The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 503: Jigsaw controversy

The premiere is over, and the fans seem to be unfulfilled. Many people leave the theater and stand at the door not wanting to leave, especially those who watch the movie together, and like to get together to discuss it while there are more people.

The fat man stood on the steps, drank the happy water from the newly bought fat house, and kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. It seemed that he hadn't got rid of the shock and fright at the end of the film: "This film was taken too hard. People are cheated!"

Rosicky suddenly said: "It's beautiful! I like to be fooled by such a wonderful film! I can be fooled more than ten or twenty times a year, that's cool."

Bendtner said: "I guess I won't forget this movie in 20 years, especially the ending."

The black and thin Latin boy didn't speak, just raised a thumb.

The director of Niubi, the screenwriter of Niubi, and the film company of Niubi are definitely the end of the turning point.

This horror movie is indeed unexpectedly wonderful, and you can see this by looking at the expressions on the faces of those who leave.

It was late, and a few people left together, and it was not until midnight that Rosicky returned to his home in Pasadena.

But instead of going to bed right away, he landed on Netflix enthusiastically to share.

"I just watched the premiere of "Chain Saw". It was so scary. Many people in the theater were shaking with fear. I saw someone crying. The movie was very exciting and the ending was amazing. After watching such a movie No, take a good night's sleep and have some nightmares, happy! Happiness! Perfect!"

After sending a micro message, after waiting for a while, Rosicky refreshed the web page and found that there were many friends who liked it, and some people were asking about the video.

This brought him an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

I have watched a movie before, and I can only talk to three or five friends. At most, I can post a comment on the website. What about now? Not only can it send out messages in time, but it can also see countless onlookers in person.

That's great!

It’s so cool that Rosicky comes to refresh every few minutes, wanting to see if there are new comments in the circle of friends, and itchy if you don’t look at it, just like using this kind of Internet social tool that can quickly share can be addictive general.

Rosicky also feels this way. In reality, friends and colleagues, and netizens he knows on the Internet, are all on his friends list. If he doesn't check it out every day, he always feels that something is missing.

It seems that life is inseparable from Netflix sharing.

I refreshed it again and found that a friend who was not together tonight in the circle of friends also sent a message related to "Chain Saw".

"Saw Cry, if you like horror movies, I strongly recommend you to watch this movie, it feels so wonderful..."

Rosicky gave him a thumbs up immediately.

The spontaneous propaganda of social media, although far inferior to traditional media, has also begun to play a role.

On Friday, "Chain Saw" was fully released in 2,620 theaters in North America, but the filming rate was not high, with less than 3,200 screens. Most chain theaters were screened in single theaters.

For the B-level horror film with a production cost of 1.5 million US dollars, it is normal for the theaters to have doubts. With so much resources, the distribution work of Embassy Pictures is in place, and the brand effect of Shahai Entertainment is not without effect.

Of course, the most important factor is the high investment of Embassy Pictures in publicity.

There is no publicity, and the theaters can see where the movies are selling.

On the first day it was released in North America, Ronan received a good news, "Chain Saw" won $7.95 million in 2,620 theaters!

Correspondingly, the reputation of "Chain Saw" spread rapidly.

Although not as well-known as mainstream commercial blockbusters, the effect of word of mouth is the best way to motivate others to buy tickets. Many horror film fans learn about this from friends, colleagues, or relatives. The information of a film, and then walk into the theater, most of them will be satisfied, and once again spread to their surroundings...

This kind of news learned from a relatively trusted population is indeed slow to spread, and the actual stimulus for people to purchase tickets far exceeds the hype in the media.

A good film, even with proper publicity, often takes time for the audience’s reputation to grow. This is especially true for a film with a limited scale such as "Chain Saw". After the spread of word of mouth, coupled with the inevitable knock-on effect of the weekend vacation, the attendance rate of this film in theaters across the United States has increased significantly from the Saturday of the next day.

Because the film is very targeted in the market, the attendance rate of "Chain Saw" on Saturday morning is already comparable to the prime time of Friday night. On Saturday afternoon, the audience sitting in the theater of "Chain Saw" screening Continue growing.

This has significantly increased the attendance rate of "Chain Saw", and can be attracted by the words of other people. The majority of people who walk in to watch the movie are also horror film lovers. They often feel extremely satisfied after watching the movie. Then recommend it to the people around you, which forms a virtuous circle.

Spontaneous word-of-mouth effect is reflected in this cycle.

Moreover, Embassy Pictures also has word-of-mouth marketing, and a little bit of good news can't wait to be spread all over the world.

A slightly exaggerated news was exposed by the media. Someone was frightened while watching "Saw Cry"!

This is not a bad thing for horror films. The publicity department of the Embassy Film Industry immediately followed up on this news, especially the Swift Internet Propaganda Department, which immediately pushed people to promote online publicity. This news was quickly spread on the Internet everywhere.

A horror movie that can scare people, it can be described as infinite charm for horror movie lovers!

At the same time, the propaganda department of Embassy Pictures carefully planned another offensive on the Internet about the "jigsaw" debate between justice and evil.

Some people like jigsaws and think that jigsaws give people a test. Through the torture of human nature and soul, they can get a new life.

More people think that the jigsaw is a villain who holds up a big name for justice and does evil things. He has no right to torture others.

The two factions continued to express their opinions through the Internet, especially Netflix's social networking site, and formed a huge controversy, attracting more people to participate, and for a while became a small hot spot on the Internet.

This can be said to be the best place James Wynn has done in setting the role of Jigsaw. He used cruel human torture to find the so-called mission of Jigsaw, which made his image look strange and holy.

"In the face of life and death, what is your choice? Life or death?"

At first glance, there are many questions, but what if additional conditions are attached? What if you die?

To put it in a more compelling way, James Wynn uses his inner fears and humanity's ruthless sarcasm to reveal, deliberately guiding the audience to interrogate their hearts, so as to inspire their heartfelt chill!

This is definitely an exquisite narrative and a method of creating an atmosphere of terror.

Perhaps the Moments messages posted by a Netflix user can best reflect the mentality of the "jigsaw" old man.

"Perhaps the scariest and bloodiest thing in "Chain Saw" is not the elaborately designed killing games, but the cruel and dehumanizing inner world of this perverted old man. A person's psychology is distorted to the extreme, or he will destroy himself or Destroying the world, in short, is to destroy, and at the same time, at the same time, I can find a nonsense reason to hypnotize myself, tell myself that this evil cause is just, and I am helping others understand the true meaning of life."

This person’s circle of friends commented on it, and suffered the mad baptism of countless "jigsaw" parties.

"Nonsense, the games set up by the jigsaw have a way of life, but most people are alive and don't know how to be grateful!"

"If one day you are killed by a jigsaw, it must be your fault!"

In this age, the infinite openness of information has led to the existence of all kinds of strange flowers. There are countless people who agree with the jigsaw theory on the Internet.

For example, some movie fans used the Internet to tell the most classic theory of the future "jigsaw" party-the level set by the "jigsaw" leaves room for every player. As long as the victim is willing to repent and sacrifice, there must be a way to survive. . All he did was to prove to his victims that he was worth living, and promised to abandon the wrong way of life.

In the same way, facing people who are guilty of death, "Jigsaw" chose the way of the game to give the opponent a chance to correct evil and get a new life.

In this way, the "jigsaw" is really great.

What some fans say is also very representative-watch a movie when you watch a movie, don't judge the jigsaw person, this kind of person can die 10,000 times in reality, just watch the excitement brought by the movie. .

If there are people like jigsaws in reality, social order will be completely chaotic.

The debate on the Internet is mainly based on Netflix sharing. As the screening of the film becomes more intense, it even arouses media discussion.

This also made more people notice the "Saw noticed Netflix sharing."

Controversy drove the heat of topic discussion.

Moreover, whether it is a "jigsaw" party or a firm anti-"jigsaw" party, the film is basically given high ratings.

Especially at the end of the film, the scene where the jigsaw rises from the ground greatly sublimated the whole movie. Even in the comments of many fans, "The Chainsaw" was included in the ranks of high-IQ movies. And blood has become the best label.

"This kind of movie looks exciting, and it burns your brain. In short, no detail can be overlooked. Every **** scene makes people feel particularly excited."

Ronan's goal is to make the image of "jigsaw" become a totem in the minds of horror film lovers. Every mention of this field cannot avoid him.

Although this kind of **** and cruel horror film is not particularly popular in North America, "Chain Saw" still became a well-deserved popular horror film during the relatively cold movie schedule in September. It was first released in North America in its first week. , Not only successfully won the box office list, but also won the box office of 23.2 million US dollars.

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