The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 55 Announcing the secret room (please collect and collect)

Since then, Moriarty has brought a few snakes into the Room of Requirement from time to time. After many experiments and continuous improvement of the runes, Moriarty solved the problem of short-distance space teleportation.

Entering March, the climate in Great Britain has become weird. Some places are in severe winter, and some places have ushered in the primrose.

Although Hogwarts is a school of magic, it is inevitably affected by nature. Marcus told Moriarty that the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest became active.

Some bold ones have done the work of procreating with honor, and walked in the woods with their tails up, becoming a scene in the Forbidden Forest.

Jericho told Moriarty that his revisions were not going well—the June exam was approaching.

Since the Quidditch game ended, Jericho, an American cowboy, seems to have lost his enthusiasm for life and become lazy.

Lilith, on the other hand, told Moriarty that she had learned the Disillusionment Curse!

The trio agree on another night out, and Moriarty makes an appointment at the Room of Requirement.

Moriarty took Jericho and Marcus to the eighth floor, but did not see Lilith.

"Come out, Pelivik!" Jericho yelled, "Piliwick?"

"Shut your drake throat! I'm here."

A clear voice came from the corridor. Lilith lifted the illusion spell, slowly emerged, and said to Jericho, who was in the period of voice change.

Moriarty looked at Lilith with great interest, "The Disillusionment Curse can make a disguised person or thing look like a chameleon, with the color and texture consistent with the environment behind and around you. I didn't expect you He will be the first among us to learn the Disillusionment Curse, and he is indeed talented."

A gleam of joy flashed in Lilith's eyes: "This time I'm one step ahead of you!"

Jericho curled his lips: "Cut~ If Mr. Moriarty hadn't been busy learning large-scale memory spells and permanent curing spells, how could it be possible for you to be the first to learn the disillusionment spell."

"Large memory spell? Permanent curing spell? What are you doing?"

Seeing Lilith's puzzled look, Jericho was a little proud, but he still asked Moriarty, "Sir, can you tell her?"

"Okay," Moriarty nodded lightly, "This is not a place to talk, let's talk in detail in the Room of Requirement."

Moriarty showed the three of them how to enter the Room of Requirement, saying silently: "I need a room where I can hold meetings."

A light door appeared on the stone wall, and the four of them stepped in, looking at the interior decoration—a huge round table, a dozen plush chairs, a white carpet and a silver ceiling, and several chandeliers emitting soft light.

"Aha, this is the small room where you and Tonks date every day?" Lilith casually pulled out a chair and sat on it, leaned back gracefully, and looked at Moriarty: "Finally willing to take we are coming?"

Jericho looked at Lilith in surprise, how did she develop such aura?

"Sir, please sit down." Marcus pulled out the chair for Moriarty, and after Moriarty sat down, he stood respectfully behind Moriarty.

"Knock knock." Moriarty tapped the table with his knuckles, "Lilith, next time you have to take every word I say seriously."

Lilith turned serious, and then Moriarty introduced to Lilith the tasks he was currently doing, as well as the plan to announce the secret room.

After listening to Moriarty's report, Lilith was shocked and speechless. She pursed her lips and said after a long time: "Once this plan is successful, and as long as you don't have any major problems in the next thirty years Wrong, I dare say that whether it is the Hogwarts Headmaster or the Minister of Magic, it is up to you to choose!"

Marcus and Jericho looked at each other with excitement shining in their eyes.

Moriarty remained expressionless, "What if the plan doesn't work?"

"Then..." A complicated and regretful expression appeared on Lilith's face: "The Ministry of Magic will expel you from Europe under pressure! This is the lightest punishment!

Remember Millicent Bagno? That old woman is sure to bite you hard before she steps down!

I know that you have a good relationship with Mr. Lockhart, but he can't protect you, and it may implicate him.

As for the pure-blood family—the pure-blood family that has the ability to protect you will not protect you, but the pure-blood family that wants to protect you..." Lilith glanced at Marcus and sighed: "They can't protect you! "

Jericho and Marcus became worried. They wanted to gain great benefits from Moriarty, but they didn't want to see Moriarty punished either.

And Moriarty just nodded, and said lightly: "I see, tomorrow morning, I will announce the secret room. At that time, I need your cooperation."

Lilith smiled: "I knew you would do this, no one can change what you decide, right?

So, what's the point of you asking me to come? If it's just to get support, you have so~so~ many fans, you tell Tonks and Senior Gemma, they will definitely organize those crazy female fans! "

Moriarty suddenly leaned in front of Lilith, their noses were almost touching, and Lilith's cheeks blushed quickly.

Moriarty looked her straight in the eyes, and said in a very low voice—not much louder than a mosquito: "Bring your little group! I want them."

Lilith didn't blush anymore, her face was covered with frost instead, she stared at Moriarty for a while, and then nodded her blond head unobtrusively.

Moriarty just sat back: "Then, you can go, good night, I wish you a sweet dream Lilith."

Lilith hummed lightly and left.

"Jerico, go and call William, Leon, and the rest of the players."

"Marcus, go and send the things I prepared in the dormitory."

Moriarty closed his eyes and gave instructions to Jericho and Marcus.

The two did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly split up.

William and Leon were still up. When they heard that Moriarty was looking for them, they quickly put down what they were doing and went to the Room of Requirement.

After everyone gathered, several people discussed until very late. No one knew what they were talking about. They only knew that the next morning, in the Slytherin common room, all the Slytherin players were wearing silver-green wizard robes and wizards. Hat, waiting at the door of Moriarty's dormitory.

William and Leon have informed all the little snakes to change into the same robes as the players, and if not, use the polymorph to change the ordinary robes into Slytherin robes!

The solemnity of the Slytherin students made many people feel that something big was about to happen. The news quickly spread throughout the school, and even the ghosts began to focus.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Moriarty walked out of the dormitory. Today he was wearing a medieval wizard robe and the wizard hat Lilith gave him.

The white robe and the Slytherin staff in his hand set off Moriarty's tenderness like jade. He led the little snakes out of the lounge and into the auditorium.

"The owls are coming!" Moriarty held up his staff, and a large group of owls flew into the auditorium led by Poseidon and landed on the four long tables. Almost every student received a small package.

Bill Weasley at the Gryffindor table opened the package to find a small card and a scale inside.

The silver card read: "I, Moriarty Slytherin! I invite Bill Weasley, a Gryffindor seventh year student, to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets!

For thousands of years, people have speculated and guarded against the monster locked in the secret room. It has been found out that there is a thousand-year-old basilisk locked in the secret room! (I want you to call her by her first name - Basilisk's name - Shiva, if you will)

Like the snake scales on your hand, it is the snake skin that Shiva sheds!

Inheriting the behest of Salazar's ancestors, I will send Shiva home at twelve noon today, and the true meaning of the existence of the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets will be inherited by us!

If you trust me, please follow me to the Chamber of Secrets! "

It took Bill thirty seconds to read the contents of the card. He looked to the left and right. The contents of the other cards were exactly the same, but the students' names were changed.

Bill was trembling all over, and he had to tell Professor Dumbledore about it!

It wasn't that Bill didn't trust Moriarty, but he saw many students following Moriarty—they had walked out of the auditorium!

God knows if the basilisk - Shiva or Hina? Will the madness swallow this group of little wizards in one gulp!

So Bill sprinted to the headmaster's office, but before he could run out of the Great Hall, he heard his brother Percy Weasley raise his arms and shout: "Follow me, Gryffindor! We follow Mr. Moriarty." Go to the Chamber of Secrets and say hello to the basilisk!"

Bill thought something was wrong, what happened to Percy? But the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw table came one after another shouting!

Tonks released the patron saint Michelle, and the white rabbit said in a cute voice: "Except for Mr. Moriarty, who would take the four major colleges to visit the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets? I dare say that the Millennium Basilisk Not scary, her name is Shiva? I want to make friends with her!"

Penello's face flushed with excitement: "Geniuses who claim to have extraordinary intelligence! Come with me! I heard from Mr. Moriarty that there is a problem that stumps him. Let's see if the geniuses in our academy can solve!"

Bill ran faster.

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