The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 31 The Juniors and Seniors in the Library

Moriarty and Jericho entered the castle and found a secluded corridor.

"The reason why Keith's broom lifted into the air was because of your manipulation." Moriarty said bluntly, with a firm tone.

Jericho acted calmly as if he had been prepared, but he kept his head down and hadn't looked up since Moriarty called him over.

"You want to fly freely on the broom so much, when you saw Keith's anxious look, you took advantage of the opportunity and cast a spell on his broom.

I think that spell should be a kind of magic unique to the Blanche family. Lilith said that you are from a family of sports. If this incident hadn’t happened, I didn’t know that you could cast spells silently, and maybe you could cast spells without a wand. ? Although it may only work with that kind of magic. "

Seeing that Jericho still had no intention of speaking, Moriarty continued.

"The effect of the mysterious spell is obvious. Something happened to Keith, and Ms. Hooch was distracted. We practiced our skills as we wished and became Quidditch players.

As for Keith's safety? You've thought it through long ago, you know I'm on the spot, and I won't leave you alone.

And no matter how you look at it, it was an accident, no one will suspect you. You've already found a scapegoat, Percy Weasley.

Who put him in a spat with Keith, said those things, there's no one better than him, right?"

Moriarty's tone turned cold. If Keith and Percy hadn't had an argument, maybe Jericho would really cast a spell on one of the Gryffindor students!

"I know that you are not as sunny as you appear on the surface, and you have some special Slytherin qualities hidden in your heart.

It's ok, I'm not against unscrupulous, but we're only in first grade and you're only 11! Practicing your game isn't worth playing dirty with your classmates, even if it's your favorite Quidditch. "

Jericho suddenly raised his head, trembling his lips: "Mr. Moriarty, I..."

He choked up suddenly, and Moriarty saw red circles under his eyes.

"If you have to carefully calculate even to solve such a small matter, relying on those shady means, then what will happen in the future?

Do you want to be a Quidditch national team player or a scumbag hiding under a cloak. After Moriarty said these words lightly, he turned and left. Jericho needed to think calmly by himself.

When Moriarty returned to the common room, a large group of little snakes surrounded him. Seeing this scene, Leon shook his head helplessly. He wanted to establish authority, but the little snakes in the first and second grades didn't listen. Riati's words.

In the evening, Jericho and Ralpo returned to the dormitory very late, and Moriarty didn't say anything to them.

Early the next morning, Moriarty had a rare extra hour of sleep because it was the weekend.

After waking up, Moriarty went straight to the library. He wanted to return a few books and borrow some books on ancient runes by the way, and he had an extra follower, Marcus Flint, beside him.

But after entering the library, they separated.

Marcus bit the bullet and picked up a copy of "Charmander Species of Britain and Ireland". He also knew that reading a book about dragons might arouse the suspicion of interested people, so he borrowed the "Psychological Handbook of Hippogriffs" as a cover.

Moriarty found "Advanced Rune Translation" on a bookshelf.

A gentle voice came from behind the bookshelf: "Mr. Moriarty, are you planning to replace Professor Bathsheda Babbling as the new Professor of Ancient Runes?"

Gemma Farley came out from behind the bookshelf, holding a copy of "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Runes" with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Moriarty shook his head and smiled: "Professor Baburin has a deep research on ancient runes, while I prefer to practice."

Gemma nodded half-understood. Although she was acting delicate and cute now, she was actually a very bold girl. Moriarty remembered the topics Gemma and Lilith talked about at the sorting banquet.

Sure enough, there seemed to be light in Gemma's eyes, and she showed a sweet smile: "I just happened to be stumped by a few questions, can you help me?"

Moriarty was sure that she saw the meaning of the challenge in her green eyes, but how could he agree easily? He proposed the condition of exchanging transfiguration notes, and Gemma's transfiguration maintained a leading position among the third-year students .

Gemma snorted: "What a man who refuses to suffer, just wait, I'll go get it now."

After Gemma retrieved the notes, she found that Moriarty was sitting quietly on the table reading a book, and there was no shadow of the Transfiguration notes.

"Moriarty, are you kidding me?" Gemma pursed her mouth tightly angrily, her face was pouted together, and she felt a little baby fat.

Moriarty unceremoniously took the notes in her hand, flipped through a few pages and replied casually: "Actually, I don't have any Transfiguration notes at all, because there is nothing worth recording.

But I'm not kidding you, I sent a letter to Transfiguration Today, and you'll find my theoretical ideas there. "

"Aren't you joking? Are you sure they will accept your manuscript?" Gemma's expression suddenly became a lot more serious. She put her hands on the table and bent down to meet Moriarty's eyes.

Moriarty stepped back a few inches, avoiding Gemma's ardent gaze, and said, "I'm sure, you'll be able to see it probably next Wednesday, but I don't think it will help you much."

Elemental transformation is a shortcut that Moriarty came up with for himself. It may give some inspiration to legends like Dumbledore and Voldemort, but for Gemma, it is very difficult to apply elemental transformation to actual combat.

However, Gemma didn't think so. She sat down next to Moriarty without admitting defeat, opened the borrowed book and read it, but she muttered: "Underestimate me? Hmph..."

Suddenly she raised the corner of her mouth, as if she saw something interesting in a book.

"I'll take your word for it, but now—" Gemma said to Moriarty, "I don't think you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"Okay, you can ask, it's best to let me feel like I was in the third grade class." Moriarty almost read Gemma's notes, and there is nothing worthwhile except that Professor McGonagall personally demonstrated the Animagus concerned.

Gemma bluntly asked a few questions they had studied in the previous week, trying to stump Moriarty.

But Moriarty couldn't be bothered with every problem, and he solved them all in less than two minutes.

Gemma admired him a little, and said with a smile: "Seriously, Moriarty, why do you always give people the feeling of knowing everything?"

Moriarty shook his head lightly, he was not Dumbledore, so he would not spend time telling little wizards about his experience, or instilling chicken soup.

Seeing that he didn't want to talk more, Gemma smiled, but no matter how you look at it, there was a hint of anger in that smile.

She pouted and snorted, "You and Lilith chatted happily, but you don't want to talk to me for a while, Moriarty, do you know that everyone says you are inseparable from Tonks in the morning and inseparable from Lilith at noon?" .”

"It's just a little commotion from the boys and girls, don't worry about them," Moriarty said with a look of someone who had experienced it, "Did they still say that I stayed with Jericho every step of the way in class, and Marcus was by my side at night? "

Gemma smiled, "You've noticed it, too. Everyone has started to focus on you. Many people regard you as their idol, and the girls even gave you a domineering title."

"Overbearing?" Moriarty looked at her.

"Yeah, they like to call you on Quidditch the eternal light," Gemma held her chin, tilted her head, and seemed to see Moriarty flying on the field, and her voice became a little ethereal: "Forever, nothing in the world will last forever, but they think you will, isn't it a very domineering title."

Moriarty felt strange: "Isn't it a shining meteor?"

"It was given to you by Lilith," Gemma sat up straight and leaned closer to Moriarty, "Tonks said that the word meteor is unlucky, so he changed it to permanent. There is only Lilith!"

Moriarty didn't avoid her eyes, he raised his voice slightly: "That's just your opinion, in fact, I only see magic in my eyes!"

This time he said a little more: "For example, the ancient runes—you know my boots, the reason why it can run with Ralpo is because it is an alchemy prop, which has the ability to increase the speed of movement. function, I want to add another function to it, bouncing."

Gemma seemed to regard Moriarty as a professor, and she took out a pen to write down these words.

Moriarty didn't stop her, and continued: "So I just need to learn the knowledge about bounce and movement in ancient runes.

As for how to make it, that is the knowledge of other courses. Do you understand Gemma, I just choose what I need from different courses, whether it is magic or something, as long as it is learning, it must be targeted. "

Gemma nodded seriously, "I will reflect on my study method, thank you very much for your ~teaching? Although this sentence is a bit strange to my junior, but I am serious.

Also, in order to express my gratitude, I will tell you a ~secret! "

She approached Moriarty and whispered: "Professor McGonagall has a transfiguration club, as for the name - I'm sorry I can't tell you yet, but I think you will soon know, McGonagall The professor has no reason to let a genius like you go, and looks forward to meeting you in the club."

After she finished speaking, she waved to Moriarty and walked out of the library blushing, but she didn't know that Moriarty didn't take the club matter to heart at all.

I hope you don’t raise it. It is very important to follow up on our book during the first recommendation period. In fact, the first recommendation came last Friday, but I have a stupid mouth, and I don’t know how to say interesting things to make people happy. , I just wanted to write more, so most of the chapters are 3000 words, I didn’t want to speak at first, but I really want to advance to the next round of recommendations, please.

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