The Best Director

Chapter 491 Culture is being established

"That's it, stretch out your feet, one step, two steps..."

New York is full of autumn in October. The morning sunshine brings more warmth. In the garden where fallen leaves are falling, the green lawn is full of life.

Keke was wearing a pink long-sleeved T-shirt and blue suspenders. The cold-resistant training since childhood made her feel warm. At this time, she had a simple and happy smile on her face and stepped out her bare feet one by one. She felt very novel. and excitement. Wang Yang squatted in front a few meters away, opening his hands to attract her over. Jessica gently held her armpits with her hands to keep her balanced, and at the same time spoke warmly to teach her how to walk.

In fact, there is no need to attract her at all. The little sweetheart is so interested in learning to walk that she has to stand up while crawling. In addition, she has always paid attention to sports training. She has played a lot of foot games and is now officially learning to walk. She's doing great.

"Keep, keep, you're great." Jessica quietly and slowly let go of her hands. The staggering steps made Keke's body start to shake. The whole world started to spin for some reason. Plop! She fell forward on the lawn and came into close contact with the grass. She suddenly let out a "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." thing?

Until now, the two of them still don't know who is the good cop and who is the bad cop. Sometimes Wang Yang wants to pamper the baby, but Jessica can't; sometimes she wants to pamper the baby, but he says no. Maybe they have both, so by combining them, Keke can't get any benefits and grows up strong and happy every day. This time, because of Wang Yang's "martial arts spirit", the two implemented the iron-blooded baby toddler plan. Falling is not terrible, the most important thing is to stand up again. This is what toddlers are all about! Therefore, he is not allowed to buy auxiliary tools such as walkers and walking belts.

"Stand up!" Wang Yang clapped his hands, feeling a little nervous, and shouted: "Keke, stand up!" Looking at her daughter lying on the lawn, Jessica resolutely ignored the urge to help her and also clapped. : "Come on, come on, you are the best! You are a super baby!" No matter if she understands it or not. Wang Yang met her looking eyes and encouraged him seriously: "You have to stand up by yourself! Every time from now on, don't cry, don't wait, stand up!" Danny, who was tied to a tree in the distance to prevent trouble, also said Watching quietly.

"Ah ah. Oops!" Ke Ke seemed to understand, but she wanted to stand up and continue walking! Everyone was not disappointed. The baby turned over and sat up without crying or fussing. He put his hands on the ground and stuck out his little butt, and stood up unsteadily!

The tense faces of Wang Yang and Jessica immediately showed proud and gratified smiles, and the sounds of encouragement and praise continued to ring out in the garden, until the cheers of "Wow!" were followed by laughter. Danny wagged his tail happily. It was so happy to see Keke stumble into Yang’s arms!

Time is gradually approaching mid-October. At 9:00 pm on Thursday, October 12th, the biggest brand of the 2006-07 autumn season, the long-promoted and long-awaited TV drama version of "Fireflies" by fans of the series will land on the screen!

Created by Wang Yang and Joss Whedon,

The premiere episode has a budget of 15 million, a wonderful trailer, and the world of Cowboy Bebop in "Firefly"! In the latest episode of "The Big Bang Theory" that night, Sheldon and others got into an interesting argument over watching the premiere of "Firefly." It also raised the expectations of the latter and attracted a large number of viewers.

There are more than tens of millions of American viewers waiting in front of the TV, and there are absolutely hundreds of millions of global viewers waiting for resources on the Internet, and they are not disappointed. It is simply a perfect premiere episode, even though it has been under tremendous pressure along the way, from the perspective of a TV series look. Impeccable in every aspect.

"Perfect, smart, funny, great acting, gorgeous special effects, beautiful action scenes, and a solid plot, it was such an amazing, enjoyable premiere episode! I will cherish it. Because in my opinion, It will be the best series on television." us gave it a 10 out of 10; "A true brilliance! Firefly delivers a clever story, witty dialogue, wonderful humor... everything is absolutely top-notch. Two of the best on television Perfect performance by the most talented people in the industry." us scored 10 points; ky8 scored 10 points: "The best science fiction TV series ever, from the amazing script, perfect actors, meticulous special effects, these are movie-level "There will never be a second series that brings them together like Firefly."...

It is indeed the most expensive science fiction TV series in history. Of course, the special effects are not as good as the movies, but it makes the fans satisfied; and the most important plot aspect of the series is also so attractive, different from "Prison Break" and "Missed" A series that is intense, thrilling, and suspenseful, "Fireflies" has a structure in which each episode has a unit story, which is then connected into a big main line. The highlight of it is that the characters, lines, and various details, etc., present a combination "The whole thing is a ton of fun" in a fresh and interesting future world with multicultural elements.

You can breathe a sigh of relief, Flame Family Entertainment can also cheer to your heart's content, X regrets it again, and "Fireflies" has received amazing ratings as expected!

The premiere episode had an average of 26.8 million viewers and an astonishing rating of 16/25 points! It has created the best opening ratings for the channel and the entire screen in recent years, beating "The Big Bang Theory" from 8:00-8:30 PM, CBS's "" and other dramas in the same period, becoming the new king of Thursday night prime time!

Last season """ had an average of 25.2 million viewers per episode, and it remained at 24.3 million before this season. However, when "Firefly" came out, it suddenly dropped to 20.1 million, a 17.2% drop, almost falling below the 2,000 mark that had been maintained for many years. 10,000 mark! The CW channel's "Supernatural" was squeezed from 3.1 million to only 2.3 million, a plunge of 25.8%, almost losing its survival ground. Channels such as , X, and MNT were also unable to escape the disaster.

It's just that they seem to have no countermeasures. Even if you want to make fun of it on a late-night talk show, it is so difficult, because compared to the ratings, the evaluation response of "Firefly" is even scarier, with an average score of 98 by online critics and an average score of 9.8 by users. ; IMDb gave it a score of 9.9! Absolute advantage in the first place. Everyone seemed crazy, and the Young and Joss Whedon followers didn't like anyone saying it was bad.

"One of the best TV shows of all time." - 100 points. Adam Bachman, "New York Post"; "If you only have one hour of TV time a week, watch 'Firefly.'" -- 100 points, Maureen Ryan, "Chicago Tribune"; " The flavor and ambition of "Firefly" is unparalleled, it gives so much fun, the characters, dialogue, acting, etc. are all top-notch, Whedon and Wang's best moments." - 10 Golden Mountain Chronicle, Ti Jim Goodman; "Firefly is establishing a new pop culture that transcends any science fiction genre and is so fascinating." - 100 points, Virginia Heffernan. "New York Times"……

However, no one said it was bad. It was like the story repeated itself after "Firefly" was released last year. The drama critics unanimously applauded it!

With a score of 98, it ranks first in the rating list of TV series broadcast on the Internet since 2006. It is on par with the fourth season of "The Wire" (98/9.7), but the latter's ratings are very dismal; the third place is "The Wire". The Sopranos" Season 6 9 ranked fourth, followed by SYFY's "Battlestar Galactica" Season 3 9. They were all the dramas this year that scored over 90 points.

Except for "Fireflies", the other three are all premium channel dramas. Broadcast channel drama means that it is aimed at a broad market of both young and old. Even if it is "young people" and "science fiction" that pursue the positioning of 18-49 ratings, it is a very nihilistic definition, unlike paid dramas that are targeted at The precise positioning of a specific type of market naturally has its own difficulties. However, "Firefly" tells the world that radio dramas can be as sophisticated as cable dramas, more atmospheric, and suitable for all ages. Gained more thumbs up from critics and audiences.

Although the ratings of the second episode on October 19 declined, this is normal. It still received an average of 25.5 million viewers; the third episode on October 26 reported 25.1 million. Since its launch, it has been the most popular viewership for three consecutive weeks. Thursday Champions! And on the weekly charts, it ranked second behind the popular variety show "American Idol," as Heffernan and others noted. Cowboy Bebop culture is building!

If the movie "Firefly" is about pulling up a tall building from the ground, then now it is about strengthening and decorating this tall building. With the success of the TV series, the brand of "Firefly" has been further expanded, and at the same time, comics, Peripheral products such as setting collections, illustration books, books, toys, etc. are continuously being launched. Its impact on global culture and youth around the world has only just begun.

The influence is not always a good thing, such as the "early pregnancy trend" once upon a time. Years later, "Juno" seems to have added another member to the "victim alliance", Keisha Custer-Hughes, who was 13 years old The 16-year-old girl who won the youngest Oscar nomination for Best Actress for "Whale Rider" (1990-03-24) is pregnant! Recently, Hughes' agent confirmed the news that she will welcome her first baby next spring, and the baby's father is 19-year-old Bradley Hull.

Because Hueys plays the Virgin Mary in New Line's feature film "The Nativity," which is scheduled to be released on December 1, her pregnancy out of wedlock was not a trivial matter. It was exposed by the media early, and then received special attention.

"I like Natalie Botman very much. Although I don't know why, I just like to watch her act. Her Juno is great. There are also Julia Roberts and Halle Berry.", "Pie Kaia (the heroine of "Whale Rider") has a very unique character, just like Juno. She is only 11 years old, but she knows who she is and is full of confidence. Very few 11-year-old girls can Like him, she is a role model for young girls, and I would love to be like that.”…

Instead of becoming Pikea, I became Juno. The gossip media dug up some of what she said before. It is worth mentioning that she also guest-starred as Queen Apelana of Naboo in "Star Wars Episode III", the successor of Amidala. Lana is named after the character Kea in "Whale Rider".

Although some media wanted to interview Wang Yang and Natalie to express their opinions and hopes on the matter, they did not accept any interviews. In fact, it has been almost 6 years since "Juno". It's really none of their business. Except for some sensational headlines from bad media, such as "Miracle Young made the youngest Oscar nominee pregnant?"... No one dared to say "Miracle Young made the Virgin Mary pregnant?"

"That bastard, she did what I didn't dare to do when I was 16! This is really unfair. If anyone gets pregnant early in the future, everyone will say it was us." Natalie called Wang Yang and talked about This thing is just a complaint. Without the shock of the collective pregnancy, Wang Yang was not touched at all. It is impossible that all early pregnancies are related to him. He said: "I have met Hueys, a very precocious little girl." Natalie agreed: "Yes, we have met on the set." Wang Yang said helplessly: "Anyway, we don't have to worry about her not being able to raise the baby financially, but. I think we should warn Chloë Grace Moretz."

Since "500 Days of Summer", Moretz has liked Natalie very much and also likes "Juno" very much. She doesn't want to suddenly get pregnant when she is 16 years old.

Natalie agreed again, but obviously not now. Wait until Moretz grows up. She asked with great concern: "How is little Juno doing recently?" Wang Yang smiled happily and said: "Very good! She is learning to walk." She's pretty. I know her. She doesn't want to lose to Matilda." It was Matilda again, and Juno again. Natalie laughed: "How could it be? Matilda doesn't want to lose. There is no Oscar nomination." As she said that, she suddenly sighed with emotion: "I think I was poisoned, and I really want to snatch you and the baby away." Wang Yang said seriously: "Maybe you have been tricked, go Let’s take a look over there in Thailand.”

Little Juno has been really well recently, but Wang Yang didn't tell Natalie that he was ill. I don't know if it's because of the head drop, but it's definitely not possible to be pregnant, even if I have retching from time to time.

In fact, he was overtired. After all, he was not a complete iron man. When "The Dead" was finished, he relaxed a little. In addition, "I Am Legend" recently shot night scenes every day, resulting in lack of sleep. During the day, he was in the editing room with Margaery. Special cut in front of the computer screen. Or go to the score room where Hans Zimmer is in charge, and pay attention to the tone work...

Wang Yang was so overwhelmed these days that he didn't even go to the boxing match invited by Heath Ledger. He didn't want to be beaten until he fainted in the ring. It was like paying off a debt. After all, he had never had a good rest except for some short vacations since he didn't know when. After learning about this situation, Nancy said calmly: "Welcome to join me."

The distressed Jessica naturally advised him not to force himself, but Wang Yang really couldn't relax. The scheduled date for sending the DVD of "The Dead" to the MPAA and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for making copies was not far away. October 27 passed and Saturday came, he could take a long nap to replenish his sleep, but he had a strange dream. He fell headfirst on the set, and no one around him helped him. Pfister, Will, Heath, Michael, Natalie and others clapped and shouted: "Stand up, stand up!"

This weekend no longer belongs to "The Magician" which was released in its 7th week, nor does it belong to "Flags of Our Fathers" which was released in its second week but was not a hit and was well-received. There are only two large-scale releases this weekend, a thriller in 1,305 theaters. The film "Uprising", 3175's R-rated horror film "Saw hún 4".

After the first perfect trilogy that will always be a classic, it is absolutely impossible for the film critics who want to smash tomatoes all the way to change their attitude. Is it still SAW if it is not bloody, violent and perverted? Fire movies have never been envisioned that way. The key is to make the audience applaud!

The long-awaited SAWmí are both harsh and tolerant of "SAW4". One SAW every year has become a fixed Halloween program. Of course, they don't want SAW to become boring without James Wan and Leigh Whannell, but Darren - If Lynn Bowsman wants them to applaud and buy a DVD for his collection in the future, of course he has to show some skills. No audience is not picky.

16%/0% film review freshness! 15 mainstream media unanimously gave it an average score of 2 (out of 10)! It set the lowest freshness record in the series, which was much lower than "SAW3" at 29%/25%.

In addition to the old Rotten Tomatoes such as "incomprehensible", "pointless", "stupid and cruel", those critics who originally gave the SAW series a passing score gave fresh Rotten Tomatoes. The Globe and Mail's Stephen Cole said: "Originally SAW was a thoughtful and rigorous production, SAW4 is a carnival of blood." John Monahan of the "Detroit Free Press" said: "The most boring SAW in the series."

Wesley Morris of the Boston Globe said: "SAW4 specializes in a new kind of panic. It loses the intricate twists and turns of the story and focuses on the development of torture ideas and torture, but it is far inferior to the previous three films. With box office, the Flames don't care." Elizabeth Weitzman of the New York Daily News said: "This death trap may be rusting, but as long as it keeps generating new blood, it won't be closing anytime soon."… …

This is exactly the changing face of SAW4. Compared with the previous trilogy, under the direction of Darren-Lynn Bowsman, it has become even more crazy, focusing on the creation of various killing games and various cruel scenes! Because of the conversation, he knew that regardless of the results of SAW4, in order to keep the flames fresh, SAW5 would probably not be directed by him, so Bosman unleashed all his madness and poured it into SAW4. It can be called the series The most heart-wrenching and bloody one ever.

Maybe continuing this way is a dead end. However, in the current fourth part, this exciting change has been made and it has received very good results. The audience's liking is stable at 79%, which is only a 7% drop compared to SAW3's 86%. , although some fans expressed disappointment, it still managed to save the hearts of the audience.

"It was so scary that I had to close my eyes a few times." Amy-L gave it four stars; "This will go down as one of the dumbest movies ever released by Fire, and the worst out of three stars. Zack-C prefers it." Previous Style; "Pretty much the most amazing movie ever made. One of my favorite SAWs. In fact, I kept wiping tears from my eyes while watching this movie. It was really sad and disturbing. "Brittany-S gave it a full five-star rating; "It's not as intriguing, brutal, and not as interesting as before. "Jenny-B gave it zero stars; Jimmy-F gave it four stars: "It's not bad, unforgettable traps and quite eye-catching torture scenes. "...!"

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