The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 7 The Prophecy of Eternal Life

Moriarty took out the Ice Moon Necklace from the system space and held it in his hand. The chain made of mithril felt very good in the hand, like a clear spring flowing in his hand.

The snow-white crescent pendant glowed white, and Moriarty heard a voice from the bottom of his heart, which was the call for Moriarty to put on the necklace.

Moriarty neither put the necklace on nor responded to the system, he held the necklace tightly in his hand.

Regarding this trophy, Moriarty is going to investigate the hidden secrets behind it when he returns to China, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the Ice Moon Necklace is closely related to water elemental magic.

This caused Moriarty to change his plans, and he summoned Luke to take him to the castle dungeon.

Ingo's face turned pale because of this, while Lockhart said excitedly: "Master, you want to interrogate that dwarf dark wizard? Let me do it. Although I don't know Legilimency, I have seen the interrogation process no less than a hundred times." gone."

But when he saw that the dungeon was actually a big pit with countless poisonous snakes circling in it, Lockhart's expression was the same as Ingo's.

Moriarty nodded in satisfaction. This battle can better break through the psychological defense of the Japanese wizards.

He used the floating spell to suspend the Dongying wizard and the ice coffin that frozen him above the big pit.

Moriarty gave an order to the poisonous snakes, and countless poisonous snakes crawled on the ice coffin and melted the ice coffin in a short while.

After waking up, the Dongying wizard uttered a shrill scream after realizing that his body and face were covered with greasy poisonous snakes.

He was badly wounded and now frightened again.

The Dongying wizard who was scared to death was in a trance, and suddenly heard a stern voice: "Name?"

The Japanese wizard saw Moriarty's cold eyes through dozens of snake tails, knew that Moriarty was interrogating him, and swallowed subconsciously.

The poisonous snakes sensed a change in their throats, and raised their heads to meet the eyes of the Japanese wizard. Before he could utter a second howl, one of the snakes spit out a letter and licked his face.

This scene reminded the Japanese wizard of the fear of being dominated by the twelve ice snakes, and he replied tremblingly: "Takamura Muye."

Moriarty continued to ask in Japanese, "What are you doing in China?"

Tsukamura Muye squeezed his mouth tightly, until a little poisonous snake tried to get into his ear, he said quickly: "Do the task."

"What mission?"

Tsukamura Muno kept his mouth shut, looking at Moriarty with viciousness in his eyes.

Moriarty stretched out the hand holding the ice moon necklace in front of him, and said coldly: "Tell me its secret!"

Seeing the Bingyue Necklace, the hatred in Tsukamura Muno's eyes was replaced by surprise, and then his eyes became dull, allowing the poisonous snake to crawl across his face.

Seeing that Tsukamura Muno was obviously ready to speak hard, Moriarty sneered, and gave the poisonous snakes an order to "play with them freely, don't kill them".

Moriarty freezes Tsukamura's mouth to prevent him from killing himself by biting his tongue.

Moriarty is going to put Tsukamura Kumono in the dungeon for three days.

After walking out of the dungeon, Moriarty said to Lockhart, "Come with me, and we'll discuss the details of the new book release."

In the hall, Moriarty first said: "Go and negotiate with the Foley family and ask for June 4th split.

You are six, they are four, the reason is that you are the one who knows the descendants of Slytherin best, and the Foley family, including the British wizarding world, knows nothing about the descendants of Slytherin."

"I will give all the money I earn to the young master." Lockhart said as if offering a treasure.

"Quiet and listen to me!" Moriarty glared at him, and Lockhart immediately sat up straight.

"In addition to the content of the novel I wrote for you, you add Slytherin Castle." Moriarty stretched out his fingers and pointed to the vault and the city wall, signaling Lockhart to add these, Lockhart nodded understandingly

"On the other hand, British wizards have always been very interested in Salazar's whereabouts after he left Hogwarts, and they seized this point to focus on the description. There are also these...a brief mention, leaving suspense."

The two talked for an entire afternoon, and finalized many details such as the content of the novel and the launch of the new book.

It wasn't until Luke came to remind him that the seafood dinner was ready that Moriarty realized that it was dusk.

At this time, Lockhart looked like a real wizard. He said that he wanted to talk to the Foley family during the meal, so as to finalize the cooperation as soon as possible.

Before leaving, Moriarty asked Luke to put the ten gold bricks into the suitcase that had been prepared for Lockhart.

"Using this money to operate, you can find Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, and I believe she will not miss this big news." Moriarty pointed out.

Lockhart was greatly moved, and he swore that he would get things done.

After eating dinner, Moriarty found a brand new bedroom and continued to list his schedule.

This plan was Moriarty's school year plan, and now there were two more spells that had to be practiced on the list: Legilimency and Occlumency.

If Moriarty knew Legilimency, the interrogation of Tsukamura Muno would not be so cumbersome.

However, Legilimency is an extremely advanced magic, and Moriarty can't learn it for a while, and the price of this magic in the mall is 7000 points, and Moriarty doesn't have that many points.

So learning Legilimency was put on Moriarty's agenda. He firmly believed that learning Legilimency would be of great help to his future plans.

The other magical Occlumency is even more worth learning.

Moriarty was bound to be at Hogwarts in a few months, and he didn't want his secret to be exposed to prying eyes.

Looking at the school year plans on the list, Moriarty was in high spirits. The elemental magic provided by the system and the magic in the world of Harry Potter just complemented each other's shortcomings.

If he can master all of them, he may be able to become a Dharma God in advance without the need for systematic rewards!

But Moriarty still had a lot to do before starting his studies.

For example, sorting out the snake language left by Salazar, summarizing the runes, ancient Latin, and ancient Greek left by Salazar, and adjusting the space teleportation array in front of the castle gate.

And most importantly, unlock the movement restrictions of the house elves, allowing Luke to leave the castle to buy ingredients outside.

Moriarty didn't want to eat seafood for three meals a day, who knew what strange magical animals lived in the big lake behind the castle.

Three days later, Slytherin Castle took on a completely new look. While retaining the characteristics of a battle fortress, it also added the style of many noble manors.

On the fourth day, it was the day when Gilderoy Lockhart released his latest novel.

Luke went to the Outer Clothing Store in Diagon Alley early in the morning to order wizard robes for Moriarty, and Moriarty walked into the dungeon.

Tsukamura Muye lost a lot of weight, and his already short stature seemed to have shrunk.

Being played by a poisonous snake is no different from torture to him, his pupils were dilated, he looked at Moriarty and muttered: "Kill me...Kill me..."

Moriarty waved his staff, "Clear water is like a spring."

Tsukamura Muye looked refreshed after being drenched in the shower. Moriarty said, "It's the same question as before, the secret of the Ice Moon Necklace."

"I...belong to a black wizard organization, the Pang Crow Society." Tsukamura Muno said in an unrecognizable voice: "We received a mission half a year ago, asking us to bring back the Ice Moon Necklace from Eastern Tibet. Other than that, I don't know anything."

only these?

Moriarty's doubts were not resolved, but more, but Tsukamura Muno didn't look like he was lying.

So Moriarty changed his mind, and said, "Do you have any strange prophecies, myths, or leaders of dark wizards in the magical world of Japan?"

Tsukamura Muye opened his eyes wide, and said mysteriously: "We in Dongpu...a prophecy has been circulating for a long time, the prophecy of eternal life."

"No more?" Moriarty raised his eyebrows, and a poisonous snake spit out another message to Tsukamura Muye.

Tsukamura Muno shook his head weakly: "No, we all know that it is a prophecy about eternal life, but no one knows the specific content."

Moriarty's face darkened, the clues were broken here, and the magic world of Dongpu became more and more like a pool of quiet water, cloudy and unclear.

Tsukamura Muno saw that Moriarty was dissatisfied with his answer, fearing that he would continue to be tormented by the poisonous snake, he said in a crying voice: "Please——I really told all I know, and that's all I know Many! I can also tell you about the secret black magic of the black wizard organization in Japan and our Pang Crow Society, please, kill me."

An hour later, Moriarty dug up everything Tsukamura knew and ordered the snake to eat him.

Back in the hall, Moriarty took out the Ice Moon Necklace to observe carefully, and the voice called Moriarty to put on the necklace again.

The difference from last time was that the Ice Moon Necklace exuded a faint coolness, which made Moriarty extremely comfortable.

His brain was running fast, and all kinds of information seemed to be automatically classified, changing from messy to neat.

Moriarty easily thought of it: "I used ice magic through family inheritance to increase the magic power of the water element, successfully unsealed the magic of the water element, and obtained the approval of the Ice Moon Necklace.

In other words, water elemental magic can unlock the ice moon necklace!

And the undead phoenix egg found in the underground secret room can unlock the fire elemental magic for me.

If the ice moon necklace and the undead phoenix egg are attributed to the same strange magic item, then it can be assumed that the key to unlocking the magic of the water element by the ice moon necklace lies in the ownership of the ice moon necklace!

Perhaps this is the real reason why Pang Ya wants to get the Ice Moon Necklace!

Just like I have the undead phoenix egg and unseal the fire elemental magic, the person who issued the task to Pang Yahui, or the black wizard organization, wants to use the ice moon necklace to unseal the water elemental magic.

The specific reason is unknown, but what can be confirmed is that the Ice Moon Necklace and the Undead Phoenix Egg can unseal the magic of the two major elements of water and fire, and the magic power of the two major elements of water and fire can also activate the right to use the Ice Moon Necklace and the Undead Phoenix Egg or ownership.

This makes sense in theory, but I still can't find the connection between the Ice Moon Necklace and the prophecy of eternal life. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Is it really just a prophecy? "

Moriarty wrote down all his conjectures about the Ice Moon Necklace in a notebook. The appearance of the Ice Moon Necklace and the Japanese black wizard made him see a different magical sky.

At this time Luke came back, and he banged his head on the wall as soon as he entered the castle: "Luke is a bad house elf, Luke didn't order the young master a wizard robe."

Ingo sneered a few times, drawing Luke's glare: "Luke saw Lockhart in Diagon Alley! He was surrounded by a large group of people, Diagon Alley is now full of wizards, Luke was squeezed out Diagon Alley!"

"Okay Luke, it's not your fault." Moriarty raised the corners of his mouth, the more people there are in Lockhart, the more popular the novel is, "but you have to pay attention next time, I want the first prophecy Home Daily!"

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