The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 52 Badge Incident

After the Slytherin-Hufflepuff match, things got weirder at school.

Although on the surface, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall showed an indifferent demeanor, but in private, Professor McGonagall reserved the right to use the Quidditch pitch for three days, and the Weasley brothers trained every day.

And Professor Snape directly exempted the Slytherin players from their homework for a week!

Students from both Houses are simmering, and the upcoming match straddles athletic competition, like a real wizard duel.

So the little wizards compared the current situation to the duel between Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin.

Everyone can clearly see that Slytherin has a real heir, and Godric Gryffindor's thousand-year inheritance seems to have some problems...

In the past, the cubs would attract attention no matter where they went, but now they will only be looked down upon.

On the contrary, the little snakes, the little wizards of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff naturally became close to the little snakes because they hoped that Slytherin would defeat Gryffindor.

As they get along slowly, the little wizards find that Slytherin students are not as paranoid, eccentric, and difficult to communicate as described by the outside world. It can even be said that a qualified Slytherin is not evil, but just arrogant.

After a few days, the status of Slytherin House has actually improved - obviously the little snakes have done nothing, relying entirely on their peers to set off.

Slytherin table at noon on Monday.

After a sixth-year Ravenclaw schoolgirl accosted Moriarty, Jericho rushed to Moriarty excitedly, and put a few badges in his hand in front of Moriarty.

"The props made by the seniors of Ravenclaw are very interesting." Jericho said with a hippie smile.

These badges are large, shiny and reflective.

On it is a portrait of Moriarty riding a broom on the Quidditch pitch, moving and flying around.

The same text was printed on each badge, and the bright red letters shone brightly, as if they were on fire.

Lilith turned her head and read the words composed of letters: "Mr. Moriarty beat the Weasley brothers!"

The little snakes were all attracted, and they smiled and leaned over to look at it.

"Look, sir, it has other tricks!" Jericho pressed the badge, and the words on it disappeared, and then another line appeared, shining with butter: "The snake ate the lion Pull out a big pile of shit!"

"Hahahaha!" There was a burst of laughter at the Slytherin dining table, and the little snakes laughed backwards and forwards. Even Leon, who paid the most attention to table manners, lost his demeanor and looked up and laughed.

"Dung, dung!" Lalpo and Keith banged their spoons on the plate and quarreled, "Gryffindor is a stinking dung! A dung lion!"

There was applause from the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw long tables, and several Ravenclaw masters wearing thick glasses raised their goblets and touched them lightly, gulping down the juice inside .

The little lions were so angry that Wood wanted to rush to the long Slytherin table and throw the badge on Jericho's head, but Charlie pressed him firmly on the stool.

Gradually, the students heard the voices of Ralpo and Keith getting smaller and smaller, until their mouths opened and closed, but there was no sound. The two suddenly realized something, glanced at Moriarty, closed their mouths and stopped talking .

The little snakes looked at Moriarty one after another. Among the many little wizards, only Moriarty could have such unnoticed magic methods.

"One game, come up with these disgusting methods?"

Moriarty's eyes were full of contempt.

"If I were just an ordinary Slytherin student, I would love to see Gryffindors being trampled on and taunted!"

Moriarty's expression was indifferent, and for the first time he stared at everyone, including the little snake and the little lion, with icy eyes.

"But you seem to have forgotten my identity? I am the real Slytherin! Hogwarts is my home, the blood of my ancestors!

Everything here is closely related to me. Every little wizard in the castle has a special meaning to me. Their existence is the recognition of the Slytherin family!

Although there is constant friction between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and I am indeed very dissatisfied with certain behaviors of Gryffindor, but insulting Gryffindor is insulting the Big Four and insulting me ! Of course, on this point, I treat the four colleges equally.”

Moriarty's tone became severe: "Ravenclaw? Gryffindor took advantage of the loopholes in the rules to beat you, so you repay them in this way?

I have seen too many people who do whatever it takes to win, but what are you doing for it? To fail! Even for Gryffindor's failure?

When you do this, have you ever thought about how it will affect the collective sense of honor of the school and the relationship with students from other colleges?

It doesn't take long to make a badge, but it may take an instant to make an enemy with a college.

As for Gryffindor, I don't want to say too much, this castle has memories. But before you make the decision to adjust the players, have you thought about the consequences of this incident? "

Moriarty's tone was not very fast, but every word had the power to penetrate the heart.

The lion cubs and eaglets were trained to lower their heads, their faces flushed with shame.

Bill Weasley took a serious look at Moriarty, then quietly withdrew from the table and left, and the lion cubs followed him away in desperation.

It's just that Bill didn't return to the Gryffindor common room. He walked to the door of the principal's office, said the password, and walked in.

Dumbledore was chatting with the portraits of past principals, and when he saw Bill coming, he said, "I want to hear what you think of Mr. Moriarty."

"Slytherin House will flourish under his hands, and he will definitely not become a dark wizard." Bill said with certainty.

"Okay boy, let's go back." Dumbledore's face was full of joy and anger.

Bill seemed to have not finished speaking: "Professor, Professor Randy next year—"

Dumbledore interrupted him: "I will talk to him. As far as I know, Professor McGonagall has arranged a training match for you in the afternoon, go prepare."

Bill walked away wisely. When the door of the principal's room was closed, Bill heard the portrait of the principal Phineas Nigellus Black arguing: "I told your Dumbledore! Hogwarts will be in Moriarty's hands flourish! You see, even Gryffindors can see that."

Then Bill couldn't hear the conversation in the principal's office, and he went back.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape walked in.

"What do you two think about the conflict between the colleges?" Dumbledore said seriously.

"If you want me to say, it's all Bill Weasley's fault!" Professor Snape looked directly at Dumbledore, and even in the face of the headmaster, he still said in his mocking tone: "You sent him out nine For more than a month, and you never told us what his mission was!

Now that he's back, remembering to fulfill his duties as captain of the team? Remember the entitlement of executive student body president?

There has been friction between Gryffindor and Slytherin for thousands of years, but there has never been any dirt between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw! What now?

It seems to me that this matter is very simple, deduct points! Close the confinement! Get Bill Weasley off the Quidditch team! "

"Honestly, Severus," said Professor McGonagall sharply, "I see no reason not to let Bill play."

"I have always believed that the children's affairs should be resolved by the children themselves." Dumbledore crossed his fingers together and said in a serious tone: "So far, Mr. Moriarty has done a good job."

"He lives up to the name of Slytherin!" Sijia's expression softened slightly, "I think you can trust him."

Snape remembered the shampoo Moriarty had handed him, and closed his eyes slightly.

Dumbledore was noncommittal and silent, and the office became quiet like this.

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