The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 24 The Noble Movement of High-Quality Wizards

After Potions class, word spread that Mr. Slytherin had won sixty points for Slytherin house.

The students of the four colleges all knew Professor Snape's bonus words, and several senior eaglets even joked that with Moriarty, they Ravenclaw could only compete for the second place in the House Cup .

At the center of the whole incident, Moriarty was quite calm. He was sitting on the sofa in the common room reading a book.

He read "The Magical Quidditch" just borrowed from the library with great interest.

On the other side of the sofa, Jericho was sitting. He was also holding a big book to read, and he gave a sigh of admiration from time to time.

At this time, Lilith walked in, and when she saw the two companions on the sofa, she let out an exaggerated exclamation:

"I can't believe it, you two actually wasted the precious sunshine and stayed in the lounge all afternoon! Today is a rare sunny day, and many people went out to play on the grass."

Moriarty replied without raising his head, "Is that so? Then who is that person who is searching for potions books in the library? I heard your tone and thought you went to play on the grass."

"Hey, I know I can't hide it from you," Lilith put the stack of potion books in her arms on the sofa, and then explained: "I want to learn more potions, so that when I prepare potions for curing boils in the next class, surpass you!"

Moriarty turned a page of the book and said casually, "I heard from Mr. Lockhart that girls in their teens always have unrealistic dreams. Is it you?"

Lilith rolled her eyes and tried to change the subject: "I saw Leon and Prefect William on the grass, and they had an argument again. I guess Prefect William will definitely do it next time!"

However, Moriarty only responded lightly, making Lilith want to knock the book out of his hand.

"Miss Pilliwick, I don't expect you to fall in love with this sport, but you must learn to respect him." Jericho raised his head, he has become personable now, even the sitting posture is full of elegance temperament.

Jericho raised the book in his hand so that Lilith could clearly see the title on the cover - "The Noble Sport of the Wizard"

However, Lilith was amused. Why did Jericho become so greasy when asked about Quidditch?

"Talk to me after you get the Quidditch trophy!" Lilith shook her head and was about to go back to the dormitory.

Moriarty closed the book with a bang, "The Quidditch trophy? Sounds good, Jericho, are you interested in winning the seventh Quidditch trophy together with me?"

Jericho jumped up from the sofa: "Are you serious, Mr. Moriarty."

"This is not a wise decision. Under normal circumstances, first-year students cannot join the team." Lilith looked at Moriarty puzzled, she did not believe that Moriarty did not know this.

"That's not a problem." Moriarty patted Jericho on the shoulder, told him to sit down, and then answered Lilith calmly: "I think as long as our technology is high enough, the college and the principal will make an exception for us."

"Then what are you waiting for! There will be flying lessons in the afternoon, let's go early!" Jericho stood up again excitedly: "I mean, we can observe the terrain and get familiar with the environment of the stadium."

"Good idea, let's go."

This time, Moriarty didn't let him sit down, and Moriarty could see that it was the gentleman Jericho who was talking about Quidditch with others, and Jericho who played Quidditch or would play Quidditch was a fanatic Jericho.

"Wait for me, I have to put these books back in the dormitory first." Lilith picked up the thick potion books.

Moriarty and Jericho went outside to wait for Lilith, and when they left, a tall boy stood up from the sofa next to him, stared at Moriarty's back and snorted coldly. Several times.

Unfortunately, this scene happened to be seen by Lilith who walked out of the dormitory.

A iciness flashed across the bright black eyes, and Lilith raised the corners of her mouth intriguingly: "That's interesting, Marcus Flint?"

Ten minutes later, when Lilith told Moriarty what she saw, Moriarty laughed as if hearing a joke.

"Yeah yeah, of course Flint will not like us, he just entered the second grade this year, he is ambitious to become a Chaser! I don't think he can play, unless Captain William's selection criteria for players is big guys !"

Lilith stopped suddenly: "Mr. Moriarty, are you really not worried at all? Those old-fashioned purebloods don't want to see a bloodline that is purer and stronger than theirs over their heads! "

Moriarty turned around to look at her, the usually proud little girl's eyes were full of puzzlement and hidden worry at this moment.

"You said they are a bunch of old-fashioned, why should I worry." Moriarty naturally wouldn't reveal his plan.

"Wizards all over the UK know that you have mastered powerful ancient magic, so do you think they would foolishly challenge you?" Lilith brushed her bangs with her right hand, and said seriously: "They will, use some bad tricks, cunningly Trick, calculate you, attack you, design you...

I can think of at least forty ways to persecute you that do not violate any school rules or laws! "

"So I'm very glad that our Miss Pilliwick is on my side," Moriarty said with a smile in his eyes, "Although she is also a pure-blood, she is not rigid at all."

Lilith's face turned red very rarely, she gave up the idea of ​​persuading Moriarty, and restored her usual noble image.

"How are you talking? I mean Quidditch. As my companions, you'd better keep your word."

Jericho said, "Keep your eyes open and wait to see, Miss, I won't embarrass you."

"In fact, we're going to try some Quidditch pros in flying lessons," Moriarty explained.

"You are just joking," Lilith shook her head and said, "Let's not say Mrs. Huo Qi can't let you fly away, just talk about professional skills, what are you going to use to accomplish it?

Sweep Five Star and Comet 260 in school? That's all right, I will go to the school hospital to visit you.

But I suggest that you better buy a Nimbus 1700 during the Christmas holidays. "

Moriarty and Jericho looked at each other and smiled.

"You really said something similar to what I imagined," Moriarty said, "So, regarding the first point, we need your help."

"Hmm," Lilith raised her chin slightly: "Do you think of me now?"

"You know the law well, I think you can make us avoid school rules perfectly."

Lilith exclaimed: "Merlin's broom! Do you want me to be fired?"

"Don't say that," Jericho laughed. "Merlin doesn't use a broomstick."

Lilith ignored him, she just shook her head: "Unless there are some accidents during the flight class to distract Mrs. Hooch, I can't think of any other way."

"That's it, then we can only adapt accordingly." Moriarty pondered, he couldn't possibly cause an accident, it was just for the test flight, he wasn't so unscrupulous yet.

But Jericho rolled his eyes a few times and said with a smirk: "I remember flying lessons with Gryffindor? Maybe the lions will do something unexpected? Then we will have a chance."

"Don't be so loud," Lilith frowned. "It's almost time for class, and the people from Gryffindor have already arrived."

"Oh~ they are so impatient." Jericho's tone was strange.

Lilith said to Moriarty: "He was gloating before the accident happened, what a Slytherin he is."

Jericho dismisses it: "I take that as a compliment from you, thank you."

The three of them were talking and walked towards the flying lesson venue.

There are many types of broomsticks, not just the Seven Stars, the Nimbus 2000, and the Firebolt.

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