The Best Director

Chapter 489 Another champion

"The Conjuring is a rich and elegant film, full of cunning, cunning characters, and complex motivations." - 3/4, Mick Russell, "San Francisco Chronicle"; "People and The wildly entertaining "The Illusion" proves that a movie doesn't need to be silly missteps or ridiculously far-fetched to be escapist." -- 3/4, Claudia Pugh, USA Today; "This stunning romantic thriller, set in 1900 Vienna, is an outstanding example of low-budget art." - 3.5/4, Peter Howell, "Toronto Star"...

At this year's Sundance Film Festival, Flame Films bought Wagyu's 16.5 million fantasy suspense romance film "The Magician" for a high price of 25 million, and has been doing related publicity work. On September 15, "The Magician" It landed in 2857 theaters, and then it received a 75%/87% Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating.

This is a masterpiece! Mainstream media including "Times", "Hollywood Reporter", "Washington Post", "New York Times", etc. have all given high ratings. Film reviews can be seen everywhere such as "pretty good", "very interesting", "beautifully produced" and other praises. , Rotten Tomatoes’ official website summarized it as: “The Magician is a riveting, well-crafted mystery story in which magic and conspiracy are undeniably captivating. If you weren’t under the spell of hypnosis, you would be a spellbound viewer.”

Director Neil Berg, starring Edward Norton and others have been highly praised. The unique vision of Flame once again proved to the world that it is a "miracle wholesaler". It is the highest-rated drama after the large-scale release of Sundance this year. .

Not only the film critics, but also the audience. RE's movie poll shows that the overall score of the movie is A, and 18 to 24 year olds gave it an A+ Rotten Tomatoes audience favorite score of 85%, a gratifying performance!

Julia-l scored 4.5/5: "Great movie, go see it!" Deanna-g scored full marks: "Excellent plot, wonderful acting!" Kirsten-r, who scored five stars, wrote Said: "This is a really good movie! I thought it was dumb and bad trash. But it's not, I really loved it." Lacey-a said: "An amazing masterpiece!! Top-notch acting and an unforgettable storyline.”…

When the curtain came down from September 15th to 21st, the Flames won another North American weekly box office championship this year!

The total market box office last week was only 92.85 million. It was the only week in 2006 with a box office of less than 100 million yuan. This week it rebounded to 118 million. The champion "The Magician" took in a box office of 32.36 million with an average of $11,327 per theater. !

This result can rank fourth in the box office rankings for the opening week of September. "Alabama", which ranked first with 44 million, ended up with a box office of 120 million (North America/Global). The second place was "Rush Hour Billions" with 42.83 million, the fifth place was "Billions" with 31.1 million, and the third place was the horror film "Billions" which was closer to "The Magician" with 36.7 million box office.

According to the current momentum,

There will be no surprises. The North American box office of "The Magician" will definitely be over 60 million. On the other hand, with Flame Films' complete and mature distribution system, its final total box office will undoubtedly be over 100 million! Even 200 million...

And at this time, in the face of nine-digit box office expectations. The 25 million buyout fee seems so insignificant. The gross profit of 8.5 million is so thin.

"A dark horse in autumn", "one of the most successful Sundance films", "a classic case between independent films and industrial films"...

Media outlets such as Yahoo Entertainment reported one after another, and the Flame Movies cheered for joy. The box office report "Common Fresh Magic" written by m network Brandon Gray said that "Magic Young has made young people have a great interest in "The Magician"". interest, and the movie did not disappoint them. The world once again saw the fire magic that is not new." Who would have thought? Who would have thought? ! If it weren't for Fire Films, a low-budget movie that no one would be interested in could have such a dazzling light.

Look at the other films this week. Which one doesn't look more likely to be a success than "The Magician"?

The sports drama film "Revival of the Game" starring Dwayne Johnson (PB30 million. Sony/Columbia) failed, with a first-week box office of 17.5 million and Rotten Tomatoes 42%/31%/84%. said "The Rock" Consistently promoting hard, but he hasn't gotten a headline yet" and "his appeal hasn't grown"; the crime drama "The Black Dahlia" starring an all-star cast including Scarlett Johansson and Hilary Swank (the-k-a, pb50 million, global). As a result, the opening box office was 12.82 million, Rotten Tomatoes 32%/13%/31%, a disastrous failure, "failed to meet industry expectations"...

Not only did it not meet expectations, Universal executives were literally in tears! It’s so miserable!

Rotten Tomatoes attributed "poor performances, convoluted story, and weird movie genre" to the reasons for the failure of this ambitious noir crime drama. Teacher" in comparison. It looked even more pitiful, having been completely killed.

This also makes its "kbuster" (a kind of low-budget movie that confuses the public and the public, with the obvious intention of deceiving, and has the same type of title or theme as the template movie. These movies are usually put on video tapes, videos, etc. before and after the template movie is released. DVD and other markets or theaters" have the urge to "suicide", and they have found the wrong template! For example, the bloody horror film "The Black Dahlia" (k-a, pb unannounced) by Shadow Factory, which specializes in this kind of business, was originally thought to match I got on a hitchhike, but unexpectedly the car overturned on the road.

Also experiencing this change are the bloody horror film "The Black Dahlia" (k-a-e, pb unannounced) with blood-filled images, and the internationally syndicated horror film "The Curse of the Black Dahlia" (the-curse-of-the-k-a, pb not announced). Many movies have joked about "tbd" and said that maybe "bd", "bdm" and "tbd" will be more popular if they are released in theaters.

In fact, the co-publisher behind Shadow Factory is Lionsgate Pictures, and Flame does not do business in this area. It has always been the target of KBuster, such as Global Containment, which just launched "The Treasure of Da Vinci" this summer. The new work "i-am-omega" (i-am-omega), a zombie apocalypse movie, is also being filmed. It will enter the market before the release of "I Am Legend" next summer.

In this week, the tragic ones include "Little Heroes" released by Fox, with a box office of 6.84 million, 40%/44%/51%; and the romantic film "The Last Wen" released by Paraméng, with a box office of 5.93 million, 46 %/48%/59%.

When September 22-28 becomes a thing of the past, films that have been labeled as bad films have no chance of turning around in September, but there are a few more films in the list of losers.

MGM fully proves that the film industry is becoming increasingly difficult to do. It continues to be mired in quagmire, despite the 1974 Oscar Best Picture ("The Liar") winner Tony Bill directing, starring James Franco, Jean-Reno and others, and the production cost of 60 million "Air Combat" The performance of "Heroes" was a mess, with a box office of only 7.59 million in its first week! 33%/17%/68% Rotten Tomatoes Index! MGM's debt has become a little heavier...

Sony/Columbia, which had not been very successful for a long time, also lost a lot of money, obviously it was written and directed by Steven Zaillian (1994 Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, "Schindler's List"; there were also two screenplay nominations) , a luxurious cast lineup such as Sean Penn, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Patricia Clarkson and others. "All the King's Men", which had a production fee of 55 million, only received a pitiful 4.68 million in its first week! 11%/9%/42% Rotten Tomatoes Index! The dream of a group of big names to compete for Oscars was shattered.

In fact, according to the closing survey, 75% of the audience were over 35 years old, and 53% of the audience were women. It can be said that no young people are interested in this lineup; on the contrary, "Jackass 2" took over the weekly championship with 37.46 million, 70% of the audience was under 25 years old, and 65% were men. In addition, "Jet Li's Fearless" received a good 13.08 million; "Sleep Science", which is rumored to be a favorite of Michael Yang, was also released. It lived up to expectations and grossed 560,000 in 14 theaters with an average of $40,497 per theater. Warner Bros. is about to expand independently. Screening size.

If there's a pool of blood when a movie fails, then the box office charts will be a bloody mess. The film market is so elusive. If the film itself is bad, no big name will be able to use it; if the film is good, the box office will have a chance to explode.

The dark horse "The Magician" scored an impressive 25.49 million in 3,055 theaters (+198) the next week! The average price per hotel is $8,343. Taking advantage of the trend, the box office only jumped 21.2%, and after two weeks, the total box office was already 64.72 million! According to the analysis of many institutions, its North American box office is expected to exceed the 90 million mark.

"'Jackass' storms to the top of the charts" - m network box office report, Brendan Gray's article said "'The Illusion' continues its compelling performance, 'It is a model of independent film, which is why we Take a fancy to it.' Mark Slant of Flame Films said, 'We all yearn for mystery. Magic is undoubtedly a very mysterious thing around us, and it makes young audiences feel cool.' Wang Yang is the person who best understands what is cool today. "The success of "The Magician" is not surprising," Young added. "It is a movie that makes you sit down and watch it."

Countless people around the world can’t help but sigh, ff is indeed a miracle wholesaler. Magic Young’s trip to Park City is indeed more than just skiing, it’s another big treasure!

And the bull-eye company has become a "dumb-mouthed" company. From "Crash" to "The Magician", the trajectory and ending are almost exactly the same. Bob Yare and others, who have been happy for more than half a year, quietly regret it. They have long known that doing business with the flames will be beneficial, but often in the end it will It feels like a big loss, and sure enough! They couldn't help but think that if they tried to distribute it themselves, even if the rookie distribution system was terrible, they would still be able to collect around 100 million in global box office! That way there will be more money for expansion. It’s really a small gain but a big gain...

Although ff asked about the intention of merger and acquisition once, the senior executives of Yarui Niuyan did not agree. They had secretly made up their minds that if the company jointly produced another movie that ff liked, they would never agree to sell it. They would never agree to the sale. No! Not anyone or any company! They want to publish it themselves!

However, it is obvious that Yare \u0026 Bullseye will not be able to invite Neil Berg to direct a new film in the short term. After the continuous success of "JFK Proof" and "The Magician", Berg, who can write and direct, has officially become one of the hottest actors in Hollywood. One of the emerging directors, this old man seems to have a bright future. However, other interested film producers cannot invite him because ff has already made plans with him.

Confident Flame must have expected the good results of "The Magician", so it is not surprising at all that it announced this new plan to the media and the public, "Never Ending"!

Due to the small quantity and the high quality, Huo Huo's new film projects, whether large-scale or low-budget, will attract a lot of attention from outside the industry. After seeing the news, Huo Huo excitedly started reading.

"Tless" is adapted from the 2001 sci-fi thriller "The-Dark-elds" by Irish writer Alan Green. The novel tells the story of an advertising copywriter for a small New York publishing house. Di Spinola accidentally obtained and took an experimental drug called "mdt-48", which can continuously make people highly intelligent, creative and learning. Eddie became prosperous from then on, but the good times did not last long, and the side effects of the drug followed...

It is another film adapted from a novel. Flame Films has already purchased the adaptation rights from Alan Green. According to the currently announced information, the project has been finalized to be adapted and directed by Neil Berg and directed by Bradley Cooper. Starring Eddie, it will be a movie with a budget of 30 million and is scheduled to be released in October 2008.

The popularity of "Dark Fields" is not so great that the adapted film will have a different name. On the other hand, it is also to distinguish it from "The Dark Knight" that debuted in the summer of 2008, so that it will not be regarded as a kbuster by the audience. .

Not many fans of the movie have read this novel, but of course they have. Some people are suspicious that although this novel has some commercial gimmick elements such as hunting and finance, it is generally very serious and tells how a person faces... And get out of your own predicament, this story can become a literary film or a commercial film. In fact, even Alan Greene doesn't know how Flame plans to make it?

"We already have a plan." ff had already expected this. Spokesperson Fiona Hasson told the fans on the official website: "This novel is very interesting and has rich elements. Almost every one of it can be Take them out and make them into separate movies, and our goal is to combine them and make a thriller and suspense movie with a tight plot, a fast pace, and a tense atmosphere. In some ways, it will be very similar to "T-21-Team" . There is no doubt that Neil Borg will do a great job."

Regardless, it's true that fans don't think "Never End" will fail. When will the Flames really mess up? Will it be "Chainsaw 4" that has lost the two fathers of chainsaws? The answer will be revealed on October 27th. ! .

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