The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 41 magic battle (2)

The dungeons of the 5th and 6th disasters were also easily solved.

Medusa, who turns anyone it met into a stone statue, took a mirror and knocked it down, and it was not difficult to catch it because the vampire, who did not die without a wooden stake, also knew its weakness.

“Only the Elixir came out.”

Increase agility and durability as a reward

The Lord obtained the Elixir.

The next task was to go out to sea to the 7th dungeon and catch the siren.

“Hey show! How about this as a paycheck?”

“You take this? How about this?"

The port was reminiscent of the Dotegi market.

They had to board a sailing boat heading to the area where the siren was, but because there was no currency used by the indigenous peoples of this world, the wizards tried to buy tickets with their wristwatches, food, or camping equipment.

“Do you have a smartphone?”

"Smartphone? What is it? Are you eating?”

Soon-won and Han Ji-hee got gold and silver treasures from Tutankhamun's tomb, so it was not difficult to pay for the tickets.

When I handed the gold coin, I was offered first class and received it back to change.

“Soon-won. But what if If we don't carry out our missions here, or if there is a portal and we don't get out, can we continue to live in this world?"

Han Ji-hee's curiosity was natural.

Because Soon-won had the same thought.

“I heard that there are rare people who do that.”

In reality, such people are very rare.

Because the scientific civilization of this world is closer to the Middle Ages compared to the world where Sun Won and Ji Hee lived.

There is no TV, no computer, no cell phone, no cars, trains, airplanes, comics rooms, PC rooms, billiard rooms, nothing to enjoy.

It takes only a day or two to tour the great nature, food is hard to find, hygiene is dirty, and if you get sick, get treatment.

It was a difficult world.

“The commoners living in modern times eat better and live well than the kings of the Joseon Dynasty. It’s like that.”

If you live in this world, you have to give up watching movies or cartoons on the sofa on the weekends.

There is no food delivery and no delivery service.

If modern people wanted to live in this world, they might go crazy because they were bored.

“But your unicorn. Are you still sleeping in your pocket?”

"Huh? Ah oh… .”

Unicorns were able to increase or decrease their size at will.

It was now in Han Ji-hee's pocket and fell asleep.

“You look bad. what's the matter?"

“Oh, nothing.”

In the 5th and 6th dungeons, I felt with unicorns, but unicorns talk a lot, but they talk too much.

His ears were scabbed over.

So he gave the unicorn the nickname Nabul.

He made his mouth fluttering and fluttering without rest.

it's a nickname

'The loveliest time is when the butterfly sleeps.'

Fortunately, I slept 18 hours a day. When I put my hand in my pocket and touched it, the hair was soft and it was delicious to touch.

Just looking at them, they look so cute that they can't be compared to dogs or cats.

“But what kind of monster is a siren?”

Soon-won fell into thought at Jihee's words.

He was a monster that only appeared in the dungeon of disaster, so I had never seen it in person.

According to the report, it was a monster with a woman's face shaped like a bird, and with its beautiful singing voice, it enchanted sailors to death.

“Well, I wonder what kind of monster it is.”

I couldn't pretend to know because it was a species that didn't appear in the Monster Encyclopedia I learned at university.

Soon-won fiddled with the earplugs made at the JW Workshop in his pocket.

‘I completely blocked out Mandragora’s scream, so it’s like a siren’s voice.

I also brought Han Ji-hee.It was written in the report that the siren's dazzling song was so powerful that it caused a lot of damage to the raid team at the time.

The sailing boat moved smoothly.

If it was a small problem, the problem was that many wizards get seasick and vomit on the deck because of the boat swaying in the waves.

u o o

It was the same with Jihee Han.

After she emptied herself once, she looked at Soon-won as if curiously.

“ Soon-won, don’t you think you’re motion sick? envy."

“I served in the Navy.”

After graduating from the Magic College for 7 years, he became a full-fledged sorcerer, completed one year of internship and four years of professional wizards.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Soon-won said when did you join the army… .”


When she was vigilant, she unwittingly brought out the story before the return.

“Ah, that’s why he said that his father served in the navy, so when he was young he rode a warship… .”

“Didn’t you say that your father runs a restaurant?”

“When I was younger… .”

"iced coffee… .”

Han Ji-hee nodded her head as if she understood.

ridge! ridge! ridge! ridge!

Suddenly there was a loud knocking sound.

As the sailors started running, she caught a passing sailor and asked what was going on.

"What happen?"

“It’s a pirate! A pirate ship has appeared!”

A pirate ship approached at high speed behind the sailing ship.

“Passengers, please listen! Looking at the pirate ship flags, they are from the infamous Sajita. Notorious for not leaving crew and passengers alive!”

Pirates fall into two categories.

There were those who sent them only for a toll fee, and those who killed all the crew and took the cargo from the ship and then set the ship on fire.

The pirate I met this time belonged to the latter.

“Our ship is a sailing ship loaded with cargo, so we can't outrun the pirate ship. If there are knights, mercenaries or wizards among the passengers, please help... .”

A wizard from America raised her hand.

“Are there wizards among the pirates?”

“Yes, Captain Tapio is the 5th Circle Anti-Magic.

It’s called buy.”

“The 5th Circle is the Archmage?”

The American wizard tilted his head.

“How many circles are the best wizards in this world?”

“In the Pitrina Empire, the royal wizard Lee Osus-sama is said to be the 8th circle… .”

“Hmm, then it’s not that different from where we live.”

“What are you talking about now?”

The captain and crew were unaware that most of the people on board were wizards from another dimension.

“Chuckle, everyone, let’s stop our competition for a moment.

Let’s forget about it and gather our strength.”


Teams from the United States and Russia and China and Germany joined forces.

Soon-won and Ji-hee just watched silently.

“O great spear of flame. Pierce the enemy's heart! Fire Spear!”

The magician Chen's 6th circle fire magic from China hit the pirate ship.

In the first attack, the pillars of the pirate ship collapsed and the mast fell.

“O flames of fire like hell, become the terror that burns all around you. hello


The 7th circle flame magic of the wizard Alex from America flew off and the entire pirate ship began to burn.

The pirates caught fire and began to jump off the ship.

“A punishment from heaven. Give your enemies more fear than death! Shining Lightning!”

The 7th circle lightning magic of the wizard Felix from Germany hit the pirate ship and the ship was split in two.

The pirate ship began to sink into the sea.

“What, my turn isn’t coming?”

Sorcerer Alexei from Russia dispelled the magic while muttering instead of memorizing the spell.

This is because the pirate ship has completely sunk into the sea and the target to attack has disappeared.

“What is this?”

“What happened now?”

The captain and crew looked at each other in surprise.

The captain wondered if he was dreaming, so he pinched the ball hard.

Seeing that he was ill, the reality was certain.

♦ * *

Since then, the attitude of the captain and crew to passengers has changed 180 degrees.

As if to a royal family or aristocrats, they began to take care of their convenience by using the pole title.

“Well, do you need anything more?”

A sailor stopped by Soon-won and Ji-hee's room and gave them drinks and desserts.

There was also a feeling of envy,

There was also fear.

“Yes, no. thank you."

The sailor closed the door and went out.

Ji-hee Han came and sat down next to Soon-won, who was looking out the window.

Soon-won was watching the wizards on the deck.

“I was really surprised. How many circles of wizards are these people?”

“Two circle 7 wizards. 12 circle 6 wizards. 39 circle 5 wizards. The rest are magic warriors.”

At Soon-won's words, Han Ji-hee was startled and looked out the window.

“How did you know that?”

“Everyone doesn’t hide their magical powers, they openly reveal them.”

Jihee Han is sensitive to mana, but she did not know how to read magic and see through circles.

In order to notice that, you basically had to have better skills than your opponent.

“Why are you showing all your magic?”

“Because it depends on the national image. It's like a great delegation. There is no need to hide your skills.”

On the other hand, Soon-won and Ji-hee hide their magic.

there was.

It was because he had not yet obtained an official wizard's license, but there was nothing to gain from exposing his presence.

“Everyone is extremely sensitive right now. They're looking at each other because they don't know which country's wizards killed the boss monsters in the past dungeons."

Han Ji-hee is receiving some attention.

This is because all the other wizards had seen them get their hands on the unicorn in the 4th dungeon.

“We don’t move as a team.

It's going to look weird from their point of view because they're both going. So far, I have dealt with it somehow, but... .”

This time, it was difficult to hide his identity because we had to fight together by boat.

‘The reward for this dungeon is the Shadow Cloak. I can't miss it.'

Even when revealing his identity, he had to get the shadow cloak.

♦ ♦ ♦

The sun has set and evening has come.

On the sea with the full moon, the wind grew stronger, it rained, and the waves became rough.

The captain gathered the passengers and talked.

“Soon you pass by Pithena Island, where the Sirens appear. I and the crew will all get down to the bottom of the boat, because hearing their singing will calm us down and drag us into the sea.”

“Then who steers the boat?”

“The minimum number of people who have to move the ship will have his ears covered and tied with a padlocked rope. What would you, wizards do?”

The wizards looked at each other's faces.

“I think it will be a magic that blocks hearing.”

“This has to be maintained by consuming magic power, so how do magic warriors do it?Should I?”

“Why don’t you cover your ears and tie them up with the crew?”

The wizards put their heads together and fell into trouble.

However, since I had never heard the Siren's song myself, I had no idea how powerful the song was.

It was the same with Soon-won.

‘I heard that if you attack the siren, the mermaid army and the kraken will appear… .'

What is written in the report is future information. If we warn in advance, we can reduce the damage, but after that, we couldn't convince people.

‘Before the regression, in the case of the raid team, 60% died and 20% was seriously injured.’

The wizards on board now had similar powers to those at the time.

‘Magicians of this size are so

I can't believe it's happening.'

Considering the power of the wizards now, it means that they have suffered unbelievably large amounts of damage.

If there were 2 people in the 7th circle and 12 people in the 6th circle, it could be called the national power.

It was strong enough to destroy a small country in one night if he made up his mind.

“You can see Pitena Island in the distance. Then we will go under the boat.”

The captain and crew tied the pilot and navigator with ropes and hurriedly under the ship.

fled to

The wizards on the deck covered their ears in various ways to prepare for the coming crisis.

“Hey Jihee. Take this.”

Soon-won wears earplugs made in the workshop.

handed it to Jihee.

The two decided to have a conversation while wearing earplugs and using telepathic magic.

“Soon-won. This doesn't fit well. How are you doing?”

“Oh, wait.”

Soon-won approaches Han Ji-hee and raises her hand.

pulled her hair back with

I made it in one size, but it didn't fit well for Jihee with small ears.

“This doesn’t go well.”

Soon-won clings closer to Ji-hee to focus.

Close enough to breathe.

If you came a little closer, your lips felt like they were going to touch.

Han Ji-hee's face turned bright red and her breathing became difficult.


The unicorn woke up and poked her head out of her pocket.

[Her heart beats faster. Do you want to have sex with the man in front of you?]

“Wow, what are you talking about!”

Han Ji-hee screamed.

Fortunately, Soon-won was already wearing earplugs so he couldn't hear.

“What did you just say? I'm wearing earplugs... .”

Soon-won took off her earplugs and looked at Han Ji-hee.

“Oh, nothing. The butterfly wakes up... .”

Jihee's face turned red as if it was about to explode.

Soon-won put her hand to her forehead with a worried look on her face, wondering if Ji-hee might have a cold.

“Your face is red. it's okay?"

"Yes. are you okay. Do not worry about it."

“Have you ever caught a cold from the sea breeze?”

When Soon-won's hand touched her forehead, Ji-hee Han shook her body.

Nabuli started shouting so that only Jihee Han could hear it.

[Master, mating is not allowed! calm down! Be patient! East Seafood and! Baekdu Mountain! Let it dry and resemble it!]

Jihee replaces the national anthem for Nabuli

I wanted to ask when did you learn it?

(Continued on next page)

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