The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 759 Hogwarts Never Ends (Final Speech)

Time turned, and two weeks had passed since Merlin died and the gods fell. During this period, the pain caused by the war faded at a miraculous speed, and peace returned.

Two weeks later, the third week of June.

The last school banquet of Hogwarts for the 1994-1995 school year is coming, and the Hogwarts Express will take the students back to London tomorrow.

Teachers and students of Hogwarts walked into the auditorium hall as usual and were surprised to find that there were more than four long tables. The long tables that could not be accommodated in the auditorium were placed on the grass outside the castle.

A group of house elves were removing the castle's large wooden gate, apparently to make way for it.

Then they built a platform on top of the original gate.

In this way, there is an open-air lawn in front of the platform and an auditorium hall in the back.

"Moriarty, do you know what kind of tricks Professor Dumbledore does?"

The little snakes walked to the Slytherin table and sat down, and Lilith asked Moriarty.

Moriarty shook his head: "I can't guess. After all, Professor Dumbledore is not Lockhart."

Laughter suddenly spread across the long table. Lockhart performed well in several battles. No one doubted Lockhart's excellence, but Lockhart was still unique in his overall life.

In order to celebrate the victory of the war, the United Nations held a quite grand ceremony to commend the wizards for their contribution to world peace.

Lockhart did a wonderful job: when Roman, the vice-captain of the British national team, led nine players to ride ten new broomsticks (five 1994S and five HGWZ) over New York City at the United Nations Headquarters——

The Muggle government, proposed by Lockhart, sent ten new fighter jets (five J-8s and five Su-27s), flying over the heads of the players!

The belly of the plane almost flew past the players' hair, and the unsuspecting players were frightened half to death. Then there was an air race between the flying broomstick and the fighter plane. In the end, the new broomstick HGWZ won, and Roman and other players moved in after landing. Mungo's Hospital, which also caused the British team's strength to be greatly reduced. They lost to the Japanese team in the Quidditch World Cup next year and urgently asked Moriarty for help.

But from now on, if you ever have someone who brags that he almost hit a plane on a broomstick, congratulate him.

So the wizarding community unanimously proposed that Lockhart should not hold the Ministry of Magic's celebration, but Hogwarts should hold it. This is why so many long tables appeared in Hogwarts.

At this moment, the auditorium was filled with teachers and students from Hogwarts, and everyone looked at the grass expectantly.

"Moriarty, you promised me." Jericho winked at Moriarty and then nuzzled at Professor Snape, who brought the latest broomstick 1994S.

"No problem." Moriarty chuckled, thinking that I will betray you later and let Professor Snape punish you severely!

"They're coming!"

someone in the crowd shouted.

Hundreds of carriages drove up the lawn. Relatives of the students got off the carriages, and soon it was crowded with people.

Thousands more pops and pops were heard, and the wizards apparated.

Lockhart smiled brightly and walked with Amelia Bones, Scrimgeour and other dignitaries to the long table on the grass.

The head of the Department of Legal Enforcement, John Bones, is set to retire and her replacement will be none other than Justice Legal's chief barrister Gemma Farley.

The person who is about to replace Scrimgeour as the head Auror is none other than Moriarty's other girlfriend Tonks.

Moriarty saw them and asked Lilith, "I heard that Director Bones wanted you to succeed her after graduation. Why did you refuse? After all, you are the chief justice of justice and law. There is no problem with your business."

Lilith raised her eyebrows and smiled charmingly: "Of course it's to get pregnant. I don't want to fall too far behind Ixichel, Zhang Tianxue, and Narcissa."

Moriarty cast an ambiguous glance at Lilith's belly. He had already had three women get pregnant successfully, and he did it just before the war. Unexpectedly, he got pregnant.


A burst of air appeared, and a group of beauties fell from the sky.

They are Moriarty's relatives, all beautiful women, not a single male.

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers. They performed outstandingly in the final divine battle. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they saved the world.

Diana, Ixichel, Zhang Tianxue, Narcissa, Queen Vandros, Victoria, Fleur, Pearly... all smiled at Moriarty, and then sat down.

Three minutes later, everyone was seated.

Hagrid and Madame Maxime kept going back and forth to count people, "The only ones left were Dumbledore and Grindelwald."

People immediately whispered, at this juncture, the two principals were not here, so why were they there?

"They won't elope," Jericho muttered.

"What are you thinking about? Here we come!" Moriarty looked at the sky.

People also raised their heads.

I saw a huge phoenix flying over, carrying Dumbledore and Grindelwald!

Flying over the platform, Dumbledore and Grindelwald jumped off the back of the phoenix hand in hand, causing a burst of exclamations, but they landed safely.

They were all dressed up, with Grindelwald looking solemn and Dumbledore smiling.

Moriarty suddenly had an idea: They wouldn't regard this event as a wedding!

If so, Moriarty bless them.

"Gentlemen, ladies, and I prefer to call you heroes! My heroes -" Dumbledore spoke: "Welcome to Hogwarts!"

A round of applause!

"I really don't know where to start," Dumbledore smiled and shook his head slightly. "There are too many things that have happened, right? The combined experiences we have experienced in the past half of our lives are not as thrilling as what has happened in these six years! "

People gave Moriarty good-natured laughs because something big seemed to happen every year since Moriarty enrolled.

"But fortunately, there was no danger," Dumbledore said loudly: "If I were asked to choose between comfort and adventure, I would resolutely choose adventure! Because I am a wizard, thank you!"

Thunderous applause!

Could it be that Dumbledore's choice was not their wish?

"We have learned a lot in the past. I don't want to say more clichés of thanks. Instead, I just want to say, party!"

Dumbledore raised his arms and waved upwards, a burst of fire appeared, and he and Grindelwald simultaneously returned to their prime appearance and figure.

"Wow," Lilith said, "You haven't taken back the power of the fire element?"

"Of course not," Moriarty smiled as he saw the two principals dancing. "I have become a god. Elemental magic will be passed down forever with me, and anyone can learn it."

"Professor Pearly is studying. She plans to open an elemental magic course in three years."

"I don't want it," Lilith leaned against Moriarty, "I want to be your snake queen."

The two embraced each other, and the next second Moriarty was surrounded by girls - all his women came running over!

The carnival has begun!

Jericho ran towards Professor Snape with a group of small snakes, and they carried the latter on their shoulders with broomsticks - "Where is Moriarty?! He betrayed me!?"

But this time, Jericho succeeded, and Professor Snape rode on the broomstick - maybe he was prepared. After a smooth flight, he landed and snorted disdainfully at the stunned students: "I told you, don't use this kind of broomstick." Simple things challenge me!”

The orgy lasted five hours.

From dusk until early morning.

Enough fun, enough trouble.

It was proposed that Moriarty fulfill the prophecy of immortality.

This proposal was quickly unanimously approved.

Moriarty snapped his fingers, and the eight elemental magic sacred objects: Ice Moon Necklace, Fire Mirror, Wind Conch, Snakewood Wand, Dragon Horn Earrings, Heart of Darkness, and two pairs of rings, appeared in the air one by one.

"Do you want me to fulfill the prophecy?"

A moment of nodding.

Moriarty smiled slightly: "Well, as you wish, if there is eternal life, I will give this divine power to one of us!"

People are short of breath. Who wouldn’t want to live forever if it were possible?

Under the gaze of everyone, Moriarty put the eight elemental magic relics into a transparent ball of light, which suddenly emitted dazzling colorful divine light.

"It is detected that the host has gathered all the elemental magic holy objects, fulfilled the prophecy of eternal life, and obtained the blessing of eternal life!"

"Congratulations to the host for completing the ultimate mission and becoming the supreme god! The HP multiverse is opened! The host can travel through the HP world at will."

So I can start more adventures?

Moriarty smiled, and the seven-colored divine light flew into his body, feeling the blessing of eternal life. Moriarty did not use it on himself!

"Following what I said above," Moriarty took a deep look at the world and flew high: "I will give the blessing of eternal life to Hogwarts!"

"If there is no magic or Hogwarts in your life, there will be one now!"

“If you don’t have adventures in your life, you will have them now!”

"If there are no surprises in your destiny, there will be from now on!"

"Because Hogwarts never ends!"

Colorful divine lights descended from the sky and landed on Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts never ends!"

The cheers seemed to penetrate the world and reach reality.

And at high altitude.

Lilith suddenly appeared next to Moriarty. She looked at him: "Are you going to leave without saying goodbye to us?"

"No, I will leave but not now," Moriarty held Lilith in his arms: "If I want to leave, it must be with my beloved. Now I am just going to another world. Pick up my other loves.”

Lilith's face turned dark immediately: "I was deceived by you again,"

Moriarty quickly went back, picked up the Black sisters and their daughters from another world, and returned to Hogwarts to continue completing their studies.

Although Moriarty no longer needs to go to school, it is Moriarty's dream to study at Hogwarts for seven years and then graduate.

the year 1995.

Moriarty, Lilith, Penelo, Fleur, Jericho and others entered seventh grade.

Professors Dumbledore and Grindelwald retire.

Professor McGonagall is the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and William is the Headmaster of Durmstrang.

Charlie succeeded Professor McGonagall as Professor of Transfiguration and Head of Gryffindor, Professor Snape moved to Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Leon became Professor of Potions and Head of Slytherin.

Marcus became Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, and Tom, in ghost form, succeeded Professor Binns as Professor of History.

Bloody Barrow and the Gray Lady dissipated, and people said they were relieved.

Hogwarts has a new look from top to bottom, and everything is moving in a better direction.

However, Moriarty's wish to spend his last school year safely has not come true!

Because of Lockhart's actions, the British team was defeated by the Japanese team in the 1995 Quidditch World Cup.

The World Cup was originally held in 1994, but the London War broke out that year and the world was threatened by the Immortal Organization, so it was postponed to 1995.

The British team still had a chance to rematch. Lockhart asked Moriarty for help, and Moriarty decisively sent Jericho!

Jericho: "Moriarty is so weird! He won't give up the championship to me! What? Can't you hear that I'm being weird? Go and study with Professor Snape!"

Jericho took the flying broomstick HGWZ, which was specially developed to commemorate Hogwarts' outstanding contribution in the War of Gods, and led the team to the World Cup, winning nine out of nine games and winning the championship in one fell swoop!

Moriarty and the girls were lying on a big bed watching Jericho on the TV, smiling broadly.

Some years later.

Hermione Granger, the headmaster of Hogwarts who is about to become the Minister of Magic, heard the Sorting Hat shouting during the admission of new students at Hogwarts:

"Cassandra Vorey! Slytherin!"

A little blond girl walked proudly towards the Slytherin table.

Hermione's eyes lit up: "She looks just like Sister Lilith~ I have to train her well for Brother Moriarty!"

(Full! Book! Ended!)

Final Speech: In fact, A Hong has been thinking about this final speech for a long time, but when I write it here, I don’t know what to write. Maybe I will know it as soon as I write it down (^▽^)o Now that you have seen this, you might as well read more Look, review the creative process with A Hong.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude as usual: I would like to thank editor Jiang Cha for greatly approving A Hong’s internal submission and giving A Hong the opportunity to create.

Then there are the lovely fans, including the financial backer Brother Jiajun, who has been giving advice and rewards to Ahong very early. Without Brother Jiajun, there would be no first leader in Ahong’s life, and there would not be so many female protagonists. It can be said that Brother Jiajun is one of the most important people in this book. There is Long Tang, who talks from time to time, Shimazu who silently votes, and the friends in the group and everyone who is willing to subscribe to this book and support it all the time, they are all A Hong’s parents! Thank you for accompanying me all the way!

Regardless of whether you can see it or not, Ah Hong bowed deeply!

After thanking Ahong, she recalled the Mid-Autumn Festival two years ago. At that time, the book had just started and it started smoothly. However, Ahong suffered the loss of inexperience. Thinking about it, Ahong burst into tears. Ahong didn't know that 200,000 words could be put on the shelves. , I haven’t set up a good plot, and I’m not familiar with the rules for recommended promotion.

I remember that at that time, some people claimed that the book would not be completed until it was finished - just say it was not finished!

Generally speaking, Ahong wanted to write a legendary story about the adventures of a young wizard, so he followed Rowling's example and set up a main plot. He wanted to use one story in each volume as a branch plot and six branch plots to converge into the main plot.

In the end, it was indeed completed as expected. What satisfied A Hong the most was the second volume, which opened the main plot. A Hong also buried a lot of foreshadowing in the second volume. The heroine Diana was in the outline. Narcissa is not - someone asked A-Hong if her favorite heroine is Narcissa. Actually, no, A-Hong's favorite heroine is Lilith, because A-Hong carefully portrayed Lilith's growth experience and path to becoming stronger. , almost the same as Moriarty, one light and one dark.

Another interesting thing is Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Ahong wrote two outlines for them, one is what is written in the book, and the other is killed by Moriarty, haha.

The apparent boss of Gamp was also determined before the book started, as was Merlin. A Hong was still very happy that they were not written down.

In fact, Ahong has also discovered many shortcomings. Ahong is already learning experience and working hard to improve. Ah Hong also wants to see everyone’s comments on this book! A Hong didn’t know much about Western fantasy before, but in the past two years, A Hong has been learning Western fantasy knowledge, such as The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Warcraft, Warhammer, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and Cruel Tho. Big IP is learning.

It’s also to prepare for the next one, because Ahong also wants to write an HP fanfic, hehe. The extra stories promised to fans of this book will also be updated in the group. The most important thing is that the new book is in preparation. There are already several ideas, but which one can be seen with everyone will depend on which one can pass the internal investment. Please support me a lot. Ah~

Hogwarts never ends!

Harry Potter’s red “Hogwarts: The Big Boss” is finished and sprinkled with flowers~


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