The Best Director

Chapter 500 No one knows what he is thinking

Chapter 500 No one knows what he is thinking

When the curtain came to an end from December 15th to 21st, the new North American weekly box office list was released. After receiving extremely high word-of-mouth reviews, "The Amazing Director" was released in 2,850 theaters for two days and grossed 22.83 million at the box office!

The average per room is $8,010, ranking second on the weekly list. Although it is not a box office bomb, these two days are not weekends! Twenty million is already a very strong performance, and Miracle Director's reputation did not disappoint. Paramount President Brad Gray and others took a long breath. If there are no accidents, it is conservatively estimated that "The Miracle Director" The North American box office will not be less than 80 million, and optimistic estimates... it will be more than 100 million!

This is too important for Brad Gray. Profit performance is the longevity of the president's position. Paramount's performance this year has continued to be poor. Before this week, 12 new films were released on a large scale. The current North American box office has exceeded 100 million and has There are only two movies with the potential to exceed 100 million, including "Beyond the Fence" (155 million) obtained through the acquisition of DreamWorks, and "Mission: Impossible 3" (134 million) starring Tom Cruise, who has already fallen out with him. There have been profits and losses, including "Jackass 2" that made a lot of money, and "Last Holiday" and "Mouse Country" (DreamWorks) that lost their underwear.

In total, the company didn't make much money. This week, another highly anticipated 85 million new film "Charlotte's Web" opened in 3,566 theaters, with a box office of 18.8 million in seven days. Fortunately, its Rotten Tomatoes index is a decent 787,167 , there should be no serious losses.

What's even more fortunate is that some projects were already there before he took office, and he only had merits and demerits in terms of publicity and marketing; and "The Amazing Director" was one of the projects he decided to put into production after he took office as the new president, and it was also one of the projects that Parallel This is the last film under the cooperation agreement between Meng and Scott Rudin. Rudin has decided to leave and takes over Miramax, but it is necessary for both parties to maintain a good relationship. The joy brought by "The Amazing Director" Let the relationship between the two parties pick up again.

Looking at the performance of other films this week, this drama biopic is even more gratifying. Fox's 100 million-cost new film "Dragon Rider" only opened with a box office of 30.49 million, and it was adapted into a movie.

"Just as you can't resist an Amazing Young movie, you'll find yourself watching 'The Amazing Director' again and again. It's easily one of the best films of the year." -- a+, Christie Lemire, The Associated Press.

Looking at its box office and reviews, Gray became more intoxicated and happier the more he watched it. Not only was it a box office hit, but it was also a surprise hit at this year's Oscars, the most beautiful hit in his career so far! What a merry Christmas!

I really want to express my gratitude to Wang Yang, who is loved by everyone. Of course, the more important thing is to build a good relationship. Miraculous Yang was not invited to attend the premiere before, nor did he express any opinions on the film, which resulted in a lot of topics missing. With the reputation of a "genius agent", Brad Gray naturally knows how to speak to make people happy.

He called Wang Yang to compliment him and asked him if he had watched the film and whether he was satisfied with it or not. Wang Yang said directly: "I haven't watched it yet, but I am definitely not satisfied because my family is not satisfied."

In the end, Brad Gray still failed to make Wang Yang laugh happily, and he even teased him a few words in a cynical tone: "If you decide to make a sequel, you can contact me and I will consider directing it myself."

"I didn't expect that I would be so popular." In fact, when Wang Yang learned that "The Amazing Director" had a box office of 12.62 million on the first day, he laughed with Jessica and said, "I should make this theme." Although he thought the idea was good, Jesse Ka was a little confused: "Make a biopic of yourself?" Wang Yang laughed and said, "Others can write autobiographies, why can't directors make autobiographies?" Jessica felt that it made sense and she could make a romantic comedy first! She asked with a smile: "When will the photo be taken?" Wang Yang shrugged and said, "When I am no longer young and start to remember the past, it will be in a few decades."

did not expect? What I didn't expect was that the biopic about Yang's life was only released in 2006! A group of film producers are very strange and regretful. They are too old-fashioned and have been affected by some old-fashioned ideas. They should have made such biopics long ago!

According to the closing data survey, 75 of the audience were under 35 years old, and 40 were under 25 years old; 57 of them were female audience members. It can be said that young people from all over North America were mobilized. Although there is no clear data, everyone knows that Asian audiences It is a force that cannot be ignored. Overseas, tens of millions of viewers are looking forward to this movie, and young people in several major ticket markets in Asia are fascinated. It is also expected to be introduced to mainland China next spring!

According to the current momentum of word-of-mouth, its global box office will exceed 200 million US dollars at any time!

How many films like this are there in a year? Not much, no wonder Lionsgate's Jon Feltimer and others are beating their chests. But now "The Amazing Director" has taken the cake first. Even if Wang Yangke has uncovered many stories, such as the imprisonment incident until "District 9" won the award, no one will follow suit immediately. It will take time for the market to become hungry, and The results of "The Amazing Director" are far from certain. Not only the film producers, but the whole world is opening their eyes to see how powerful it is.

Anyway, in the past two days, the media and the public have been praising it one after another. Needless to say, David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin have been praised on the altar. Some people are starting to say that this is their masterpiece. It is no longer "Seven Deadly Sins", "Fight Club", "The Heroes of the Righteous Sea", etc.

Although "The Director" only received one nomination for Best Screenplay at the Golden Globe Awards, looking at the current response, everyone knows and is discussing how many Oscar nominations and Oscar trophies it can get?

Every cult must have fans, and fans naturally come with strength in numbers, and there are many Fincher fans. Regarding his new film, Fincher fans are divided into two groups. One group is very excited and happy. Fincher has directed 6 films. This is the first time that I am so majestic! At the same time, he was unanimously praised by film critics and audiences for the first time. He finally found the balance between business and art, public hobbies and personal style! Fincher previously evaluated "The Amazing Director" in this way. He said: "It is very suitable for a date and will be a pleasant movie viewing.", "Its rhythm is very unique, but it is more mainstream. It is a very good movie."… …

Now he can shout, "This is a mainstream date movie!"

While the other group praised it, they were not very happy, regretful and disappointed. If it was Fincher five years ago, what would "The Amazing Director" look like? In order to cater to the mainstream and Oscars, Fincher has made more and more compromises. Those unique black, gloomy, cold, and cult qualities seem to be leaving him... He is like Wang Yang in the film, from a bohemian guy to Learned how to be a public lover.

"Maybe that's what Fincher feels. Why is it that Young, after making a movie that made the United States go crazy, is still so lonely and goes to the movies alone? Because no one actually understands him." Movie fan Everett said in Bloggers express their opinions.

In addition to the director and screenwriter, the wonderful performances of the actors were most praised. It is no exaggeration to say that Allen Liang, who made his debut on the big screen, gave a genius performance. The "Wang Yang" he created has the charm of 18-year-old Wang Yang. It also has a charming flavor after dramatization.

In the words of J.R. Jones of "Chicago Reader": "The real Wang Yang may feel that he completed the performance." Justin Zhang of "Ety" commented: "He captured Wang Yang's emotions and way of thinking. , no matter what happens, he gives a reaction that belongs to Wang Yang and belongs to genius." Roger Ebert wrote in the film review: "Alan Liang's performance is natural and unpolished. , full of talent and infectious energy.”

More than one fan raised their thumbs and said that Alan Leung's performance deserves to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor. If it comes true, he will become the first Chinese actor to win this honor.

An Oscar nomination is still far away, but what is certain is that Allen Leung is already a charismatic star whose fan base is growing rapidly. If it were in the past, his outstanding appearance and American accent might have hindered the development of this young man. He had to practice his muscles and make kung fu action movies to find a way out. But with the crazy growth of Huomo movies, what's more important is the rapid development of the Chinese film market. Growth, even if there is no customized company like Oriental Flame, there will be more and more Chinese actors in Hollywood, supporting roles and leading roles, so he will not worry about not getting the next film contract.

Faced with this huge success, Alan Liang is particularly calm and self-aware. Thinking about the performance of Miriam Yang after "The Ghost Story", he was so calm and mature. What kind of person is he? He has already decided that he will go back to Brown University to continue his studies, but he will take elective courses in performing arts to enrich himself and wait for opportunities.

Allen Liang is very low-key, while Camilla Belle and Ashley Tisdale are busy with the media interviews and other exposure brought by their fame. Originally, their acting skills were not superb, and they were definitely more like idols. On the other hand, they performed well under the direction of David Fincher, which of course has something to do with their cold treatment. Together with the momentum created in the previous publicity stage, the two young beauties have jumped into the ranks of Amanda Seyfried and others, becoming one of the most dazzling new generation actresses in Hollywood.

"The Amazing Director offers a story of astonishing genius. It's a style in which the producers and directors achieve rare results with clever, humorous entertainment, a crisp and fast pace, and without overstimulating the audience, while allowing us to see clearly. It tells the whole story of the "Ghost Chronicles" incident and reveals many interesting things about Magic." Rotten Tomatoes user John-b gave it a full five-star rating; "w! I never thought that this topic could be adapted so beautifully, a fascinating film A perfect movie!” Carlos-j also gave it full marks;

Spencer-n, who hooked up with three stars, was a little dissatisfied: "I thought I forgot what pretentiousness means, and then I watched this movie. To be honest, it was an annoying feeling, Wang Yang was like he was above everyone Although he is indeed a genius. I want someone to explain to me without being rude, why this movie is praised as a masterpiece?" Full marks to Debbie-C wrote: "Incredible movie! It is absolutely perfect ! There are a few words to describe its brilliance: "The Amazing Director" is so real, smart, and truly recreates a piece of history! I love Amazing Young, and the hype about this movie and whether it was real or not made me hesitate for a while. I was undecided for a long time, but luckily I didn’t miss it.”…

True, clear, and reproduced, of course no one will take it 100% seriously, but "The Fantastic Director" has obviously inevitably had some impact.

It's just that the more beautiful this place is, the more people feel that something is wrong. There is a surge of wind and rain filling the building. It's calm, so peaceful! Senior movie fans know Wang Yang's style, but he didn't say a word, and Jessica and Rachel didn't say a word. No one involved expressed their opinion, not even "according to his friends" news! No one knows whether Wang Yang has seen this movie, no one knows what he is thinking...

However, when you look at the list of new films opening this weekend, no matter how dull you are, you will suddenly realize that Magic Yang has worked hard to "shoot at the same time", isn't it just to wait for this moment? He was silent and didn't say anything. He must have wanted to clean it up in the cinema.

Christmas week is coming! "The Amazing Director" has its first weekend, and it has also ushered in a group of fierce-looking opponents, including "The Dead", "Night at the Museum" and "Spy"!

"The Amazing Director" is afraid that "The Dead" will mess up or be strangled by it, but the success of the former has undoubtedly created great publicity and atmosphere for "The Dead", regardless of whether the audience has watched "Infernal Affairs" or not We all walked into the theater with expectations. With 7 Golden Globe nominations, this must be a good movie. So how exciting are the performances by Heath Ledger, Michael Pitt and others? What kind of film did the magical director make? The 12th directed film will be announced soon!

As a Yang fan, I have been really happy in the past few days. Across North America, Evelyn, Claire and others entered the venue early and sat down, laughing and chatting with friends while waiting for the opening.

Today, there is really no R-rated crime drama that has opened in 3,765 theaters. It is not "The Hangover 3" (3,655 theaters), "V for Vendetta" (3,365 theaters), or "The Hangover" (3,365 theaters). "Underworld 2: Evolution" (3207 stores)...It is not an ordinary R-rated movie! It will most likely be the highest-grossing R-rated film in 2006, at least the second one! Fire Movies doesn’t want to cooperate with theaters to make so many copies. If it does, the theater owners will rush to Santa Monica to grab a copy and take it back!

Under the night, as the long music sounded, the packed screening hall was quiet. The opening animation of the flame movie was shown on the big screen in front of the audience. Countless pairs of eyes lit up, "The Dead" is coming!

I saw the pale yellow moth flying into the blazing flames in the darkness. It came to the beautiful pastoral world. Under the blue sky and white clouds, moths with shining wings and colorful butterflies danced together, entangled in the flying Toward the sky, a flame grew between them, and beneath it appeared "flames-lms." …


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