The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 86 Noble Phantasm (8)

At dawn that day, the Knights of Kikhnos stormed Gatis's house.

Everyone in the house was dragged out.

Soon-won told him not to use telepathic magic to counter Johan, Dynamis and Karin.

“Hey, what is this doing?”

Gatiss, who was dragged out of his sleep and knelt in the yard, looked down at himself.

He pleaded with Ilena.

Behind them stood the Dark Knights of Kik North, holding a sunbeam.

“Does the Duke know about this too!”

"No way. He came out after waiting for his brother to sleep.”

half right and half wrong

The duke told the knights to follow his brother Ilena's advice, but all of them rushed out of the inn, and the sword master, he couldn't have known.

He knows what he's trying to do and closes his eyes

ah it will give

“Even though I'm retired, I've been working all my life in the tower! If you find out that you are treating the magician of the tower this way, the master of the tower will formally protest!”

The horse tower stretched across the continent.

The most powerful place is the Empire.

This was a part of the Empire that could put pressure on the Kingdom of Fridia.

“I know, that’s why your brother let you go. But the girl thinks differently.”

where is the girl

Excessive use of molding magic

One by one, it was pretty, but looking at the whole thing, it was an artificial face.

“Dead men tell no.”

Ilena rolled her eyes as if she could not remember what she was talking about.

“What do you mean by saying that the dead do not speak?”

"Ah! okay! it!"

It wasn't English.

I was trying to say something nice in the Empire's language, but I couldn't remember.

“Let me meet the Duke.”

“No, you have two choices.

Hey. Either follow us or die with our family.”

Ilena looked at Gatiss's family. But something was strange.

This is because it was difficult to see the people who came out with the knights as the people of this village.

“What are you? It’s a combination that doesn’t suit this town.”

Gatiss's sister was ordinary, but the rest stood out.

Soon-won looks ordinary, but has a neat appearance that doesn't suit the village.

Explosive Muscular Johann and Yangchi

There was Dynamis, who looked like him, and a cute-looking girl.

“Ah, these are the mercenaries I hired to escort me from the tower to this village. They have nothing to do with me now, so let me go.”

At that, Ilena smiled broadly.

“Oh my, that’s fine. I still needed porters, so I told the village chief. Well, the youngest man in town is 50 years old.

What's so funny, Ilena chuckled and laughed.

“Actually, all young people are big cities.

will work in What are you going to do in a village like this? Huh?"

“Be careful. The magicians of the tower have no nationality. If this fact enters the tower... .”

“Ah! Have you seen such a nerd? Say what you said and do it again and again!”

Ilena pointed to Gatiss's sister.

“Catch him up.”

“What, what are you doing!”

“I will count to three seconds. If you don't decide in it, cut off that woman's head and put it in her pigsty."

“… All right. miss."

The knights also responded forcibly, whether they were unwilling or unwilling.

“I will! You can’t do it!”

“Indeed it will.”

sister was releasedGatiss crawled over to her sister and hugged her tightly.

“Wow! I'm sorry, sister!"

“What do you mean sorry? Because of me you... .”

Seeing this, Ilena grinned.

“Make a new wave drama. Take it. Huh?"

A man who looked like a goatee looked at him and smiled.

It was Dynamis.

“What makes you laugh so much?”

“This situation is fun! Interesting!”

“Have you ever seen such a madman? Stop it!”

Ilena turned her body.

The knights followed.

“Stop with those who are thinking of running away. If you all don't stand at the entrance of the inn by tomorrow's dawn, you'll kill the villagers.

will kill them all Do you understand?”

“… Got it.”

Ilena said she had nothing more to do with her, and she returned to the inn.

“I have no qualms with you guys.”

Gatiss apologized to Soon-won.

Soon-won got up and brushed his knee.

“It doesn’t matter. I was going to go in anyway.”

“But the Forest of Evil Spirits… .”

When Gatiss sister heard this, she was startled.

“No forest of evil spirits! go there

No one ever came back alive!”

My sister cried all the time.

She cried out that she would die and you should run away.

Gatiss had to sweat a lot to dry her sister.



“Can I kill that woman earlier?”

Dina Miss licked his tongue and laughed.

Soon-won looked at him as if he had no idea.

“Kill me when I signal.”

“Hey hey! It's gonna be fun! I want to see that expression distorted!”

Soon-won looked at John.

He shook his head groaningly.

Karin was still not sure if she could understand the situation.

♦ ♦


When they arrived in front of the inn at dawn the next day, the knights, including the duke, also got up early, got ready and left.

came out

When going to places like the Forest of Evil Spirits, you had to go in when the sun was up and get out before the sun went down.

This is because monsters have a tendency to become more ferocious when the moon rises.

“The village chief, is this all the food of the village?”

“Yeah, that’s all.”

The knight looked into the peacock's eyes.

No matter how you look at it, it was not a dish suitable for the nobles who ate high-end cuisine every day.

"Does not matter. more on the battlefield

I ate one.”

Ilena was the problem.

When she departed from the capital, her wagon was loaded with jerky and dried soup powder she had brought.

"Ugh… .”

Ilena sighed as if worried about the future.

When I left the capital, eating and washing was the biggest problem.

It was because I was sleeping at the inn last night and it was so dirty that I went to sleep in the carriage.

"now! you guys carry the load over there


The knights were polite enough to talk to Soon-won and the others to see if they felt sorry for them.

“Each person only needs to carry one crate.”

Fortunately, there was a rope hanging from the wooden box so that it could be carried on the shoulder instead of by hand.

You can carry it on your back like a backpack.

The problem was with Gatiss and Karin.

In the case of Soon-won or Johan and Dynamis, it didn't matter, but it was too much for old Gatiss and young Karin to carry.

It was heavy.

“Are you okay?”

“If you say it’s not okay, you don’t have to lift it, right?”

There was a thorn in Gatiss's words.

The knight took the box and put it on Gatiss's back without saying a word whether he understood the feeling.

Stumbled upon by the weight, Gatiss immediately used magic to reduce the weight.

“You, are you following me too?

A knight was bewildered when he saw Karin.

Naturally, Gatiss's sister and this girl thought she was an outsider.

“I am also a mercenary. it's okay. Please give me a bag.”

The knight put a box on Karin with an apologetic expression.

It was quite heavy for an adult to lift.

“Is the box empty?”


“It’s so light.”

Karin shrugged her shoulders.

Even after Soon-won opened the mana circuit, his body was so refreshed.

He was so full of energy that he couldn't control it.

'You're a strong girl.'

He's heard that mercenaries have a lot of unusual people.

The knight stuck out his tongue at the girl's superpower and approached the next person.

“Can I have two?”


“Can I hold two boxes?”

“Why do you voluntarily lift two of these heavy things?”

The knight looked at Dynamis in bewilderment.

He pointed to two boxes.

“I like the design of this box, but the pattern here is also pretty. So I’ll just take both.”

“Ah, just look, that crazy guy from yesterday is Law.”

A man who looked straight at the witch Ilena and smiled.

If she didn't feel good about Ilena, she could have ordered her to dig out her eyebrows.

“Crazy! I'm just being a little more honest than others!"

“Oh, do whatever you want. as you please."

Dynamis lifted up two boxes.

‘Ttt, if you lose your strength like that, you will get tired of the weeds before you even get to the forest.’

Next was John.

When I got closer, the muscle was even bigger.

He was also tall, so the feeling of intimidation was no joke.

As he imagined what it would be like to deal with this man with his bare body, his back went cold.

“I think you can lift two boxes... .”

“I feel fine.”

“No, do whatever you want.”

With that said, John built two boxes and started doing squats.

It's also light," he said, pulling the box up and starting over.

“This is the one.”

The last remaining man was the only ordinary man.

“Looking at the atmosphere, you areYou are the leader of the bottle party.”

“Yeah, what… .”

“I will not commit murder after work is over. don't worry too much


Soon-won nodded as if he understood.

“The Duke is a person who pays for the price. When the work is done, I will definitely give you a big reward.”

"all right."

Of course, Gatiss will die.

It's because it's a pain in the ass if you formally protest to the tower.

But if he was a mercenary, he could make a secret oath and give him money.

He knew that if he was a mercenary, he was a people who sold everything except his life for money.

This is because if Gatis himself disappears anyway, even if they go to the tower to testify, there is no evidence.

Killing was the simplest, but the duke did justice within the limits of his ability.

He liked it, and the knights were loyal to him.

“Here is the cost of taking out food.”

The duke gave the village chief gold.

The problem was that the distance from here to the next village was two days away by horseback.

A horse travels 50 km per day.

and battle horses can travel up to 80 to 100 km.

There were no horses in the village, and even with horses, no one knew how to ride.

It did not take into account the circumstances of the villagers.

He must have considered himself righteous and generous.

‘He must be a table-top administration in politics too.’

It was the same as those who do not know the reality and are politicians on the table.

Asking the old people to go 200km round trip to get food is deadly.

It sounded like

"depart! let's go!"

There was minimal food left.

Because you can't take them all.

‘I must bring Gatis back alive.’

Otherwise, it was clear that all the villagers would starve to death.

♦ * ♦

I rode a horse for an hour.

What is the walking speed of an adult male in 1 hour?

4 km.

His horse ran at an average speed of 20 km/h.

It took 5 hours to get here on foot.

Villagers came here to make a living by picking mushrooms that bloom at the entrance to the forest.

“Guide me.”

Soon-won and his party weren't the only ones from the village.

Among the villagers who came all the way here to pick mushrooms, they brought along the youngest person.

Yes, it must have been 50.

“I’ve never been more than a hundred steps from the entrance of the small forest… .”

“At least, you know better than us, who came here for the first time, right? Go before you cut it down.”

The knight's patience also shortened.

Because Calamari and Ilena were watching from behind.

The two dirty-tempered bosses hated waiting very much.

"going. I will go.”

Fortunately, Soon-won's group followed them behind their work.

For a while nothing happened.

The incident happened 30 minutes later.


From the forest of evil spirits came the inaudible scream of a young woman.

It also happened simultaneously in various places in the forest.

“What, what?”

(Continued on next page)

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