The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Peeves Disappeared

Moriarty took a bowl of oatmeal and a piece of golden croissant, walked up to William and sat down, and put a large cup in front of William: "Give your Buffy a refresher."

"Wow, Mr. Moriarty, I don't know how to praise you, I just want to say, God forever!" William exaggerated to the extreme.

Moriarty quickly stopped him and said, "What are you two talking about? I don't think it's the mermaid in the Black Lake."

William smiled at Moriarty: "Leon told me that you changed the students' perception of the academy."

"Isn't that good?" Moriarty took a sip of porridge.

"It's nothing bad," Leon also took a bite of the sandwich, and said with a sigh: "If you work in the Ministry of Magic, you will find that except for those pure-bloods, or the descendants of high-ranking officials, almost everyone who graduated from Slytherin Wizards are always on guard.

It's very important to me to change people's perception of Slytherin house, at least I won't get too many stares after I graduate. "

William sipped his porridge and made an inarticulate voice: "So thank Mr. Moriarty."

"It's still the same, not serious at all." Leon gave William a disgusted look, turned his head and nodded to Moriarty: "I should thank you, maybe just like Mr. Lockhart said, you will Bringing about an era, but that's what worries me."

Moriarty and William put down the food in their mouths and looked at Leon.

"Our Slytherin house is different from the other three houses," he said softly, "we may have done wrong things, but we are proud.

It is difficult to admit mistakes to others, let alone Jericho. To be respected and awed by others, that's what Slytherin is. "

Moriarty shook his head. Leon had a different goal from him, so he was destined not to be a companion, but it would be pretty good to use it.

"It's too early to talk about working in the Ministry of Magic. Let's talk about the chairman of the student union next year, Leon." Moriarty's voice was low but powerful, easily piercing through Leon's psychological defense.

Seeing the unconcealable desire in Leon's eyes, Moriarty ate the last bit of food in a leisurely manner, got up slowly, and left, leaving only his voice in the air.

"Find out what Bill Weasley is doing first, and then I'll help you get the position you want."

Leon's face became more serious, and William also got up, and patted him on the shoulder before leaving: "Good luck."

Ten minutes later, Moriarty showed up at the door of the Potions classroom with a pot of Felix Brain Refreshing Potion. Since everyone was delayed in the auditorium for too long, Professor Si did not deduct points for the late students. He stood At the door, there was a daunting expression on his face.

But Morias is not afraid, he smiled and said: "It is successfully brewed, and you can use it with confidence. There will be no accidents such as turning into a troll's brain. This has been verified by William."

Professor Snape's face softened a little, he picked up the pot of potion, and just glanced at it to know that there was no problem, "Go to class, Mr. Slytherin."

Moriarty didn't walk away, he pulled out a bottle of shampoo as if by magic, with Lockhart's photo and a bird snake printed on it.

"Lilith told me that the bird snake egg yolk shampoo is suitable for young people. This bottle is for you, Professor. I tried it and it works very well. The most important thing is that it has nothing to do with the Potter family. This is Loha Mr. Te made it."

Professor Snape didn't pick up the shampoo, but walked up to Moriarty at once, staring at Moriarty, his face was like being hit in the back of the head by a Bludger, but his eyes flickered There were waves of anger, but why did he swallow his saliva?

"What are you talking about? What do you know? What do you want to do?" Professor Snape wanted to take Moriarty into a secluded corridor.

But Moriarty obviously had no intention of leaving. He said lightly: "All I want to do is give you the shampoo, Professor. Don't look at me with such eyes, as long as it happens in this school things—if I think about it, I will know, whether it is past, present, or future."

Professor Snape took the shampoo suspiciously, turned around and walked into the classroom, closing the door with a loud "bang".

"It is detected that the host has completed the task, and an achievement draw will be rewarded."

Moriarty saved up the lottery and went to class.

After a week, the students of Hogwarts discovered that there were many talented and powerful young wizards in this freshman class, and they were called the "Flashing Five."

Moriarty's performance in every class makes him a well-deserved number one.

Most of the students think that the first grade in the final exam of the first grade has already been born, and the students in the second, third, and even fourth grades also admit that they may not be Moriarty's opponents—whether in terms of theoretical knowledge or actual combat .

But the little snakes in Slytherin knew that the seniors in the fifth, sixth, and even seventh grades respected Moriarty very much.

Just like Leon, after the apology incident in the auditorium, he changed his address to Moriarty from "little sir" to "sir".

If Moriarty is in the leading position, Lilith is next in Potions, Penelope in Astronomy and Charms, and Jericho is flying. Excellent performance in class.

The three of them chased Moriarty ahead all the time.

As for the last one, it was Percy, the youngest of ten thousand years.

People said he was born at the wrong time, which Percy didn't mind too much, and maybe he really grew up a lot, as Charlie said.

That night, three of the Shining Five, along with the three Slytherins, headed to Hagrid's hut, led by the administrator, Argus Filch, to begin their punishment of confinement.

"I think that if you want to violate school rules in the future, you should think twice, don't you, huh?"

Filch scanned every student with his sharp eyes like a hook, but none of the six students were frightened by him, only Jericho kept smiling and answered Filch's words.

When they arrived at Hagrid's little house, they found no one in the house except a dog lying lazily on the ground.

"Stay still, I'll go find Hagrid." Filch left after speaking, leaving the six little wizards standing where they were.

It was a moonless night, and there were many stars in the sky, which were very dazzling, and the white clouds against the background were like big lamps. Coupled with a small cool breeze blowing from time to time, the atmosphere was not scary at all, and came out Walking is no different.

Jericho walked around the cabin twice, and said to Moriarty, "I didn't find Rubeus Hagrid. It's strange. Where can he go at this time?"

"He won't forget us, right?" Keith guessed casually, and then said excitedly: "If he forgets us, how about we just go to the Forbidden Forest to explore?"

"Hey," Jericho said in surprise, "forgot your identity after being in the sky once? You're a Slytherin. If Hagrid didn't come, shouldn't we go back to the warm lounge to enjoy the nightlife? "

Keith touched his head and smiled: "I heard from my grandfather that there are many precious potion raw materials in the Forbidden Forest, hehe."

"It's true, but there are not only potion materials in the Forbidden Forest," Percy also joined the topic, and he said seriously: "Bill told Charlie and me that there is a tribe of werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, but He's never seen one, but he says Peeves has, and scares the timid freshmen with werewolf fur!"

"Peves?" Moriarty said, and everyone looked at him in unison. Hearing Percy talking about Peeves, Moriarty suddenly remembered something!

"It's been a week since I came to school, and I haven't seen Peeves once. Have you seen him?"

Jericho, Keith and others looked at each other and shook their heads: "To be honest, we haven't seen him either!"

"The Gryffindor students haven't seen him." Percy also began to think: "It seems really strange to say that, Peeves is everywhere, and he always likes to make pranks."

"That's right," Marcus nodded and said, "I remember when I entered school, before Prefect William took us to the common room, Peeves came to make trouble, he didn't listen to anyone, and in the end it was Barrow His lord frightened him away."

"In other words, Peeves hasn't been seen since we started school."

This is not a trivial matter, a look of solemnity flashed in Moriarty's eyes.

He picked up the Slytherin staff, pointed it at the tallest tower of the castle, and said in snake language: "Glory to Slytherin, the lion roars in the valley, the young eagle accepts the inheritance of the millennium, and the kind Hufflepuff is the king of all things." The foundation. Talk to me, Big Four!"

Jericho and the others were surprised to see a green snake's head gleaming with silver light emerging from the tip of the staff, which dissipated within a few seconds.

At this time, if the little wizard in the castle raised his head, he would find that the night sky on the ceiling began to change.

Moriarty slowly closed his eyes, and one after another halos of various colors representing magic power appeared in his mind.

Through the size of the halo, Moriarty judged the identity corresponding to the magic power.

Two minutes later, the staff stopped shaking, and Moriarty opened his eyes, the light in his eyes was like a snake seeing a fat prey.

As he and Stan had said, he could know a lot of what happened in the castle because of the existence of the Slytherin staff.

The Big Four cast magic on the castle in order to better manage the school, and the spell Moriarty just uttered gave him a right to view Hogwarts.

But this right cannot override the principal, so there is one place Moriarty cannot see, and that is the principal's office, which Moriarty has known since he stepped into the castle.

And now, there is one more person, Peeves.

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