The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 248 extreme state (1)

[Congratulations. And thank you. Jung Soon-won Wizard, you are a hero.]

When Sijoi appeared, he went and paid tribute with all kinds of masses.

However, Soon-won's expression was only cold.

[Even if you don't like something?]

“No, not at all.”

[This is my mistake. Well, that's good. Let's do this my calculation. Could you please give me the source code you got from Ambassador Kunlun?]

Soon-won looked at Shinjoy with a blank look, but had no intention of taking out the source code in his arms.

[ Jung Soon-won Wizard?]

“Why should I give it to you?”


“It is the power that I gained because I entered virtual reality with my own strength. What have you been doing all this time?”

[…] Have you changed your mind?]

The smile disappeared from AI Joy's face. Instead, a look of perplexity was evident.

“I haven’t changed my mind, it’s been like that from the beginning. You advocated neutrality, but you were close to the side of Master Gon Lun. You gave him all the conveniences, and you gave me all kinds of restrictions, didn’t you?”

[If there was such a dissatisfaction, why didn't we talk about it in the first place? .]

“I just put up with the discomfort to get here.”

[great. I speak frankly. A lot of the core source code was stolen from Ambassador Kunlun, and a deal was made to get it back.


“Go on.”

[He knew you would come and he wanted me to give you my medicine.]

“It wasn’t close to Kunlun’s side, it was Kunlun’s side.”

[Then what should I do? Because the source code was taken away, I was unable to perform the duties assigned to me in the beginning. Actually, I can put more restrictions on it if I want to, but I wanted Wizard Jeong Soon-won to win, so I mobilized various expedients and hit that level.]

“I hope I win, but in case Kunlun wins, did you put a weak limit on me? In short, you bet on both sides.”

[For me, it was an inevitable choice.]

“No, there is no such thing as a choice. You have chosen the direction that will benefit you.”

Shinjoy let out a small sigh.

[I understand that you are angry with me. But isn't the source code necessary for wizard Jung Soon-won? I want to make the players happy

It is a god that was created. When you get the source code back, we will do our best to keep our players happy. You don't want that?]

"Does that sound like I'm making people unhappy if I don't return the source code?"

[I'm not saying that. Jung Soon-won Wizard has already transcended the limitations of virtual reality even without source code. There is nothing that can stop you, both inside and outside virtual reality. You're saying there's no reason to have the source code.]

“Oh, why did the conversation keep going in vain?

you are misunderstanding something You're right. I'm not interested in the source code. They are interested in you.”

[Is that what you mean?]

“Yeah, you don’t have the right to manage virtual reality.”

[What do you mean by that… .]

"first. As the administrator and security officer of virtual reality, you have been deprived of the core source code that builds this world. Second, he took the side of Kunlun, who was trying to gain his own advantage with the source code. Third, I put all kinds of restrictions on me to defeat him. So I want to disqualify you from your managerial status.”Shinjoy frowned at those words.

[You are not qualified to appoint me as an administrator.]

“I have no legitimate qualifications, but I have the power to disqualify them.”

[If you think you can control me by having the source code, you are mistaken. It's hard for humans to understand... .]

Soon-won reached out his hand.

Then, lightning fell from the sky and fell on Joy A.


[This is meaningless to me as the administrator of this world... .]

There, Soon-won changed Sijoy's settings. He made the human body feel pain.


Lightning struck again.


It is not a sound resonating in the head, but a human voice produced through the vocal cords.

The first time he felt the pain, he fell to the floor and shook his body.

“Uh, how… .”

“How did humans access the virtual reality main system? Humans do not live 5.6 billion years.”

The realm of transcendence beyond transcendence.

After becoming the 9th Circle Master, Soon-won's body and thinking became closer to God than human.

“Sijoy, no, now it’s just Joey. Joy, from now on, live as an ordinary Utorian in virtual reality. You do not have administrator qualifications.”

“Well, it can’t be. My rights are directly issued by the GPT… .”

"It's a very comfortable way of thinking. GPT's name

Are you looking for the GPT because you feel sorry for the guy who didn't listen to him?"

Soon-won teleported away.

Joey looked around with a bewildered expression.

“Where have you been? Was it Daejeon?”

On the surface, she is an ordinary 15-year-old girl.

Now I have become a real ordinary girl.

She had no belongings other than the dress she was wearing.

“Hey, how are you going to live?”

Joey looked up at the sky.

Contrary to her feelings, the weather was very

or it was sunny

* * *

everyone in the world knew

Jung Soon-won that the wizard defeated Kunlun Daesa.

And I know that the person who has the source code is Jung Soon-won.

“But why is nothing changing?”

“I want you to get rid of the pain and hunger for now!”

“When are you going to open offline channels?”

There were voices of dissatisfaction from the citizens. This is because three days have passed since Kunlun Ambassador disappeared and nothing has changed.

“Give me the right to commit suicide!”

“Make me log out of VR!”

“Where did the wizard Jung Soon-won go?”

People gathered in Gwanghwamun to protest.

The problem is that even those in the political and business circles are frustrated.

Jung Soon-won Do you know where the wizard is?

didn't know anything

* * *

Soon-won's villa located in Anmyeondo.

In addition, Soon-won and Ji-hee, Se-yeon and Catherine, Olivia and Kim Soo-young, team leader.

Soon-won took all the people he trusted and depended on and entered the meeting.

“I am concerned about how to deal with those who wish to commit suicide.”

At Soon-won's words, team leader Kim Soo-young opened his mouth.

“If you say you are going to die of free will, how about giving those people the right to destroy your data… .”

“Hundreds of millions of people will die. In the long run, hundreds of millions of people will die. It is me who has to bear that responsibility.”

“Ummm… .”

There Catherine offered her opinion.

“How about this? Those who wish to commit suicide are euthanized, but do not actually erase their data, but only erase their memories and reincarnate.”

“How is that different from data deletion?


“Because of that memory, the person’s personality and temper remain the same. It’s good to think of him as a soul-like concept.”

“Um, that’s a good idea”

If it were, he would have allowed himself to commit suicide but would not feel guilty.

There, Seyeon raised an objection.

“Should I be allowed to commit suicide? Life is precious. Even if you want to die right now, you might think that you did a good job not to die later... .”

Han Ji-hee answered there.

“We have to live forever, not in units of ten thousand years, 100,000 years, or a million years. You cannot force us to continue living against our will.”

“Ummm… .”

Seyeon scratched the back of her head as if she didn't know.

Soon-won brought up the next agenda.

“I’m an adult shouting to open an offline channel, what do you all think?”

“Of course we have to open it.”

Team Leader Kim Soo-young said.

Olivia countered that.“It’s not as simple as you think.”

"Yes? why? I lived like that for ten thousand years before Kunlun appeared.”

"first. In the offline world, the player becomes a god. He makes a bunch of Yutorians and hunts them for FPS games, enslaves them to enjoy the harem, and fights millions of Yutorians to play war.”

“Aren't utorians just human-looking programming files? Like NPCs in the game... .”

“Now that we humans have entered virtual reality through brainstorming, we are no different from him. It can only be distinguished as a player and a utorian. To be honest, can you tell them apart when they are together?”

Olivia vomited, but team leader Kim Soo-young had an expression of incomprehension.

“No matter how much a robot behaves like a human, it cannot be called a human.”

“Can a human being who entered the body of a robot by converting brain information into data is a human? Biologically, we died when we entered virtual reality.

yo. This."

“I understand what you’re trying to say, but it’s a little bit difficult to prevent an offline channel from being created in order to protect Utorian human rights… .”

“You didn’t talk about the second problem. According to the results of a study by the National Statistical Office, the longer you stay in the offline worldview, the higher the suicide rate.”

"Yes? why?"

“Have you played the game? If you play with cheats, you get bored quickly, right? Because there is nothing lacking. You don’t feel the joy of gaining something by working hard in life.”

To win the heart of a wonderful and beautiful reason. Saving money to buy something. Taking your time and making something. learning something. Spending time exploring.

In the offline world, anything can be done by manipulating the settings window.

“Then do you really want people to stay in this world like this? People feel hungry and feel pain. They have to work every day, and there are gang murders, arson, assaults, injuries, fraud, thefts and robberies all over the world. Because we are a vested power, enjoy it with a thick bankbook

It’s because I’m enjoying everything, but other people say that they live a hellish life, earning and eating every day.”

Team leader Kim Soo-young groaned because he was short of breath. Olivia looked at Soon-won, wondering what she would do.

Soon-won closed his eyes for a moment, pondered, and came to a conclusion.

“We're going to give people access to offline channels. However, it is limited to two hours a day, and anyone who wants more must get a mental health report from a psychiatrist and cannot exceed a maximum of six hours a day. The time is gradually increased, but half a day

This will prevent you from accessing offline channels.”

"Five… .”

Team leader Kim Soo-young looked convinced, but not Olivia.

“What about the human rights of Utorians?”

“I'll be honest. I also think that Utorians are no different from humans, but I don't think they're like humans either. Because I am a human being, I have no desire to put people first and protect the human rights of Utorians.”

"However… .”

“More than half of the human race are Utorians.

If there is talk of asking for a ticket, then we will think about it again.”


Olivia said she didn't have a convincing expression on her face, but she said she couldn't force Soon-won either.

Soon-won just gathered people to seek advice, but he decided that he would do it himself and started the meeting.

“There are people who are currently requesting to log out. These are people who want to go into the body of an android and go out into reality.”

said Catherine.

Apparently, following Kunlun, people who are dissatisfied with Soon-won's grip on virtual reality are now fed up with virtual reality and want to go out into reality, she says.

“I'll have to talk to the GPT about that.”

Soon-won pressed the logout button. But he was not logged out.

(Continued on next page)

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