The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 389: The important thing is

In the screening hall, Miller, who is in charge of the cinema screening business at Emperor Entertainment, and Brown, the person in charge of the same business at AMG Cinemas, sat in the third row together.

Before the show started, the two chatted a few words.

"Recently, Emperor Entertainment attaches great importance to the two films of Embassy Pictures." Brown said softly to Miller: "Emperor Entertainment has taken out nearly a thousand theaters. This is the treatment only for the production of the six major companies?"

Miller didn't care, and said, "Aren't you the same? A lot of resources have also been invested in films released by Embassy Pictures."

Brown humbly said: "The scale of AMG is less than God King Entertainment, and there is a gap with you."

Miller smiled and said, "I'm responsible for the company, shareholders, and performance. I don't care where the film comes from. Movies that make the theater more profitable are good movies."

"From a profit point of view, the two films that Embassy Pictures has released this year have really good box office results." Brown has the same view: "Resident Evil is a success, not even the darkness of "Underworld" Niche movies, the North American box office has nearly 80 million U.S. dollars, which is really amazing."

Miller said: "Embassy Pictures has not released many films, but the success rate is extremely high. It has almost released one successful one, which makes the theater bear very little risk."

Brown nodded: "Yes, everyone is willing to release a film that can attract audiences."

Miller added: "As long as the film released by Embassy Pictures, the first producer is Ronan Anderson, Emperor Entertainment will give the best treatment."

Brown recalled it and said: "In the past three years, Ronan Anderson seems to have not failed."

"Don't you think Ronan Anderson is on the way to a gold medal producer?" Miller said seriously: "The films released and produced have their own characteristics, but without exception they have achieved commercial success. They look like a young man. Jerry Bruckheimer of the time."

Brown retorted, "No, not like Jerry Bruckheimer."

Miller looked at Brown strangely: "Let's not talk about Ronan Anderson's company, just look at movie production, isn't Ronan Anderson not successful enough?"

"I didn't mean that." Brown saw Miller misunderstood his words, and explained: "I always think Ronan Anderson is better than Jerry Bruckheimer when he was young. Jerry Bruckheimer when he was young There is Don Simpson's support, but Ronan Anderson? There is no powerful force behind him."

Miller agreed with this statement: "It's true. In terms of production and selection of projects, Ronan Anderson's ability and vision are something people have to admire."

Brown added: "Ronan Anderson has already begun to try a large-scale production. If he can succeed in this aspect, maybe in a few years, he will be able to reach the height of Jerry Bruckheimer."

"Don't forget, it was a pirate movie." Miller reminded: "I still don't understand why Ronan Anderson chose the pirate theme."

Brown echoed: "Actually I don't understand."

Perhaps this is the difference between talented producers and ordinary people?

He couldn't help thinking like that. Ronan Anderson didn't look like a fool, and it was not impulsive or dizzy to invest heavily in "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Maybe he saw something he didn't notice?

The movie began to show, and the theater fell silent.

Hollywood horror and thriller movies tend to highlight their advanced technology and brutality, which is different from the atmosphere of Asian horror movies.

In fact, "Reaper is Coming" also focuses on visual stimulation, while Asian horror films focus on psychological intimidation.

Although the director has been changed, the glorious sequel tradition of Hollywood commercial films is absolutely not lost. Therefore, the story of the second part inherits the routine of the first part. Escaped from the danger, the **** of death killed the people on the list in another way, and there was not one left.

The game of Grim Reaper may end because of the birth of a new life, but only that round of killing games is over. As long as there is money to be made in the statistics of Relativity Entertainment, Grim Reaper will continue his **** game.

Despite the introduction of a fresh director, Gilmour del Toro, the film is still very routine. In fact, this sequel is no longer about fatalism and the like, but instead shows "one million ways to die in accidents. ".

Of course, this film has a certain social and educational significance.

For example, when the train is passing by, don't get too close to the train; you should pay attention to crossing the road and look around; no people can stand under the crane, etc.

Compared to the first part, "Reaper is Coming 2" is more gorgeous, more exquisite, more bloody, and more brutal.

This is also the biggest breakthrough.

This movie has drifted away from fatalism in a completely **** and heavy taste of killing.

In fact, since the first part, there has been a critical voice, thinking that death does not exist at all.

A movie is born, you can choose not to watch it.

When the audience chooses to watch it, they must acknowledge the premise of the movie's existence, that is, the concept and character background set in the movie.

For example, when watching "The God of Death is Coming", it is believed that there is no God of Death in this world, then this film should not exist at all, because even the preconditions for the establishment of everything in him are denied.

For example, when watching Jack-Chen's "Police Story", I recognized the concept that Chen Jiaju is a policeman, so I can continue to watch the following plot.

If the audience asks at the beginning: "Why is he a policeman?" "I was admitted to the police academy, and then he was a policeman." "Then why did he take the police test?" "Then you should ask Chen Jiaju."

This is not an exaggeration. As the Internet becomes more prosperous, there will be more rain in the future, and most of them are the kind that cannot be convinced by the presence of the king.

Even if it is one of the three great Mexicans in the future as the director, "Reaper is coming 2" is definitely not excellent, but this kind of small and medium cost sequel commercial film, first and foremost, is to make the target audience can enjoy it.

The rest are secondary.

Immediately after the film screening, on-site investigators from the Cinema partner company began to collect the first-time comments of the premiere audience on the film.

"You can hit a B, overall it's not bad."

A 25-year-old male viewer gave a small gift from the investigator and said with a grin: "The film can scare me, which is very good, and after watching it, I feel that the whole world is full of malice. "

The investigator then found another audience, who had similar comments: "B+ or A-, I decided to stay at home for a few days after I go back, so I won’t go out, lest I get nervous."

As the premiere was either a fan who was affected by the first film or an audience who liked this type of audience, the scores from the on-site survey were all high.

"After watching the movie, I was in a daze, and I was worried that there would be disaster when I went out."

When the investigators found two big boys who were watching the movie together, one of them said dissatisfied: "It's so so, there is no novelty, it's too routine, and you can see that you are going to keep dead."

The other person’s opinion was completely different: “I know they will all die, it’s not important. What’s important is that the process of death is wonderful. The plot is not important, but the important thing is that the cruel and **** scenes are very enjoyable. It doesn’t matter how many people die. What’s important is that it’s good to see someone die from beginning to end."

This is also the opinion of many fans who like this type of horror film.

For the likes of Jason and Freddy, there is still a market after so many films, enough to reflect the preferences of a certain audience.

Just as some audiences know very well that the brain-disabled youth films in the movie are very routine and lack sincerity, and they still go to see it happily, **** horror films have never lacked an audience.

Moreover, compared with system-type films, as long as the cost of **** horror films is controlled and filmed in the usual mode, the risk of losing money is relatively small.

After the premiere, Embassy Pictures continued to promote the offensive. "Reaper is Coming 2" also began to be shown on a large scale in North America. The actual number of theaters opened was close to 3,000.

As the sequel to the hit movie, this film has obvious advantages over "Resident Evil" and "Underworld".

Contrary to Ronan's expectation, the reputation of "Reaper is Coming 2" surpassed the first one.

Under the promotion and guidance of the Internet Publicity Department of the Embassy Film Industry, the voices of praise on the Internet accounted for the majority.

"It is more sensational than the first one. This should be attributed to the more sensual stimulation of the death scene."

"I think this sequel is not bad. The first part is well received with its freshness, but the second part has the extension and extension of the first part, so it's still very powerful."

"The film is full of blood by an inescapable fate. Every small object in daily life may lead to a path of no return. The film has played a role in safety education to some extent, I believe After seeing it, everyone will pay attention, don’t cross the road, don’t walk under the billboard, don’t try to rush into the fast-closed elevator, don’t let water get close to the electrical appliances, don’t ignore the escape ladder, etc.

Regarding Rotten Tomatoes, this sequel has nearly 60% freshness. Perhaps film critics were also frightened by death?

Dare to make a negative review? If you make a bad review, you will be stuck to death by a pen, and killed by a burst of keyboard...

Reaper will launch a deadly fight!

The audience ratings are very good. More than 5,000 users of IMDB scored 7.4 points. Cinema theater audiences scored an average of B on the spot, and it is predicted that the North American box office performance should be the same as the first.

The box office performance is indeed not bad. On the first day of its opening in North America, "Reaper 2" won $11.8 million in the box office from nearly 3,000 theaters, beating the "Elven Mouse 2" and "Bajiao" which were released in the same period. Strange", won the box office champion of the day.

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