The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 583: Chernobyl Heart

"The best supporting actress is..."

On the stage, Chris Cooper, winner of the last Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, opened the envelope, looked down, and read the answer directly: "Scarlett Johansson, "Lost in Tokyo."

Hearing his name, Scarlett Johansson covered his mouth with both hands, an expression of disbelief, followed by excitement, tears seemed to flash in his eyes.

With applause, Scarlett Johansson covered the towering chest with one hand and his mouth with the other, very excited.

Of course, the excitement is real. For Scarlett Johansson, who is only twenty years old, the recognition of an Oscar performance award is of great significance.

Apart from anything else, the actress is heavily in debt. In order to maintain the star’s glamorous life, she almost mortgages herself to the bank. After getting the Oscars, her salary can rise a lot, and she can get rid of her debt burden. On the road to Bai Fumei.

In the same way, as an actor, I was originally very excited, but naturally I would show 20 points.

This is also an attitude, an attitude of respect for authority.

Otherwise, the first thank you for each winner is the college and the judges.

Scarlett Johansson hugged everyone in the crew, including Ronan, and then walked onto the stage, taking the golden man handed by Chris Cooper, and standing in front of the microphone.

"Thank you for the academy's recognition of me." Scarlett Johansson turned to the location of the crew of "Lost in Tokyo": "Thank you Sophia and Ronan, I couldn't stand here without you; thank everyone on the crew... "

There is nothing surprising about Scarlett Johansson's acceptance speech, but it is very smooth. No one knows if she has practiced before taking the stage.

Many people's eyes are on Ronan's side. Hollywood gossip is flying all over the sky. Why Scarlett Johansson can stand on the Oscar stage? It is not difficult for these people to guess the reason.

Some people are still thinking, after Harvey Weinstein, another Hollywood bigwig wants to fully intervene in this Oscar game?

Oscar films can also bring huge profits, and the competition is fiercer, because the ones that can attract people's attention are often only those that have received heavyweight nominations.

It's okay to have money and power to choose movies...

These people think that the Oscar competition in the next few years is expected to be more intense.

Ronan sat quietly and continued to watch the awards ceremony. After winning the best original screenplay and best supporting actress, the Oscar tour of "Lost in Tokyo" came to an end in advance, and the subsequent awards were completely missed from this film. As expected by the media, the awards were divided among several hot spots.

The Pixar studio's guys took away the best animated feature film with "Finding Nemo".

Charlize Theron impressed countless judges by creating a new realm of ugly disguise, and without any suspense, he took the best actress, Little Golden Man, into his arms.

Sean Pan Langzi turned his head and won the best actor with "Mystic River".

But there is only one real winner tonight-"The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King".

This film not only won the best film Golden Man, but it also made New Zealand director Peter Jackson the best director.

There is no longer a non-realistic film that can win an Oscar like "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King".

This is the pinnacle of magical fantasy movies. Although there have been countless works of the same type with much higher investment than the "Lord of the Rings" series, none of them can reach the height of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

Even magic, fantasy and epic movies will become a veritable investment black hole in Hollywood in the next ten years. Medium-to-large-scale film projects have almost ninety-nine percent of the chance of hitting the street.

This may also be in line with the film rule that peaks are followed by troughs.

At the end of the awards ceremony, Ronan went out of the side entrance of the Kodak Theater and boarded his Rolls-Royce Phantom. Connie in the car said: "Ms. Tina Brown just called and invited you to the Oscar night party."

The formal invitation letter was delivered to Ronan long ago, and Ronan said directly: "Go to the party and go around."

Relativity Entertainment has a good relationship with Vanity Fair, and Tina Brown gave him a lot of face in the Tom Cruise incident.

There must naturally be contacts and contacts in such matters as contacts.

After waiting for two minutes, Scarlett Johansson, wearing a big red dress, got into the car, put down the golden man, the best actress in his hand, hugged Ronan and kissed him hard.

"Thank you!" Scarlett Johansson, regardless of Connie and the driver in front, said repeatedly: "Ronan, I don't know how to thank you! I'm so happy..."

Won the Oscar for acting at the age of twenty, even for the best supporting actress, it is enough honor.

Scarlett Johansson was born as a child star. Despite her bad reputation in Hollywood, she is very intelligent and knows why she can get this best supporting actress.

Role and acting? That's just the most basic. If you really want to talk about these two aspects, she may be the weakest among all nominees for best supporting actress.

There are also key qualifications, which are also the worst.

It happened that she was a young person who counterattacked a group of middle-aged and elderly actresses at the famous consolation prize for middle-aged and elderly people...


In fact, there is only one reason. The Hollywood tycoon next to him, the boss of a famous entertainment group company, has invested a lot of resources for her to do public relations promotion far beyond the other candidates.

Everything you give is rewarded.

At the Oscar night party, Scarlett Johansson took the Golden Man to take a photo with the other guests, Ronan found the editor-in-chief Tina Brown of Vanity Fair.

"Good evening, Ronan." Tina Brown was very enthusiastic: "It's a great honor for you to come."

Ronan shook hands with her: "We are old friends, don't be so polite."

The two exchanged a few words, Tina Brown suddenly said: "I heard that William is coming to Los Angeles?"

Ronan did not deny, but vaguely said: "It seems so."

Originally, William planned to come to Los Angeles in his personal capacity in January and February, but he was delayed because of his early appointment as FA chairman and planned to come by the end of March.

Tina Brown did not give up and asked: "I heard that you have a good personal relationship with William."

Ronan shrugged slightly: "Just to be able to say a few words, not too deep friendship." He suddenly tentatively said: "Tina, your news is very good."

Tina Brown smiled and said, "Don't forget, William's mother and I are good friends."

Ronan just remembered that, just like he gave out Robert Ludren's dead man's fortune, Tina Brown was the most successful in the world to give out Diana's dead man's fortune.

"William is here, can you help me meet him." Tina Brown said the true purpose.

"I might not be able to see William either." Ronan seemed to be telling the truth: "If I could see him, I would pass it on, but how he decides, it's not that I can intervene."

Tina Brown said, "I understand." She smiled again and said, "Thank you, Ronan."

"We are friends." Ronan did not despise other people because of the rise in company and status. He was consistently humble: "It is okay to help each other."

Tina Brown brought two glasses of wine and handed them to Ronan. The two laughed and toasted together.

After a few more chats, Ronan went to other places, found Charlize Theron and Sean Penn, and sent congratulations. Once the Oscar actor and actress, they had a relationship and even got engaged once.

Ronan is not familiar with Sean Penn, and he knows Charlize Theron. After chatting for a few words, he takes the initiative to quit. He just wanted to ask Peter Jackson about the Weta studio, one of them was left. The short woman with long golden brown hair came over.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson." The brown-haired woman introduced herself: "I'm Marian Derio, a director and producer."

Ronan remembered this woman, because the other party had been on the Oscars stage tonight, and nodded gently: "Hello, Ms. Delio, congratulations on the Golden Man for the best documentary short film."

Marianne Delio quickly said, "Thank you." She looked straight. "Mr. Anderson, I heard that the distribution company of Embassy Pictures is your industry. I don't know if you are interested in the movie "The Heart of Chernobyl". Are you interested in short documentaries?"

Ronan had not watched this documentary and asked: "Is it a film documenting the Chernobyl nuclear disaster?"

Marianne Del Rio said: "Yes, that disaster was too terrifying and should not be forgotten."

Ronan nodded slightly. The Chernobyl incident was too famous. It is not an exaggeration to say that everyone knows it. There are also endless movies and documentaries about this incident, especially by Westerners.

On the contrary, he was more curious about the film distribution: "You still have the distribution rights of the film?"

"Yes." Marianne Delio explained simply: "Documentary films have always been unpopular. Because I couldn't find a distributor, I had to rent three screens in Los Angeles to get the Oscar tickets..."

Ronan hadn’t watched the had no right to speak, so he brought Connie over and asked her to leave Marianne Delio with the contact information of the film crew of the embassy, ​​and said: "You call This call is ready, and I will notify the relevant staff to receive you."

Marianne Derio said hurriedly, "Thank you." She glanced at Ronan and tentatively said: "Mr. Anderson, I actually have other ideas about the Chernobyl incident."

Ronan has always been very patient with screenwriters and directors who have projects, because his memory is not a panacea, so he immediately said: "Ms. Delio, please say."

Marian Derio knows that opportunities are rare. There are many rumors about Ronan in Hollywood circles, the most famous of which is his excellent vision and willingness to give new directors and producers opportunities.

In fact, when looking for Ronan, Marianne Del Rio is a prepared action, because there are so many precedents, she feels that facing Ronan is easier to win the opportunity.

"The Chernobyl incident has a profound lesson and has attracted worldwide attention." Marianne Delio said cautiously: "When I was shooting a documentary, I looked up a lot of information and planned to shoot a TV series."

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