The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 772: Textbook model

The first two "The Bourneman" undoubtedly achieved great success. Jason Byrne replaced James Bond and Ethan Hunter, becoming the most representative figures of agents on the Hollywood screen.


   Jason Byrne also made many people think that the real agent should be like this.


  Through this series, the one who has benefited the most is Relativity Entertainment, in addition to director Paul Greengrass and actor Matt Damon.


   Especially the latter, with the success of "The Bourne", rushed into the ranks of Hollywood's first-line stars in one fell swoop.


   In the fantasy adventure film "Brothers Grimm" released by Miramax Pictures, Matt Damon also truly entered the 20 million club.


   This film also gave Matt Damon and Harvey Weinstein an indissoluble bond.


Ronan got the news that Matt Damon and Harvey Weinstein were very speculative, and there was a tendency to meet each other late. When a New York media wanted to expose something about Harvey Weinstein, Matt- Damon did not hesitate to call the editor-in-chief of that media personally to put pressure on him.


   In the end, as before, under pressure from many sources, the incident about Harvey Weinstein ended in an indefinite way.


   For many small actors, small stars and even second-tier stars, Harvey Weinstein is a veritable Hollywood figure.


   The two films of "The Bourne" have been successfully launched online and offline, which also laid the foundation for the third release.


   Just entering May, Embassy Pictures held a huge premiere for "The Bournemouth 3" at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood.


On the day of the premiere of   , media gathered, stars gathered, and movie fans focused.


This is the first commercial production released in the summer of 2005. It is also a sequel to a hit movie. The Embassy Pictures has already played the banner in its publicity. The Bourne Shadow will be the end of the Bourne trilogy. For.


   These have attracted the attention of a large number of movie fans.


   is completely different from the promotion of "Smiths", "The Bournemouth 3" does not need to be ingenious, as long as it is step by step.


   Embassy Pictures also won the 4,120 theaters for this film.


At the premiere of   , Matt Damon was undoubtedly the focus of the audience.


   When he saw Ronan, he said: "The trilogy is about to end, and I am very reluctant to play the role of Jason Byrne."


   Ronan shook hands with him: "No matter how beautiful the journey is, there will be an end."


   Matt Damon smiled and said, "Ronan, thank you very much for choosing me in this role."


   "You are welcome." Matt Damon said pleasantly, and Ronan said similarly: "Matt, you have brought a classic role that is difficult to surpass for Relativity Entertainment."


Just like befriending Harvey Weinstein, Matt Damon is very aware of the importance of having a good relationship with the big names in the circle, and said: "I have gained a lot from this cooperation, and I will never forget it. This cooperation is over. Hope we can start the next period of cooperation soon."


   Ronan thought of the potatoes being planted on Mars and said, "There will be a chance."


   When dealing with interpersonal relationships, Matt Damon is just as gentle as his looks, making it hard for people to feel disgusted.


  Perhaps, this is also a key factor in Matt Damon's great success.


  Like Johnny Depp, when it goes well, it's good to say that for commercial gain, other people are coaxing. If you go downhill, I'm afraid everyone in the circle will want to rush up and step on your feet.


  Paul Greengrass also came over to chat with Ronan, and specifically talked about the new project: "I plan to adapt and shoot a movie based on the 1972 demonstration in Delhi, Ireland, and the script is already being created."


   Ronan nodded slightly: "We will talk about it when you finish the script."


   "Yes," Paul Greengrass said.


   When he left, Ronan asked Connie, the assistant behind him, "Do you understand the demonstration in Delhi, Ireland?"


   In 1972, more than thirty years ago, Ronan had never heard of anything that happened in the horns of Ireland.


   Connie is also a little helpless, even if she thinks she is knowledgeable, even Ronan rarely asks her, but who cares about Ireland? Besides, it was more than 30 years ago.


   "I don't know much." Connie told the truth: "I have never heard of it."


   Ronan nodded slightly. It seems that this is not a big deal. If it is adapted into a movie, how many people will pay attention to the content except the director Paul Greengrass himself?


   Of course, it’s still early to make a judgment, and it’s not too late to wait for Paul Greengrass to read the script and make a decision.


   Ronan speculated that it may be related to the political relationship between Ireland and the United Kingdom. The trouble between these two countries can be said to last three days and three nights.


   There are many guests at the premiere, and quite a few star actors who have a lot to do with Relativity Entertainment have come.


   These people all came over to say hello to Ronan. They all knew very well that the relativity entertainment alone, in terms of movies, has surpassed some members of the six major Hollywood companies, and will provide actors with many good opportunities in the future.


   Whenever you enter Hollywood to work hard, there are few pretentious.


  Privately, there is no actor who can say funny about art. Hollywood is known as Vanity Fair.


   Not for fame, not for profit, run in this circle to waste your life?


   Ronan was a little surprised when he saw Angelina Jolie in it.


The other two protagonists of the super triangle gossip event, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, all went into hiding. Only Angelina Jolie still attended various events generously. What it was like before is still No matter what, it doesn't seem to be affected at all.


Angelina Jolie has known Ronan for many years, and she was still working out under the guidance of the same fitness trainer. She also talked about it openly: "Why should I hide? This is my love. You are not a coward, since you are in love, you must boldly pursue it."


   Ronan can only say: "Julie, you are brave."


   Angelina-Jolie said: "If I fall in love, I won't let go; if I don't love, I won't hold on to it. This is my view of love, it's very simple."


   Ronan didn’t know how to say it. According to the popular opinion, Angelina Jolie intervened Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s marriage as a third party, which was very immoral.


   But Hollywood has never measured people by moral standards.


   There are too many things like this in Hollywood.


   Frankly speaking, it is hard to tell whether Jennifer Aniston has noticed before, but he has remained silent.


   If it weren't for the media, it is unknown whether Jennifer Aniston will get divorced.


  Hollywood circle, similar things like this are not uncommon.


  For example, Charlie Sheen and Dennis Richards, the latter is the heroine of "Star Wars", who was once a member of Heidi-Fress's control.


When Charlie Sheen contacted Heidi-Fress and asked his contact to provide paid services, he met Dennis Richards, who served him at his door. Later, he became a couple. Dennis Richards even became a Hollywood Little star.


   So, the "Pretty Lady in Wind and Moon" played by Big Mouth Julia Roberts is not entirely nonsense. As a paid service woman, besides letting honest people take over, she also has other opportunities to take the lead.


   It’s just a small chance.


   Angelina Jolie is a very assertive woman, she took the initiative when she saw Brad Pitt, and would not give up because of external interference.


   From another angle, when love disappears one day, she will give up Brad Pitt without hesitation.


   When it was almost time, Ronan also entered the theater. Chris from Sony Entertainment came over and changed seats with Connie next to him.


   "What is the estimated box office for this film?" Chris asked directly: "US$600 million worldwide?"


   Ronan smiled and said, "I can only say that I hope so."


Chris heard him vaguely and was somewhat dissatisfied: "From you, there is no exact information. But some people outside have estimated that "The Bourne" online and offline has brought more than 500 million US dollars to Relativity Entertainment. Net profit."


   Ronan spread out his hand and said helplessly: "You are in the film industry, is this possible?"


   "It's hard to tell." Chris said: "You are hiding the revenue and profit of the movie, and you never announce it."


   Ronan directly retorted: "Have Sony Columbia Pictures released the correct data on the profit and revenue of adapted films? We are all the same."


He smiled: "The interests are touching, and guessing is one thing. If the data is really released, how many people will jump out and say that the film infringes their copyright? The interest team headed by the original Will it have other ideas?"


   Chris didn’t want to ask any more, but followed Ronan’s words and said: “So, many times, Hollywood movies are not profitable.


  There is no right answer to this kind of thing. Behind every successful Hollywood movie, there are always a large number of economic lawsuits.


   The cinema quickly quieted down, and the screening of "The Bournemouth 3" also kicked off.


   The film style is the same as before. Hand-held cameras, documentary-style picture language, fast editing, Paul Greengrass and the "The Bourne" series, it can be said that one trick is fresh.


   Today, Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon are both at the peak of their respective film careers.


Since "The Bournemouth 3" was positioned as the finale of the trilogy from the beginning, the main line of the film is clear and clear. Jason Byrne is between the locations that exceed the sum of the number of scenes involved in the two previous works. Wandering in search of the final answer, a series of carefully designed small details are arranged like pearls on the main line, flashing surprises frequently.


   "The Bournegro 3" is destined to become a textbook model of spy films in the new century.


   There are no advanced weapons, no organization to support, and almost no helpers. Byrne basically relies on his bare hands to fight against the more powerful CIA than the previous two episodes, and is step by step in the preemptive strike.


   In the end, Byrne not only sent the criminals among the top CIA officers to the trial seat, but also retreated.



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