The Big Landlord

Chapter 155 Camphor trees all over the mountains

Since the drinking this time, Wang Ben has never seen Zijian again during the winter vacation. The once close friends, with the growth of age, the deviation of life trajectory, and the throbbing conflict in his heart, are now drifting away. , This may also be a kind of growing pains.

The relationship with Fei Cui is not much better. I met him once or twice, but we didn't stay too long, and we got along very peacefully. Except for the unavoidable true feelings in the eyes, we never opened our mouths. Anything about personal matters, under the current situation, they seem to be deliberately avoiding it, and they are unwilling to mention it.

When school started again, when Zijian and Fei Cui returned to school together, Wang Ben also went to see them off, but it was very polite, no different from the behavior of ordinary villagers, not to mention any intimate words and deeds, and Zijian was only a distance away. Looking from a distance, they looked at each other with an awkward smile, but still didn't speak.

After this fight, Zijian calmed down a lot, did not have too many frequent harassments at school, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his study and life. Wang Ben and Fei Cui occasionally talked on the phone, although he felt very happy , but also belongs to the very flat kind.

As for Wu Yulan in the village, under Wang Ben's repeated hints, she finally stopped being so proactive and took care of her small shop with peace of mind.

Everyone seems to be in a state of self-restraint, and things have gradually entered a relatively stable period of indifference. That's fine, everyone is calm and calm, waiting for the verdict of time.

Just after New Year's Eve, after eating old dried pumpkin, Wang Ben also turned his mind to Daqing Mountain as Zhanwu and the others went up the mountain again, and once again implemented the idea in his heart. Camphor trees are regularly planted in batches in the gaps of the forest.

Although the camphor tree is not as good as sandalwood and other top and precious tree species, its maturity cycle is relatively short, and it can mature after natural growth in about ten years, and the price is not low. The saplings are easy to buy, and it is difficult to get worms and diseases. In addition, it will emit a strong fragrance,

Having the right to use this forest for 50 years, it would be too wasteful not to think carefully about it. By the time this time passes, people will already be old, and they will no longer have any thoughts of struggle. He has to take advantage of this period , to fully develop Daqing Mountain and give full play to its due value.

Moreover, no matter who this mountain forest belongs to in the future, he wants to leave behind a beautiful scenery and good memories. When he is old and old, he can go to Daqing Mountain with the villagers and listen to the birdsong , smelling the fragrance of the trees, appreciating the changes in this mountain forest in my own hands, I feel very fulfilled when I think about it.

To replant new saplings, many old trees have to be cut down. This is the first large-scale felling in the past half a year after buying the forest. It is much larger than the number when the road was repaired by machine. It has already exceeded the one-time felling index. Fortunately, it does not belong to the destruction of mountains and forests. After many twists and turns, the village committee also lenient, and finally it was implemented.

This project is really huge, and the transportation is inconvenient. It is very difficult to cut trees and transport, especially the field path from the foot of the mountain to the farm road in the village. Many people have to carry it with their shoulders.

All the trees that were cut down were miscellaneous, and the price was not high. They were only sold for tens of thousands of yuan. Except for the labor and transportation costs, Wang Ben did not take any money, and distributed all the money to the villagers in Xiushuiwan, which can be considered as a subsidy for everyone. These trees belonged to the public property originally, and he didn't want to profit from them, not much at all.

After being busy for more than a month, I finally cleared it out regularly without destroying the forest or affecting the growth of medicinal materials.

Thousands of camphor saplings also fell to the soil,

The two sides of the mechanical farming road are planted first, so that people will have a different feeling when they go up the mountain. All the dead wood has been removed and replaced with young camphor saplings. The dense forest has also been thoroughly sorted out. The crooked neck tree that affects the growth allows the old tree and the new tree to grow together healthily.

A total of 2,500 camphor saplings have been planted in the entire Daqing Mountain, and they are everywhere. In order to increase the survival rate and facilitate management, Wang Ben bought 10-centimeter-high saplings at a very high price, as high as 100 For one tree, two million has already been invested in this mountain forest before any output has been produced.

So far, Wang Ben has completed the implementation of the first phase of Daqingshan’s plan. He has not yet decided what to do next, and he dare not think about it for the time being. If he continues to spend endlessly, the final payment for the helicopter will be too much.

There was Zhan Wu on the mountain and they looked at it, so they didn’t need to worry too much. The helicopter’s driver’s license had already been obtained years ago. Suddenly nothing happened, and Wang Ben felt a little uncomfortable.

In the past, in the spring of March, golden rapeseed flowers could be seen everywhere, but now they have been replaced by the endless dark green of aloe vera.

The construction of Xiaohui’s house has already started, and Wang Ben went there every day to take a look and pass the time. Master Huang, who originally invited to see the house, also claimed that he would not have a good day until the second half of the year, but with him In addition to Xiaohui's experience, and Xiaohui didn't believe in that, everything went smoothly.

Not long after the official construction, Xiaohui went out again. For this reason, Wang Ben also persuaded him not to let him live the life of giving and begging again, but he still wanted to go out and fight again. After saving, consider returning to Xiushuiwan to live with peace of mind.

Friends left one by one again, Zhan Wu also stayed on the mountain and didn't want to play mahjong with the women in the village, so he often played billiards at home alone, and Wang Ben suddenly felt a little bored.

"Brother Benzi!"

When she was at a loss, Linglong, who had just finished class, called out cordially, and ran over holding a newspaper, her starry eyes wide open, she waved her little finger and pointed to a picture on the newspaper and said in surprise, "Look This cabbage is so big!"

This is an outdated newspaper, it was from October last year, and it was brought over by Teacher Li unintentionally. It can be seen that it is really not easy for the villagers to read a newspaper.

That cabbage is really big, not ordinary. Compared with the person in the picture, it must weigh at least fifty catties!

This immediately aroused Wang Ben's interest. After taking the newspaper and reading it carefully, it turned out that the report was about the annual giant vegetable championship in the UK. The onions and radishes were getting bigger and bigger, which was unbelievable.

Huh! Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I just come to cultivate giant vegetables for fun. If I can succeed, I might be able to participate in the Giant Vegetable Championship, and I might come back with a prize.

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