The Big Landlord

Chapter 161 The cumbersome purchase procedure

After tossing for half a month, he finally collected enough money. After getting in touch with Huaxiang, Wang Ben once again embarked on the road to the American agency. In order to buy a helicopter, this was the third time he went abroad. Because of the extravagance before, now I feel pain when I go back to the international flight.

After paying all kinds of taxes, the goods were finally delivered, and the helicopter was disassembled and packed back to China.

Just arrived at the import customs, but was detained again, the reason is very good, only the purchase approval is not enough, airworthiness certificate, radio station use certificate, nationality certificate are all indispensable.

Fortunately, this time Wang Ben knew something in advance, and he was still mentally prepared. Although he couldn't help complaining that the procedure was too complicated, he was not anxious and irritable.

He also made preparations in advance, the nationality certificate has been completed, and the airworthiness certificate and radio station use certificate can only be processed temporarily after the arrival of the plane. With the help of Hua Xiang, everything went smoothly. All three certificates were completed and finally released.

After the container was transported back to Yongfeng City, Wang Ben rushed to the airline again. At present, the domestic low-altitude air routes are not open to individuals. Even private jets must find airlines to call for unified command and management of the route, otherwise they will not be given a promotion. Empty, even assembly is not allowed.

The current air traffic control is really strict. If you want to open it at will, there is no way. Every time you take off, you must declare through the radio in advance, and you can only be allowed to take off after getting an approval reply. Even private jets are managed like Air China. their subordinates.

With such restrictions, the price of the service is ridiculously expensive. In addition to buying common routes in advance every year, if you want to go to other places, you have to pay extra each time.

This series of regulations made Wang Ben feel ashamed and even a little annoyed. He couldn't help muttering in his heart, "Your sister, I'm going back to the village to see if you can take care of me."

After implementing the airline service, nothing happened at last. After the helicopter was reassembled, it passed the flight test again without any problems. After the approval before purchasing the aircraft, it took a year of waiting, and the purchase process lasted for nearly two months. , After a series of tedious procedures, the helicopter was finally in hand and could be driven home.


There was a deafening roar, and a brand-new helicopter slowly flew over the beautiful Xiushui Bay. At first, it only attracted the attention of children. As the distance got closer, the fuselage became bigger and louder. , Gradually attract everyone's attention.

In the end, the helicopter slowly landed in the spacious courtyard of Wang Ben's family. Everyone could no longer restrain their curiosity and rushed over.

The cabin opened, and Wang Ben took off his earphones and blindfolds and jumped out. He came to everyone naturally. Although he bought a rare commodity like a helicopter, he didn't buy it to show off, not to mention he owed a lot of money to the bank. Not at all.

Everyone continued to look into the cabin, and after finding no one else, they all widened their eyes and exclaimed in disbelief: "Wow, you can fly a plane!"

"Where did this plane come from?" Several villagers asked even more suspiciously.

"I just bought it," Wang Ben said indifferently, knocking on the fuselage behind him casually. Although after a lot of trouble, he finally got the helicopter in his hands, and he was quite satisfied.

"Oh my god, you're going crazy!" Everyone couldn't help exclaiming in unison. Although they had thought about it, they didn't believe it was true at all. A rural person bought an airplane

"Hehe, it's just suitable for our rural life," Wang Ben smiled faintly, and he really thought so.

In the future, there will be motorcycles for small roads and airplanes for long trips. This means of transportation is ready, and it is convenient to transport anything. Don’t think about the car for the time being. When you have money, you can pave the country roads.

"Can you sit down for a while?" A villager asked curiously. It was Chen Laosan in the team. This villager who loves to catch fish is usually very bold and dares to try anything.

"Okay," Wang Ben said with a slight smile. He just bought it and let everyone have a good time and experience this new thing.

There are four seats in the helicopter, and two people can sit on it. Looking around, Wang Ben took the initiative to invite, "Who else wants to sit?"

I thought that there would be people actively participating, but no one agreed, from adults to children, and those who had just leaned over to take a closer look also quickly retreated. From their expectant eyes, it could be seen that they were thinking very much, but Did not dare to test.

One of the villagers even asked timidly, "Is this thing safe? Will it fall halfway through the flight?"

"What do you think?" Wang Ben didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and blamed him angrily, "How did I get back when I was not stable?"

He also only came into contact with helicopters a year ago, and he understood everyone's feelings at this time, so he didn't force everyone, and bent down to Linglong, who had rushed to him early in the morning, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to sit?"

"En!" Linglong nodded firmly, the little girl was not afraid at all, and agreed without hesitation.

Finally, another villager bravely stepped into the cabin together. After the seats were full, he signaled everyone to move away and started the helicopter slowly.

Just two meters away from the ground, there was a strong sense of shaking. Chen Laosan, who was fearless before, suddenly turned black with fright. As the helicopter gradually pulled up, the villagers on the ground became smaller and smaller , He felt unreliable at all, as if he was about to fall at any time.

After trying to control it for a while, I didn't feel much better, and my self-confidence finally collapsed, and I begged loudly, "I want to go down!"

The roar was too loud, and Wang Ben, who was driving in front, couldn't hear clearly because of the earphones covering it.

Fortunately, after waiting for complete lift-off, it finally stabilized a lot. It was just an experience, and Wang Ben didn't speed up too fast.

After flying slowly around Xiushui Bay, when he slowly landed on the ground again, Chen Laosan was paralyzed and unable to get out. Another villager who was not much better than him walked out of the cabin with the help of him. I couldn't say a word for a long time.

Compared to them, Linglong was fine. Apart from being a little nervous when she just lifted off, she also asked to continue sitting if she was interested. The little girl really didn't know what material it was made of.

"Who else wants to sit, come quickly," Wang Ben warmly extended the invitation again.

"I won't sit anymore, I won't sit anymore." Seeing Chen Laosan's appearance, whoever dared to continue to experience it all retreated and refused.

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