, which has been verified by the Magic Kingdom, has spread all over the world.


It could be said that Soon-won advanced the level of wizards around the world by 5 years.

“I don’t know if it’s a wizard who learned the 8th generation from the beginning, but those who passed from the 7th to the 8th generation still have that time bomb.”

It was discovered while digging into the blueprint, but there were not one or two suspicious points in the 7th generation mana circuit.

As if a backdoor had been planted in advance, it was designed so that the virus could easily penetrate if someone pressed the remote control button.

“But building a facility based on this blueprint would cost an astronomical amount of money… .”

“We will send you some additional blueprints, so it will be enough to raise money by reporting it to the media.”

“Another blueprint… .”

“I will send you a way to completely eradicate acne and treat dementia, treat tic disorders and rhinitis, and treat Lou Gehrig’s disease and atopy.”

Kim Jong-wang doubted his ears for a moment.

“Come on, wait a minute. Are you kidding me?”

“No kidding.”

“Isn’t everything you just said an incurable disease with modern medicine?”

“I will.”

“If only one of them succeeds, it would be a Nobel Prize in Magical Medicine.”

“Congratulations in advance for receiving the Nobel Prize in Magical Medicine.”

"no. That's not it! If you ask me how I made all of these, what would I say?”

“Isn’t there a blueprint?”

“No, this is not a conclusion without a process.”

The conclusion alone can make magic, but what he was asking was that there would be no tens of millions of trial and error in the middle.

“Isn’t that what a company was established for?”

“No, I cannot afford this. Even now, the world is paying attention. If we announce this, even one young ant roaming the company will be investigated and the company will be taken apart.”

"flaw… ”

It was understandable that he was worried.

He was already making discoveries beyond the realm of genius making magic.

'But it's too inefficient to reveal the thousands of magic that I know of one by one.'

Soon-won suddenly came up with a good idea.

“You know, there is a vacant position as the president of the company.”

“Yes, this is the place prepared for when CEO Jung Ha-neul reveals himself.”

“I use it.


There are people in the world who suffer from various diseases, and it would be impossible to thoroughly disclose their cures.

“It’s a frontal breakthrough.”

Soon-won shared his thoughts.

Kim Jong-wang expressed his concern about him, but he had no other choice, so he had no choice but to obey.

“The world will turn upside down.”

Kim Jong-wang, who received the e-mail, stuck out his tongue.

He wondered, but the blueprints he sent were all real.

Kang Kyung-moon, who arrived in the classroom early in the morning, fiddled with the ring with an anxious face.

‘Dare you, don’t answer my phone.’

Last night.

Sehan Kwon, who lost the palm without telling himself, turned off his cell phone and did not answer the call.

"I've never had him not answer my calls for so long."

As it continued until this morning, he

He felt that something was wrong.

‘I didn’t want to use this until now.’

The ring on his finger was not just a ring, it was an artifact.When this touches the other person's body, the person has a vicious magic that opens holes in the body.

‘Tears, runny nose, saliva, sweat, urine, feces will all make you tired.’

If a legally ineligible ordinary person used the artifact maliciously, he would be sentenced to unconditional imprisonment, but he was not concerned.

‘After all, my father will take care of everything.’

someone said

I need to make a lot of money and leave this country.

That's a big mistake.

If you have a lot of money, there is no better place to live than Korea.

The chaebol is above the law.


The students started going to school one by one.

Soon-won also entered the classroom.


Soon-won was sitting on his seat and opened a book, when the gate came to him.

Soon-won, who had never expected him to approach first, looked at him with a surprising look.

“Shall we talk on the roof for a moment?”

"any amount."

The two left the classroom and went up to the roof.

Soon-won, who came to the school rooftop for the first time, looked down at the city of Gongju.

“Yeah, I have something to say.

Did you call me up to the roof?”

“It’s nothing. I was just thinking of shaking hands in the sense that we will continue to compete in good faith in the future.”

“Did you just call me to say that?”

“Then what else is there?”

Kang Kyung-moon reached out to shake hands with him.

Soon-won stared at the hand.


It was a mint-patterned ring exuding a meager magical power that was difficult to recognize unless it was a wizard.

To those unfamiliar with it, it was an ordinary ring, but Soon-won knew what the ring meant.


Soon-won put his left hand into his pocket, and with his right hand held the outstretched hand.


Soon-won, who grabbed his hand, did not respond, and Kyung-mun looked at him with a surprised expression.

I tried to hold my hand until I begged him to forgive me, but Soon-won's expression didn't look right.

It was calm.

'You're trying to fool me with artifacts like these children's toys.'

Automatic defense magic has been activated.

If Soon-won wanted, he could give him whatever Gyeongmun wanted to use, but he didn't.

‘If you look closely, this guy is the worst.’

There was his hair, which had collected the curses the Earl had placed on Han Ji-hee.

I used it for Kang Kyung-moon.

“O uh”

- T he .

A horrifying sensation all over the body.

Kyung-moon felt a strange feeling and hurriedly released Soon-won's hand.

"what's the matter? Don't you have a bad complexion?"

“No, suddenly my body… .”

“These days, a cold is fashionable, so hurry up and get some rest.”

“Yeah, yes.”

Suddenly, Kyung-moon's condition became extremely bad, and the thought of tormenting Soon-won completely disappeared.

‘Breathe… I can't breathe well.'

Soon-won scratched the back of his head as he watched the gates go down the roof with his pale face.

“Is the Count’s curse a bit harsh? Are you sure you won't die?"

(Continued on next page)

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